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Nada Sousou

(2010-07-27 22:12:55) 下一个

Song: Nada Sousou
Artist: Hayley Westenra
Album: Treasure
Source: Futian

Turning the pages of old photographs
I whisper thanks to each and every one
Deep in my heart you have come, come to live
Sure as the sun to see me through

Come rain or shine however the day may be
You shelter me with your smile
However far your memories may fade
Traces of you I hope to find
Then you appear and I drown in my own tears

I wish on a star, the first star of the night
You'll find me here every evening of the year
As twilight approaches I look to the sky
Searching for you with all of my heart

In grief and joy I long for you and your smile
Hoping you feel the way I do
If only you could find me from where you are
I do believe somewhere in time
I do believe I will see you once again

Come rain or shine however the day may be
You shelter me with your smile
But as each memory of you fades away
I'm so alone longing for you
You're on my mind as I drown in my own tears

Missing you so I'm missing you so
You're on my mind as I drown in my own tears

Rebecca Lin 07/27/2010 Summer In USA

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复静谧海湾的评论:


Have a nice weekend,

静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 很喜欢。谢谢你们分享的好歌美贴. 让我感慨万千...


林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复福田的评论:


福田,你知道吗?我一听你分享的这首歌曲,我就喜欢上了,我喜欢Hayley Westenra独特的声音,喜欢这歌词的意境,把一个人对往日的情感的思念描述的是如此的丝丝入扣。

翻动着旧相册,怀念着遇到过的人,经历过的事,充满着感恩和思念,正如歌中唱道:“You shelter me with your smile”。这一切的美好永留心里:“Deep in my heart you have come, come to live。” 仰望着夜晚的星空,渴望着重逢的那一天,唯有泪光盈盈。
福田 回复 悄悄话 林林大师,你的审美眼光一流,超级!你包揽了舒服、温馨的意境的捕捉!也把我惯懒了。
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 Hayley Westenra
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hayley Dee Westenra (born 10 April 1987) is a New Zealand soprano, songwriter and UNICEF Ambassador. Her first internationally released album, Pure, reached #1 on the UK classical charts in 2003. Pure is the fastest-selling international début classical album to date, having made Westenra an international star at age 16.

In August 2006, she joined the Irish group Celtic Woman, was featured on their Celtic Woman: A New Journey CD and DVD, toured with them on their 2007 Spring Tour, and also was featured on their latest DVD, The Greatest Journey: Essential Collection, released in 2008. She sings songs in a number of languages, including English, Māori, Italian, Irish, German, Japanese, and Latin.