Each time I do an interview," says Steve Hanks, "I am asked what my goals are. My answer is always, 'the journey is the goal.' People too often focus on getting that great house or career and spend their lives working for it. In the process, they miss out on the special times. It's good to keep the important things in the foreground.
--Steve Hanks

My paintings of children are about my hopes and dreams for them, and about my desire to expose them to the arts: literature, art, music, dance and theater. I want to encourage them to make decisions for themselves, to stand on their own two feet, to think for themselves and to reach for their dreams.
--Steve Hanks

今天我还是第一次欣赏到美国水彩大師Steve Hanks的作品,谢谢网友的分享。一看到Steve Hanks这组水彩画就被深深地吸引了。画面时如此的温馨淡雅,深情感人,让我想起了李自健的母亲孩子油画系列。
“Mommy, which one do you like the best? ”asked Nana.
“My little artist, I like all your paitings. ”answered me.

Yesterday, my kids turned in their 4-H projects. Nana's Little Mouse House is really impressive. She made that Little Mouse House in her Art Class. My kids go to art classes every Friday afternoon. They enjoy their art classes very much. Mrs. Dalton is their art teacher. She said that she loves my kids to death.
Ever since each of my kids turned five, I sent them to Mrs. Dalton's art class. They have been with her for several years now. Mrs. Dalton teaches my kids oil paitning, water painting, pencil sketch, etc. She also teaches them how to make objects by clay. Mrs. Dalton, thank you so much for everything you have done for my kids. I really appreciate it. Those painting skills my kids learned in Mrs. Dalton's painting class will benefit them for life. My oldest son's school art teacher was amazed by his painting skill, too. He told his art teacher that Mrs. Dalton taught him how to paint.
Nana's Little Mouse House was made by soft clay. After she finished it in the art class, she brought it home. My oldest son helped her bake The Little Mouse House in the oven so that it would stay in the same shape forever. The Little Mouse House was a green roof with black background. The colors match really well. It is really delicate, very artisitc and in great details. She got a very good comment by the 4-H judge.

我喜欢听她弹Beibei's Serenad,清脆悦耳,晶莹飘逸,纯真感人。听她弹这首曲子,我好像回到了童年,回到了故乡。Beibei's Serenade是贝贝的竖琴老师Mrs. Voris特地为她而作,以她的名字来命名的,真让我们感动。Mrs. Voris总是惊叹孩子们的音乐天赋,不时的问我是否学过乐器等,我答道:“我只会一点点,喜欢听音乐而已。”
看着Steve Hanks画的一幅幅充满生活气息美好的画面,想起我可爱的孩子们,不由地感慨:“艺术来源于生活,却高于生活。”

Thank you very much.
Have a nice Sunday,
Thank you very much for your kind messages as always.
Have a great summer,
Enjoy your summer,