ChristmasEveChristmasEvewassopeacefulandquiet.Starswereshinningin..."> ChristmasEveChristmasEvewassopeacefulandquiet.Starswereshinningin..." /> Christmas Eve - 博客 | 文学城
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Christmas Eve

(2010-12-26 07:17:12) 下一个
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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was so peaceful and quiet. Stars were shinning in the sky. After a long day excitment, my kids finally went to bed and fell into sound sleep. I wondered if they were dreaming about Santa bringing them gifts.

I quietly took the Christams gifts to the living room and started to wrap them. My thoughts drifted away. My kids have grown up so fast. It seemed that it was yesterday that they were still babies. I held them in my arms, rocked them to sleep and sang them lullibies. My kids have brought me the joy of motherhood.My husband has given me the happiness of being a wife. I am so blessed with such a happy family. Anthony Brandt once said: "We start and end with the family." I remembered another interesting interpretation for family. The word family equals "F(ather), M(other), I,L(ove), Y(ou)."

After I wrapped up the gifts, I started to put the small gifts in each kid's Christmas stocking, the bigger ones under the Christams tree. I am glad that my little ones still believe in Santa. They wrote their wish lists to Santa and baked Gingerbread cookies for Santa, too. I found a note besides the cookies. It was my daughter Beibei who wrote to Santa.

Dear Santa,

Please eat the cookies and prove Dongdong wrong!



There was a "P.S" on the back of the note, it read:

P.S. He said you do not eat them.

While I was reading the note, I could not help laughing. I ate one of the cookies and put the rest away. Oh, my kids are so adorable. I love them so much. It is going to be a gorgeous Christams. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Rebecca Lin 2010 Winter In USA

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复京趣的评论:




Have a nice Tuesday,

京趣 回复 悄悄话 我喜欢冬天下雪时的壮丽景色,大雪纷飞人们好象进入到了一个幽雅恬静的境界,一个的童话般的世界,路边松柏的清香,白雪的晶莹,给人一种幸福的抚慰,一切都在过滤,一切都在升华,连我的心灵也得到了净化,周围一切也变得纯洁而又美丽。我喜欢雪,但北京现在还没有下雪,我好期待呀!
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复五弟五哥的评论:

Yeah, I could not agree with you more.
五弟五哥 回复 悄悄话 it is wonderful explained for "Family".
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 听不到背景音乐的网友,请欣赏视频版本,连接如下:

Silent Night - Richard Clayderman