林贝卡 (热门博主)
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(2008-04-05 14:18:10) 下一个

蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲 作曲:约翰施特劳斯

林贝卡 2008 春 于美国

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复seasy的评论:

My pleasure.

Have a nice summer,

seasy 回复 悄悄话 蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲
It is a music with all my dreams when young
but even now, still love it
will make me really want to dance
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 Johann Strauss II
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Johann Strauss II (in German: Johann Strauß (Sohn), "Johann Strauss (son)"; in English also Johann Strauss the Younger, Johann Strauss Jr., Johann Sebastian Strauss) (October 25, 1825 – June 3, 1899) was an Austrian composer known especially for his waltzes, such as The Blue Danube. Son of the composer Johann Strauss I, and brother of composers Josef Strauss and Eduard Strauss; Johann II is the most famous member of the Strauss family.

He was known in his lifetime as "the waltz king" and was largely responsible for the popularity of the waltz in Vienna during the 19th century. He revolutionized the waltz, elevating it from a lowly peasant dance to entertainment fit for the royal Habsburg court. His work enjoyed greater fame than his predecessors, such as his father and Josef Lanner. Some of his polkas and marches are also well known, as is his operetta Die Fledermaus.

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 Johann Strauss II Waltz

Jugendträume op. 12 Youthful Dreams (1846)
Sträußchen op. 15 Bouquets (1846)
Sängerfahrten op. 41 Singers' Journeys (1847)
Liebeslieder op. 114 Lovesongs (1852)
Phönix-Schwingen op. 125 Wings of the Phoenix (1853)
Schneeglöckchen op. 143 Snowdrops (1854)
Man lebt nur einmal! op. 167 You Only Live Once (1855)
Wiener Bonbons op. 307 Viennese Sweets (1866)
Feenmärchen op. 312 Fairytales (1866)
An der schönen blauen Donau op. 314 On the Beautiful Blue Danube (1867)
Wein, Weib und Gesang op. 333 Wine, Women and Song (1869)
Freuet Euch des Lebens op. 340 Enjoy Life (1870)
Tausend und eine Nacht op. 346 Thousand and One Nights (1871)
Bei uns Z'haus op. 361 At Home (1873)
Wo die Zitronen blühen op. 364 Where the Lemons Blossom (1874)
O schöner Mai! op. 375 Oh Lovely May(1877)
Rosen aus dem Süden op. 388 Roses from the South (1880)
Nordseebilder op. 390 North Sea Pictures (1880)
Kuss-Walzer op. 400 Kiss Waltz (1881)
Frühlingsstimmen op. 410 Voices of Spring (1883)
Schatz-Walzer op. 418 Treasure Waltz (1885)
Wiener Frauen op. 423 Viennese Ladies (1886)

林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲





  序奏开始时,小提琴在A大调上奏出徐缓的震音,好象是多瑙河的水波在轻柔地翻动。 在这个背景上,圆号吹奏出这首乐曲最重要的一个动机,它象征着黎明的到来。


  第二圆舞曲首先在D大调上出现, 巧妙而富于变化的第二圆舞曲描写了南阿尔卑斯山下的小姑娘们,穿着鹅绒舞裙在欢快地跳舞(片段2);突然乐曲转为降B大调,富于变化的色彩显得格外动人。



  第五圆舞曲是第四圆舞曲音乐情绪的继续和发展,只是转到A大调上。 起伏、波浪式的旋律使人联想到在多瑙河上无忧无虑地荡舟时的情景。 接下去的部分,是全曲的高潮和结尾。乐曲的结尾有两种,一种是合唱型结尾,接在第五圆舞曲之后,很短。另一种是管弦乐曲结尾,较长,依次再现了第三圆舞曲、第四圆舞曲及第一圆舞曲的主题,最后结束在疾风骤雨式的狂欢气氛之中。(摘自网络)