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Love Is

(2010-02-05 08:11:11) 下一个

Song: Love Is
Artist: Vanessa Williams & Brian Mcknight
Source: 23731241

They say it's a river, circles the earth
A beam of light shining to the edge of the universe
It conquers all
It changes everything

They say it's a blessing
They say it's a gift
They say it's a miracle and I believe that it is
It conquers all
but it's a mystery

Love breaks your heart
Love takes no less than everything
Love makes it hard
And fades away so easily
In this world we've created
Where this place that we lived
In a blink of an eye the darkness slips in

Love lights the world, unites the love that's for eternity
Love breaks the chain
Love aches for everyone of us
Love takes the tears and the pain
And turns it in to the beauty that remains

Look at this place
It was paradise but now it's dying
I'll brave the love
I'll take my chances that it's not too late

Love breaks your heart
Love takes no less than everything
Love makes it hard
And fades away so easily
Love breaks the chain
Love aches for everyone of us
Love takes the tears and the pain
And turns it in to the beauty that remains

英文歌曲 Vanessa Williams & Brian Mcknight - Love Is

来源: [ 美语世界 ] 23731241 于 10-02-04 19:30:29


谢谢你在美语坛和大家分享的英语歌曲《Love Is》,那艺术朦胧的视频,那优雅迷人的双人舞,那哀伤深情的歌声,那空灵悠扬的钢琴声,让我久久地渗侵其中...这又是一首我没有听过的歌曲,感谢你的分享.

"Love takes the tears and the pain
And turns it in to the beauty that remains".

也让我想起了英语歌曲[The Rose], 和这句英语:"Love never fails....And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."



Rebecca Lin 2010 Winter In USA

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来源: [ 美语世界 ] 23731241 于 10-02-04 19:30:29
