Directed by Donald Petrie
Produced by Sandra Bullock
Written by Marc Lawrence Katie Ford Caryn Lucas
Starring Sandra Bullock Benjamin BrattMichael Caine Candice Bergen
Music by Ed Shearmur
Cinematography Laszlo Kovacs
Editing by Billy Weber
Distributed by Warner Bros.
Release date(s) December 22, 2000
Running time 109 min.
Language English
Followed by Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
Plot summary
When a serial killer indicates that his next target is the Miss United States beauty pageant, the F.B.I. decides that they must get an undercover agent as a participant in the contest.
A search uncovers no suitable candidate other than a bumbling female agent (Sandra Bullock). Reluctantly, her captain (Ernie Hudson) agrees to let her join the team working the case. The team is led by a womanizing agent (Ben Bratt) who has an apparent reluctant attraction to Bullock's character. She enters as Miss New Jersey, replacing a contestant who was discovered to have acted in a porno film. The pageant managers (Candice Bergen, William Shatner) are immediately aghast about the agent appearing in the pageant, but arrange a top handler (Michael Caine) to come give her a quick makeover, with the expected outstanding results. Unfortunately, she still is bumbling.
When the killer is suddenly caught, everything seems to be over, except the female agent tries to convince her boss that something is still not right. She has discovered that the pageant managers are being dismissed after 21 years for younger people.

Memorable Quotes
tan Fields: Miss Rhode Island, please describe your idea of a perfect date.
Cheryl "Rhode Island": That's a tough one. I would have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.
Gracie Hart: I am in a dress, I have gel in my hair, I haven't slept all night, I'm starved, AND I'm armed! Don't MESS with me!
Gracie Hart: I would so like to hurt you right now.
Victor Melling: As long as you smile.
Victor Melling: Smilers wear a crown, losers wear a frown.
Victor Melling: The last time I saw a walk like that was in "Jurassic Park."
Kathy Morningside: I would much rather cancel the show than have my girls blown up.
[after McDonald sees himself in a bikini on the computer]
Eric Matthews: We were just looking for someone to go undercover at the Pageant, sir.
McDonald: And I'm the best we got. That doesn't inspire much confidence.
Eric Matthews: Don't look at me like I betrayed you.
Gracie Hart: No, betrayal implies an action, you just stood there!
Eric Matthews: All right, here are your new IDs. For pagent identity.
Gracie Hart: Gracie Lou Freebush?
Eric Matthews: Yeah, remember, you like that name.
Gracie Hart: Yeah, well, my IQ just dropped ten points.
Victor Melling: Why is New Jersey called "The Garden State"?
Gracie Hart: Because "Oil and Petrochemical Refinery State" wouldn't fit on a license plate?
Gracie Hart: You think I'm gorgeous... You want to kiss me... You want to hug me... You want to love me... You want to smooch me... You want to hug me.

Stan Fields: Isn't she lovely? Thank you, Gracie Lou.
Gracie Hart: And thank *you*, Stan.
[Gracie walks offstage]
Victor Melling: That was charming. Are you drunk?
Gracie Hart: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go unscrew my smile!
Eric Matthews: Why don't you shut up.
Gracie Hart: Why? You're shutting up enough for both of us.
Victor Melling: Your hair should make a statement.
Gracie Hart: As long as it doesn't say 'Thank you very much for the Country Music Award'!
Victor Melling: Glide! Glide! Don't pick your feet up. Don't, don't... Why are you picking your feet up?
Gracie Hart: Because I'm preparing to run away!
Victor Melling: [teaching Gracie how to glide] See? Glide. It's all in the buttocks. Don't I look pretty?
Gracie Hart: It takes a very secure man to walk like that.
Gracie Hart: [a taxi nearly runs Gracie over] Hey! I'm gliding here!
Gracie Hart: Look, she's gonna cry again.
[imitating winner]
Gracie Hart: "Oh, if I only had a brain."
Cheryl "Rhode Island": My idea of a perfect date would be a man who takes me to a romantic dinner, and then we walk along the beach barefoot discussing books and - and music and - and movies.
Gracie Hart: In Hawaii don't they use aloha for hello and goodbye?
Miss Hawaii: Yeah, so?
Gracie Hart: so if you're on the phone with somebody and they won't stop talking and you say, ok take care, aloha, don't they just start over again?
Miss Hawaii: Oh I know and it's an honor to have made it this far, I mean especially when you come from such a small state,
Cheryl "Rhode Island": Oh that's so true. Us Rhode Islanders...
Miss Hawaii: Umm I wasn't finished. Did it sound like I was finished?
Cheryl "Rhode Island": I'm sorry. I,
Karen "New York": Ay Dios, what are you apologizing to her for? She's obviously been drinking too much Coppertone.
The best of Miss congeniality (sandra Bullock) (来源:美语世界 跨国)
[Vic puts some fake boobs in Gracie's suit]
Gracie Hart: Oh good. I guess it's time to go apply at my local Hooters.
[Vic holds up a tube Haemorrhoid ointment]
Gracie Hart: What? Hemorrhoid ointment? You really think the judges are going to be looking that closely?
Victor Melling: It's for the little baggies under your eyes.
Gracie Hart: Really.
[Vic shakes a can of hairspray]
Gracie Hart: Oh good, hairspray. Something I finally recognize.
[Vic sprays the bottom of her suit and she bonks into the mirror]
Gracie Hart: What are you doing?
Victor Melling: It stops the suit from riding up.
Gracie Hart: Riding up where?
Victor Melling: Just... up!
Gracie Hart: That is enough!
Victor Melling: Why do you make things difficult for me?
Gracie Hart: Oh yeah. I can see this is an incredibly embarrassing situation for YOU!
Eric Matthews: Just imagine that she's me and there's something you wanna know but I don't wanna talk about it. What would you do?
Gracie Hart: You want me to beat it out of her?
Kathy Morningside: New Jersey, as you know, there are people who consider the Miss United States Pageant outdated and anti-feminist. What would you say to them?
Gracie Hart: Well, I would have to say that I used to be one of them. And then I came here and I realized that these women are smart, terrific people who are trying to make a difference in the world. And we've become really good friends. I mean, I know we all secretly hope the other one will trip and fall flat on her face... but oh wait a minute, I've already done that! And for me this experience has been one of the most rewarding and liberating experiences of my life.
Victor Melling: My god, I did it!
Gracie Hart: And if anyone, anyone tries to hurt one of my new friends, I would take them out. I would make them suffer so much that they'd wish they were never born. And if they ran, I would hunt them down. Thank you, Kathy.
Victor Melling: A brief shinning moment and then that mouth!
Kathy Morningside: You know, you think you saved something tonight, but all you did was to destroy the dream of young women all over this country.
Gracie Hart: What? You think that their dream is to get blown up?
Eric Matthews: You gotta admit, part of you is going to miss this.
Gracie Hart: I know I am going to miss the heels because they do something for my posture. And suddenly very aware and proud of myself.
Eric Matthews: Funny, so am I.
Victor Melling: He's with me.
Eric Matthews: I'm not "with him" with him, you know? It's not like...
Victor Melling: Come on, Muffin!
Kathy Morningside: Twenty-five years of beauty queens and what do I get? Fired! They steal my life. They steal my beauty pageant!
Gracie Hart: Hey! It is not a beauty pageant. It is a scholarship program.
Kathy Morningside: Yeah, yeah.
Gracie Hart: YES!
[answering her question]
Cheryl "Rhode Island": In a way America is like a ship and if we work together that's when the ship can get safely home.
Victor Melling: Terrific answer!
Gracie Hart: Oh my gosh, it's the crown!
Victor Melling: Yes, you can taste it now can't you!
[Gracie is taken to the stage pointing at her head]
Victor Melling: You will wear the crown, be the crown! You are the crown!
Eric Matthews: Listen to me you old fruitcake!
Victor Melling: How dare you, you cupcake!
Victor Melling: The interview is the most important part of the pageant. It counts for 30 percent of your total score.
Gracie Hart: What's the other 70 percent, cleavage?
Eric Matthews: Hart, listen to me. I've waited five years to run my own op. You think i'd blow it on the wrong girl?
Gracie Hart: No no no I know the only reason you picked me was because I was the only one who looked half decent in a bikini and wasn't on maternity leave.
Eric Matthews: No, that's why they *let* me pick you. You wanna know why I picked you?
Gracie Hart: Lost a bet?
Eric Matthews: Because you're smart. You're funny. You're easy to talk to when you're not armed. Look, give yourself a break. Cut Vic and the other pagent ladies some slack cause if they ever get a chance to see what I see then... they're gonna love you.
Miss Congeniality is Very Imperfect (来源:美语世界 跨国)
Eric Matthews: You took your earpiece out! Vic needs you, now!
Gracie Hart: Eric, I haven't slept in two days!
Eric Matthews: I'll give you a cookie.
Gracie Hart: [mumbling to herself] It better be a big one.
Gracie Hart: You know what...
[grabs Eric in a headlock]
Gracie Hart: Pull this off! What, is it because Macdonald hates me?
Eric Matthews: He doesn't hate you!
Gracie Hart: Is it some woman thing?
[Eric knocks her to the floor]
Eric Matthews: Don't kid yourself! Nobody thinks of you that way!
[Gracie trips him and sits on his back, holding him down]
Gracie Hart: He's punishing me, isn't he?
Eric Matthews: [under Gracie] Look, I had to beg him to let you do this!
Gracie Hart: What?
Eric Matthews: Yeah, like it or not you screwed up, pal!
[they roll over attacking each other]
Gracie Hart: [Sitting on Eric again] This may come as a shock to you but I've never been in a beauty pageant before! I don't even own a dress! I don't even own a brush!
[They roll around again]
Eric Matthews: [with Gracie's thighs squeezing his head] Which part o' that is supposed to shock me?
[Gracie slams her thighs against his head and they roll over on the floor again]
Gracie Hart: [Eric's feet squeezing her face] Jesus! Let's just swing reality for like a second! I have to do everything like the big hair, and the makeup...
Eric Matthews: Damn right! The spinning, the twirling, the smiling...
Gracie Hart: [out of breath] So you're saying... I have to wear... the bathing suit?
Victor Melling: By the way, what are you planning to do for your talent: sing, dance, chew with your mouth closed?
Gracie Hart: I will do whatever you want me to do, Yoda.
Gracie Hart: His ego is like this big and his equipment is like this big!
来源: [ 美语世界]跨国 于 07-07-02 02:14:16