When you're alone
And life is making you lonely
You can always go downtown
Just listen to the music of the traffic
In the city
Linger on the sidewalk
Where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose
Just listen to the rhythm
Of a gentle bossanova
You'll be dancing with 'em too
Before the night is over
Happy again
话说回来,我开车最喜欢听的就是我们当地的一个音乐台,也喜欢电台的主持人Shanna & Debbi,他们俩是夫妻,主持风格是诙谐幽默,轻松自然,是所谓的“夫唱妇随”的那种。
在一次当地的Persimmon Festival上,我的孩子们见到了Shanna & Debbi。他们邀请孩子们去他们的演播室。顺便告诉你我一个迷路的小插曲,我迷路是出了名的。
那天孩子们在Persimmon Festival玩的太开心了,直到晚上11点钟才肯回家。那晚的月光真美,孩子们上车不久就睡觉了。我开上了高速公路,穿过了市区,开到了郊外,离家大约10钟的路程,我迷路了,我开到了一个小山上了,我推醒已经熟睡的大儿子,告诉他,我迷路了。
那晚飞机场的灯光成了我们的指明灯,让我感到如此的温暖,照亮了我回家的路。当时先生和我说话时,用的是Speaker Phone, 医院里的护士都听到了,我成了出了名的:“找不到回家路的女人”。如今我有了GPS,是我的救星了。
话归正传,记得那年孩子们放寒假的时候,我带孩子们去了Shanna & Debbie的演播室,看他们主持节目。一走进他们的演播室,Shanna就要孩子们向听众自我介绍。我们家的“小外交家”老大总是首当其冲开始说起来了,孩子们自我介绍完后,Shanna & Debbi继续主持着他们的节目,他们俩配合的如此的和谐,Shanna还我让我的两个小女孩坐在他的椅子上,教他们按键钮,真有趣,让我看到了Shanna很温情的一面。
说起《Downtown》,就不得不说她的演唱者Petula Clark,在Wikipedia上读到:“Petula Clark, CBE (born 15 November 1932), is an English singer, actress and composer best known for her upbeat popular international hits of the 1960s, especially "Downtown". With more than 70 million records sold worldwide, she is the most successful British female solo recording artist and is cited as such in the Guinness Book of World Records.
She also holds the distinction of having the longest span on the UK pop charts of any British female artist — 54 years — from 1954, when "The Little Shoemaker" made the UK Top Twenty, to 2008, when her CD Then & Now: The Very Best of Petula Clark debuted at #17 on the UK Albums Chart . ”
昨天在YOUTUBE上看到Petula Clark在70岁时演唱《Downtown》,虽然青春不再,然而歌声依旧,风采犹在, 原来人也可以老的如此优雅, Petula Clark是艺术常青树。

林贝卡 2008 夏 于美国
谢谢你告诉我,我现在要和家人去朋友家party. 回来后,一定去拜读你的大作。
I finished the writing about the story coming to my mind when listening "Downtown". See if you like it.
Enjoy your weekend with your family