Tomorrow and tomorrow,
How many tomorrows there are!
If in my life, I do everything tomorrow,
Everything will never be done.
Humans are bitterly misled by tomorrow,
Spring gone, Autumn come, old age is here.
Watching water flowing east in the morning,
Looking at the sun setting in west in the evening.
How many tomorrows are there in a hundred years?
So, you, please listen to my song of tomorrow.
林贝卡 2009 春 于美国
钱鹤滩学者,明末清初人,据说名叫钱福。钱福(1461—1504),字与谦,号鹤滩。华亭(现在上海松江)人。著有《鹤滩集》。 传世作品有《明日歌》,此诗是根据文嘉的《今日歌》修改而成,流传很广。
来源: [美语世界] 海外逸士 于 09-05-30 14:40:43