林贝卡2011-03-29 11:31:34回复悄悄话
Claude Choe
Romantic sentiment shining through exquisite melodies
As an accomplished composer, producer, classical guitarist, and a conductor Choe has captivated an audience worldwide with his soul-touching melodies for over two decades.
Choe started composing and performing at an early age studying with his inspirational parents; a university professor and violinist father and mother. Choe received numerous awards for his compositions starting early in his musical career.
His music has been widely heard and loved as main theme music for film and television dramas, particularly for “Love is Just a Dream” and “As I leave” sung by the world renowned Warner Classic artist soprano Sumi Jo.
The Salerno International Film Festival of Italy awarded Choe with The Best Film Music in ´93. In 2002, he participated in the opening ceremony music for the World Cup. Also, Claude's musical career took on a grander scale in 2003 as he became the musical producer of the Korea-America 100th Immigration anniversary album.
Choe conducted the Washington Symphony Orchestra and its chorus at a first musical concert ever held inside the Capitol Washington D.C in 2003. In the same year, he produced the concert “We Are Together” celebrating Canada's multiculturalism with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and its 120 singer festival chorus.
He was the first Asian artist to conduct the legendary Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia in its 170 year history. Also, he conducted Calgary Philharmonic orchestra for the Asian Heritage Day in Canada.
His music has been recorded and conducted at the Carnegie Hall and the Abbey Road studio, Leningrad Concert hall, and Jack Singer Concert hall with world renowned orchestras including the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, St. Luke Philharmonic Orchestra, Washington Symphony Orchestra and the London Symphony Orchestra. (Source: Internet)
Romantic sentiment shining through exquisite melodies
As an accomplished composer, producer, classical guitarist, and a conductor Choe has captivated an audience worldwide with his soul-touching melodies for over two decades.
Choe started composing and performing at an early age studying with his inspirational parents; a university professor and violinist father and mother. Choe received numerous awards for his compositions starting early in his musical career.
His music has been widely heard and loved as main theme music for film and television dramas, particularly for “Love is Just a Dream” and “As I leave” sung by the world renowned Warner Classic artist soprano Sumi Jo.
The Salerno International Film Festival of Italy awarded Choe with The Best Film Music in ´93. In 2002, he participated in the opening ceremony music for the World Cup. Also, Claude's musical career took on a grander scale in 2003 as he became the musical producer of the Korea-America 100th Immigration anniversary album.
Choe conducted the Washington Symphony Orchestra and its chorus at a first musical concert ever held inside the Capitol Washington D.C in 2003. In the same year, he produced the concert “We Are Together” celebrating Canada's multiculturalism with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and its 120 singer festival chorus.
He was the first Asian artist to conduct the legendary Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia in its 170 year history. Also, he conducted Calgary Philharmonic orchestra for the Asian Heritage Day in Canada.
His music has been recorded and conducted at the Carnegie Hall and the Abbey Road studio, Leningrad Concert hall, and Jack Singer Concert hall with world renowned orchestras including the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, St. Luke Philharmonic Orchestra, Washington Symphony Orchestra and the London Symphony Orchestra. (Source: Internet)
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Claude Choe(崔宰鳳)出生在韩国,1998年移居到了加拿大的卡尔加里市。他是作曲家指挥及音乐制作人。他在十岁的时候开始了他广泛的音乐学习,他的母亲是一位芭蕾舞演员,父亲是小提琴演奏家和音乐教授。他在韩国和欧洲接受音乐教育,获得了独特的指挥和作曲技能。
崔宰鳳所涉及的音乐流派包括古典、流行、爵士,甚至是电影或电视音乐。除外,他还可以说是一位专业的吉他手。他的令人震动的音乐将朝鲜文化和感觉结合到欧洲传统古典音乐之中。无论是韩国,还是意大利或美国,都拥有广泛的听众。 (摘自网络)
兰兹•李斯特(李斯特•费伦茨)(德语:Franz Liszt,匈牙利语:Liszt Ferenc,1811年10月22日—1886年7月31日)匈牙利钢琴演奏家和作曲家,浪漫主义音乐的主要代表人物之一。李斯特将钢琴的技巧发展到了无与伦比的程度,极大地丰富了钢琴的表现力,在钢琴上创造了管弦乐的效果,他还首创了背谱演奏法,本人则具有超群的即兴演奏才能,他也因此获得了“钢琴之王”的美称。作曲方面,他主张标题音乐,创造了交响诗体裁,发展了自由转调的手法,为无调性音乐的诞生揭开了序幕,树立了与学院风气、市民风气相对立的浪漫主义原则。
李斯特一生创作了700多首音乐作品,还著书立说,出版多部论文和书信集,他的论文有《论艺术家的处境》。主要音乐作品有吉普赛风格的《匈牙利狂想曲》,《浮士德交响曲》,《但丁交响曲》,《帕格尼尼练习曲》等。《爱之梦》(三首夜曲),作于1847年,钢琴独奏曲。正如副题所示的, 这三首小曲颇具肖邦的"夜曲"风格。但此三曲并非一开始就为钢琴而作,而是李斯特为德国浪漫派诗人弗莱里格拉特的第二部诗集《瞬间》里的著名抒情诗《爱吧! 你可以爱得这样持久》所配的"男高音或女高音独唱用的三首歌曲"的声乐曲谱。因此,这三首作品都是把重点放在旋律上,充分表达出作者对原诗的理解。 这三首小曲中的第三首最为有名,直到现在仍然是各种音乐会上常演不衰的曲目。 这首曲子通常被称为《爱之梦第三首》,6/4拍。开头的甜美的旋律贯穿整个乐曲,优美的分解和弦烘托出浪漫的气氛。(来源:音乐快递 佳乃下午茶)