林贝卡 (热门博主)
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(2007-08-12 16:52:57) 下一个


歌曲:是否 演唱:苏芮

是否这次我将真的离开你 是否这次我将不再哭
是否这次我将一去不回头 走向那条漫漫永无止境的路

是否这次我已真的离开你 是否泪水已干不再流
是否应验了我曾说的那句话 情到深处人孤独

林贝卡 2007 14春 于美国

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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复尼古拉达的评论:



林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 回复静谧海湾的评论:

Thank you so much for your messages. You are a great mother. I hope everything goes well with your son's exams.

My kids will start school tomorrow. They can not wait to go back to school. Guess what? Yesterday, Daniel told me that everybody should pretend to go to school today. They did it this morning. I woke my kids up at 7:00 AM. And they got dressed, brushed their teeth and had breakfast. Everything went soomthly. They are ready for school. I am proud of them.

You have a nice evening and wonderful week,

尼古拉达 回复 悄悄话 回复林贝卡的评论:谢谢你贝卡,好久没听这首歌了,每次听这首哥,我都会流泪,这次也不例外,而且流的好多,因为我是个国际流浪汉,是从别离走向别离,凡是听别离的歌都会特别激动,谢谢你又给了我一次流泪的机会。

静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 贝卡,

I am very glad for little Tony. Two sisters are at the same school. This will help him settle in smothly. Guess the little thing must be very exiting on Monday!

My son already back to school at end of July. He is in the last year of high school and the final exam is in Oct so he is a bit busy. I try to help if needed sometimes, like marking his answer of past exam paper according to the answer sheet...

Wish little Tony enjoy his kindergarder & you have a good week,


静谧海湾 回复 悄悄话 很喜欢苏芮的歌, 真诚, 深情。

