Song: Auld Lang Syne Artist: Dougie MacLean
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne.
We twa hae run aboot the braes And pull'd the gowans fine. But we've wandered mony a weary foot, Since days of auld lang syne.
And we twa hae paid'l'd in the burn, Frae morning sun till dine, But seas between us braid hae roared Since days of auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet, For days of auld lang syne.
And surely you'll be your pint stoop, And surely I'll be mine; And we'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne.
And ther's a hand, my trusty fier', And gie's a hand to thine; And we'll tak' a right good willywaught, For auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne.

歌曲:友谊地久天长 演唱:黑鸭子 翻译:佚名
怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不怀想 旧日朋友岂能相忘 友谊地久天长
我们曾经终日游荡 在故乡的青山上 我们也曾历尽苦辛 到处奔波流浪
我们也曾终日逍遥 荡桨在绿波上 但如今却劳燕分飞 远隔大海重洋
让我们紧密挽着手 情谊永不相忘 让我们来举杯畅饮 友谊地久天长 友谊永存 朋友 友谊永存 朋友 举杯痛饮同声歌唱 友谊地久天长

林贝卡 2012冬 于美国
叶子姐,好久不见,想必你去度假了。May New Year bring you what you expect...愿我们的友情永恒。