2007 (337)
2008 (647)
2009 (373)
2010 (261)
2011 (647)
2012 (511)
2013 (560)
2014 (342)
2016 (2)
Dr. Marsha: If you've just tuned in, this is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone and tonight's topic is "Your Wishes and Dreams" and we're on the line now with someone from Seattle.
Sam: Hello?
Dr. Marsha: Hello, Sam. This is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone on Network America.
Sam: OK, what are you selling tonight? The micro hibachis or the ginsu knives.
Dr. Marsha: No, I'm not selling anything. I just want to help. I want you to know that your son called and he asked me for some advice on how you might find a new wife.
Sam: Who is this?
Dr. Marsha: Dr. Marsha Fieldstone of Network America and you are on the air.
Sam: You called the radio station?
Dr. Marsha: Sam, Sam, Sam, Are you with me?
Sam: Yeah, yes.
Dr. Marsha: Your son feels that since your wife's death you've been very very unhappy and he's genuinely worried about you.
Sam: Hey, get out here. Get out here! Come on. Now I'm not going to go through this alone.
Dr. Marsha: I think it's very hard for him to talk to you about all this and I thought maybe you and I could talk, maybe it would make Jonah feel a little better, Sam?
Jonah: Talk to her dad, she's a doctor.
Sam: Of what? Her first name could be "Doctor".
Jonah: Please?
Dr. Marsha: Sam. Sam. It's his Christmas wish.
Sam: OK.
Dr. Marsha: OK. Good. Now I know this is difficult, but how long ago did your wife die?
Sam: About a year and a half ago.
Dr. Marsha: Have you had any relationships since?
Sam: No.
Dr. Marsha: No? Why not?
1. tune in
在这里要点一下,这可不是turn in而是 tune in,是在广播中经常会听到的一句话,意思是“调台”。这里主持人说if you just tune in意思就是“刚刚听此节目的听众”。
2. The Ginsu knives
Ginsu是在美国比较有名的刀具牌子。因为价钱不贵,样式新颖又耐用,Ginsu很快就成了大众消费品。久而久之当人们说到刀的时候很自然的就说到Ginsu knives。
3. Are you with me?
很地道的表达方式,意思是“你在听我讲话吗?” Are you listening to me?这种讲法也是可以的。
4. A year and a half
“一年半”的意思。我们在表达“半年”这个概念时,会很自然的想到 half a year。然后不假思索的把一年半说成 a year and half a year。其实这是不对的,正确的说法应为 a year and a half.
Network America
全称为:American Urban Radio Networks, the only black-owned radio network in the United States. On January 1, 1992, the two black-owned radio networks in the United States, the National Black Network and the Sheridan (谢里顿)Broadcasting Network, merged to become the American Urban Radio Networks. The merger represented the culmination of the effort by African Americans to participate fully in radio broadcasting.
Based in New York City, the American Urban Radio Networks offer programming to 225 affiliates throughout the United States. The networks include the American Urban Radio Network, offering a news outlet; the STRZ Entertainment Network; the SBN Sports Network; and the SPM Urban Network, a promotion and marketing company. The American Urban Radio Networks have news bureaus in major cities and at the White House.
1. 一年之后我就回来了
2. 你有再听我讲话吗?
3. 刚刚收听的听众,我们现在的话题是浪漫与爱情。