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Spendid Melody

(2011-06-12 11:17:42) 下一个

Guitar:Spendid Melody Artist:Nicolas De Angelis
Rebecca Lin 2008 Spring In USA

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 尼古拉.安吉利斯(Nicolas de Angelis)

关于法国吉他大师Nicolas de Angelis(尼古拉.安吉利斯),澳大利亚一名记者在悉尼的一份报纸上写道:“迷人的微笑,意大利式的黑色头发,法兰西式的迷人魅力,尼古拉斯的一切都是一种纯粹的诱惑。他的手型,颀长的手指给人印象深刻。”即使有这些,如果没有后天的努力——从演奏古典音乐中获得技巧,他还是不能演奏哪怕是最基本的音乐会曲目。1981年,尼古拉.安吉利斯出版了他的第一张单曲LP唱片《安娜小笺》。时至今日,尼古拉.安吉利斯仍然被认为是法国浪漫主义吉他的英雄。他的目标不是成为一个受大家喜爱的音乐大师,而是开创一种属于他自己的音乐风格。(摘自网络)

Australian journalist wrote of Nicolas de Angelis in the Sydney newspapers, "Coaxing smile, Italian dark hair, French charm: everything about Nicolas de Angelis is pure seduction. The size of his hands and the length of his fingers are impressive..." Even with his talent, without this latter gift from nature, Nicolas de Angelis would be unable to perform the classical repertoire for which he was trained.

At the age of ten, Nicolas started the guitar with a teacher from the Paris Academy who first inspired his great love of the instrument. "Without this difficult and rigorous training" says Nicolas, "I would have great problems when it comes to playing the apparently easier pieces." Finally in 1981 he recorded his first solo LP, "Quelques Notes Pour Anna." This album paved the way for his further successes. Nicolas de Angelis is now recognised as the hero of the French Romantic Guitar trend. He has further recorded the following albums "Amour mon amour", "L'Espagnol", "Voyage", "Goa", "Grand Concert", "L'Amour à Plein Coeur", "Soleil", and the latest "Toute La Guitare". His aim is not to compete with his favourite maestros, but to create a new style all of his own. He travels thousands of miles every year. "I have always lived and will always live for the guitar," he says, "even if I went to a desert island, I would take my guitar with me." When he is not traveling, Nicolas lives on the outskirts of Paris with his wife, Evelyne, and his two daughters. "I have my own studio where I keep all my guitars and where I work on my own everyday, but I like to know that the people I love best are nearby." (Source:Internet)