Song: A Woman's Love Artist: Alan Jackson
I have felt it and I have held it I have known a woman’s love And I have tasted and I have wasted Well I have kissed it Tried to resist it I have missed a woman’s love
And I know I’ll never understand All the little things that make it grand A woman’s love And I know I’ll never come face to face With anything that takes the place Of a woman’s love
Rebecca Lin 2012 Summer In USA |
《A Woman's Love》歌曲视频是我从《美语世界》论坛搬来的,是网友doyouknowme分享的,是由Alan Jackson演唱的。据说这首歌曲有Alan Jackson的生活影子,doyouknowme介绍说:"Alan Jackson的个人经历也算很有传奇色彩,尤其是他和他妻子的分居又和好,视频里最后出场的女士就是他的妻子Denise Jackson." 我帖子里的照片是Alan Jackson和他妻子Denise的合影。
来源: [美语世界] doyouknowme 于 2012-09-24 22:36:17