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Scent Of A Woman

(2011-11-30 09:21:38) 下一个

《Scent of a Woman》tells a story of a preparatory school student Charlie Simms (Chris O'Donnell) and retired U.S. Army Lieutenant blind Colonel named Frank Slade (Al Pacino). What I like the most in the film is the tango scene, especially the dialogue between Frank and Donna.

After an unpleasant visit to Slade brother, Charlie and Frank find themselves at a restaurant, observing Donna, a beautiful young woman (Gabrielle Anwar), waiting for her date. Frank takes Donna for a tango on the restaurant's dance floor. The followings are the dialogues that I like very much.

Frank: Would you like to learn to tango, Donna?

Donna: Right now?

Frank: I am offering my services, free of charge.What do you say?

Donna: I think I am a little bit afraid.

Frank: Of what?

Donna: Afraid of making a mistake

Frank: No mistakes in the tango, not like life, simple. That makes tango so great. If you make a mistake and get all tangled up, you just tango on.


Rebecca Lin 2011 Autumn In USA

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复albert88的评论:

albert88 回复 悄悄话 喜欢Frank的话,非常自信。
Frank: No mistakes in the tango, not like life, simple. That makes tango so great. If you make a mistake and get all tangled up, you just tango on.
其实,人生道路上也是如此。不要担心出错,you just tango on。
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复静谧海湾的评论:

Guess what? "Great minds think alike". lol...

Have a nice weekend.
静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 Rebecca,

That is my favorite too. Thank you for sharing.

Wish you have a good weekend,

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复秦伯的评论:

秦伯,谢谢你分享Gabrielle Anwar的照片,岁月让她添上了几分成熟,然而,她的那双蓝眼睛依旧是如此的纯真迷人。我没有看过《Burn Notice》,刚刚去YouTube和Wikipedia看了读了相关的介绍。再谢你的分享,晚安。

Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Gabrielle Anwar
秦伯 回复 悄悄话 电影里跳舞的女孩子Gabrielle Anwar现在是电视剧“Burnt Notice“里性感的女一号。http://images.askmen.com/galleries/actress/gabrielle-anwar/pictures/gabrielle-anwar-picture-1.jpg
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复夢海星的评论:

Glad to know that you like this scene, too. Thanks for your comments.
夢海星 回复 悄悄话 That's my favorite scene also :) It's full of wisdom and beauty. Thanks for sharing again Rebecca!
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 YouTube: Scent Of A Woman
