My family went to Santa Fe for a short vacation a few years ago. Santa Fe is so
different from other American cities that I have been. I did not see many
skyscrapers there. And the native architects were constructed by adobe-a
mixture of mud and straw that dried very hard and provided remarkable
insulation. Most of the roofs are flat. The new buildings in core
districts all conform to the traditional styles which contribute to Santa
Fe's timeless and special appearance.
There are so many museums and art galleries there. You can explore every
type of art under the sun while you stroll the city's historic streets: from
ancient Indiana artifacts to the world most innovative art.
What impressed me most there was Loretto Chapel. This elegant Gothic
Revival chapel, built for the Sisters of Loretto, houses a world-famous"
miraculous staircase", constructed with no nails or visible support. It was
told that this staircase was built by a mysterious carpenter. I bought two
scrolls in the gift shop near the chapel which I like very much. One scroll
is about Serenity Prayer. Another one is about Love.
Serenity Prayer
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change...
courage to change
the things I can...
and wisdom to know
the difference.
Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous.
Love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish.
Love does not take offense, and it is never resentful.
Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth.
Love is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever
comes love does not come to an end.
Well, so much about my trip to Santa Fe.
Rebecca Lin 2006 Summer In USA
拉瑞多( Loretto)教堂的魔梯 (转载)
到圣大非(新墨西哥州 Santa Fe)旅游的人,一定会去参观拉瑞多( Loretto)教堂,去参观教堂的人一定会看一看世界有名的魔梯(Miracle Stairs),看了魔梯一定要知道魔梯的故事。
她们5月出发,第2年9月才到,途中主持修女已不幸病逝。 4位多病的修女住在临时改建的修道院,辛苦工作,赢得了主教的嘉许。
每个人看了魔梯,知道了关于魔梯的故事,都会有不同的反应;我的第一个印象,却认为此梯简直就象双螺旋的DNA分子结构,当天,买了张明信片寄给在台湾的一位生物学界朋友,写着∶「你看这象不象华特森和克立克的DNA 构造?」
History of the Loretto Chapel (转载)
The history of the Loretto Chapel began when Bishop Jean Baptisite Lamy was appointed by the Church to the New Mexico Territory in1850. As part of his mission to build churches and educational facilities, Lamy asked the Sisters of Loretto (a teaching order) to leave their home in Kentucky and establish a school for girls in the frontier city of Santa Fe.
The Sisters arrived in Santa Fe in 1852 and opened the Academy of Our Lady of Light (Loretto) in 1853. Despite the challenges of the territory (smallpox, tuberculosis, leaky mud roofs and even a brush with the rowdy Confederate Texans during the Civil War), the boarding and day school expanded and flourished.
It was decided that the school needed a chapel. Property was purchased and in 1873 work began on the Loretto Chapel.
Undoubtedly influenced by the French clergy in Santa Fe, the Gothic Revival-style chapel was patterned after King Louis IX's Sainte-Chapelle in Paris; a striking contrast to the adobe churches already in the area.
Stone for the Chapel was quarried from locations around Santa Fe including Cerro Colorado, about 20 miles from Santa Fe near the town of Lamy. The sandstone for the walls and the porous volcanic stone used for the ceiling were hauled to town by wagon.
The ornate stained glass in the Loretto Chapel also made part of its journey to Santa Fe via wagon. Purchased in 1876 from the DuBois Studio in Paris, the glass was first sent from Paris to New Orleans by sailing ship and then by paddle boat to St. Louis, MO. where it was taken by covered wagon over the Old Santa Fe Trail to the Chapel.
The Chapel was completed in 1878 and has since seen many additions and renovations such as the introduction of the Stations of the Cross, the Gothic altar and the frescos during the 1890s.
The Miraculous Staircase, which legend says was constructed or inspired by St. Joseph the Carpenter, was built sometime between 1877 and 1881. It took at least six months to build, and has two 360 degree turns with no visible means of support.
The Loretto Academy was closed in 1968, and the property was put up for sale. At the time of sale in 1971, Our Lady of Light Chapel was informally deconsecrated as a Catholic Chapel.
Loretto Chapel is now a private museum operated and maintained, in part, for the preservation of the Miraculous Staircase and the Chapel itself.
拉瑞多( Loretto)教堂的魔梯
到圣大非(新墨西哥州 Santa Fe)旅游的人,一定会去参观拉瑞多( Loretto)教堂,去参观教堂的人一定会看一看世界有名的魔梯(Miracle Stairs),看了魔梯一定要知道魔梯的故事。
她们5月出发,第2年9月才到,途中主持修女已不幸病逝。 4位多病的修女住在临时改建的修道院,辛苦工作,赢得了主教的嘉许。
每个人看了魔梯,知道了关于魔梯的故事,都会有不同的反应;我的第一个印象,却认为此梯简直就象双螺旋的DNA分子结构,当天,买了张明信片寄给在台湾的一位生物学界朋友,写着∶「你看这象不象华特森和克立克的DNA 构造?」
Source: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/48a9ea0f010005jc
The history of the Loretto Chapel began when Bishop Jean Baptisite Lamy was appointed by the Church to the New Mexico Territory in1850. As part of his mission to build churches and educational facilities, Lamy asked the Sisters of Loretto (a teaching order) to leave their home in Kentucky and establish a school for girls in the frontier city of Santa Fe.
The Sisters arrived in Santa Fe in 1852 and opened the Academy of Our Lady of Light (Loretto) in 1853. Despite the challenges of the territory (smallpox, tuberculosis, leaky mud roofs and even a brush with the rowdy Confederate Texans during the Civil War), the boarding and day school expanded and flourished.
It was decided that the school needed a chapel. Property was purchased and in 1873 work began on the Loretto Chapel.
Undoubtedly influenced by the French clergy in Santa Fe, the Gothic Revival-style chapel was patterned after King Louis IX's Sainte-Chapelle in Paris; a striking contrast to the adobe churches already in the area.
Stone for the Chapel was quarried from locations around Santa Fe including Cerro Colorado, about 20 miles from Santa Fe near the town of Lamy. The sandstone for the walls and the porous volcanic stone used for the ceiling were hauled to town by wagon.
The ornate stained glass in the Loretto Chapel also made part of its journey to Santa Fe via wagon. Purchased in 1876 from the DuBois Studio in Paris, the glass was first sent from Paris to New Orleans by sailing ship and then by paddle boat to St. Louis, MO. where it was taken by covered wagon over the Old Santa Fe Trail to the Chapel.
The Chapel was completed in 1878 and has since seen many additions and renovations such as the introduction of the Stations of the Cross, the Gothic altar and the frescos during the 1890s.
The Miraculous Staircase, which legend says was constructed or inspired by St. Joseph the Carpenter, was built sometime between 1877 and 1881. It took at least six months to build, and has two 360 degree turns with no visible means of support.
The Loretto Academy was closed in 1968, and the property was put up for sale. At the time of sale in 1971, Our Lady of Light Chapel was informally deconsecrated as a Catholic Chapel.
Loretto Chapel is now a private museum operated and maintained, in part, for the preservation of the Miraculous Staircase and the Chapel itself.