1。增加竞争机会。老百姓可以跨州买保险,淘汰小保险公司。医生最讨厌跟小保险公司打交道。 太多的小保险公司在病人最需要的时候装傻。最好全国就几家大的保险公司。目前以州界为竞争界限根本就是不合理的。
病人和医生之间目前有太多的中间人,医生看个病一怕被告二怕保险公司不付三怕病人赖帐。病人看病一怕看不好二怕保险公司不付, 自己交多年的保险到头来有病还得自己掏腰包。那些靠告医生和保险公司吃饭的律师必须破产。保险公司扯来扯去的PAPERWORK必须停止。保险公司不得对任何病人不保或任何合理账单不付。对医生来说,他们的劳动收入有保障。对病人来说,他们生得起病。
3。人人要有保险。不买保险的,最后的医疗费还是有保险的人买单。象汽车保险一样,可以买基本险,多项险。所有保险的月费都该抵税,买的少抵的少,买的多抵的也多。非法移民自己掏腰包买保险这个问题比较敏感。不让他们买不人道。让他们买,账单来的时候他们不付你也找不到他们。目前穷人和非法移民都去MEDICARE医生那里或急诊室看病,基本法都是不付钱的。这部分人的医疗费都是有保险人和纳税人买单的。这不合理。奥巴马说他不会给他们保险,国会里唯一通过的佩罗西的提案却没说要不给他们买,威而逊说奥巴马撒慌,没说错。如果奥巴马政府出来给非法移民买单,就是拿耐税人的钱给自己拉票。这是共和党反对奥巴马政府保险计划的主要原因之一。问题是这些人的保险不解决,早晚还是我们大家买单。 怎么解决?的确是个麻烦事儿。
5。天下没有免费的午餐医疗保险是一个商品,你用的多你就得多掏钱。你不掏钱,就的别人给你出。你要是认为别人该你的,只要你自己不出就行,那如果大家都这样,最后是谁来买单?还不是羊毛出在羊身上?有人问那人生了病政府该不该管?如果你觉得生病政府要管,工作没了政府要管,房子小了政府也要管,买不起房子政府也要管,先别说连我们伟大的社会主义祖国都不会管你,您居然还要求美国政府来挑起这负重担是异想天开! 更重要的是,政府的钱还不是拿税人的钱,政府借的债还不得你我老百姓来还,印钱造成的通货膨胀还不是老百姓遭殃?!所以,美国保守派老百姓到华盛顿游行要奥巴政府不要乱花老百姓的钱,要对老百姓要负责,是错是对,只有白痴才看不明白。
I agree health care reforem is due to "医疗花销在迅速增长." But are you kidding "如果比较人均医疗花销的增幅,会发现所有发达国家从1990年到2003年相差不大。美国增加了3.6%." Only 3.6%, are you kidding? If you go any website, e.g., www.kff.org, you will see from 1990 to 2003, healthcare spending per person in US increase more than 100% from $2700/person to $5700/person.
I agree health care reforem is due to "医疗花销在迅速增长." But are you kidding "如果比较人均医疗花销的增幅,会发现所有发达国家从1990年到2003年相差不大。美国增加了3.6%." Only 3.6%, are you kidding? If you go any website, e.g., www.kff.org, you will see from 1990 to 2003, healthcare spending per person in US increase more than 100% from $2700/person to $5700/person.
"美国GDP医疗占的比重大,是因为医疗系统为美国的经济增长做出了"重要贡献",和美国其他行业相继外包服务后的结果." This GDP is due to inflated Drs' salary by AMA (american medical association) artificially limit the number of Drs allowed to practice in US. The medical service cannot be outsource or in other words, Drs are protected. But inflated medical cost are transferred into other industry make them less competitative in global market. They drag or will down auto, Boeing, IBM...., the every industry can possibly bring money into US except weapon industry in which price is the 2nd factor. Until then, there will be no way to pay the imported products from other countries unless the US Drs can magically force foreigners to come to see Drs in US.
I agree "生理基础到临床研究" is the real reason for advancement of medicine, but ironically, all PHD or MD doing "生理基础到临床研究" get fraction of money earned by practice Drs because doing research are not protected by AMA. I know some MD in Harvard earns only $100k a year because they see patients only half day a week, doing research most of time. However, those really produece nothing but practice got the inflated money.
Do you mean because firefighters send saved people to Drs, Drs are elligible to artificially inflate their price by limiting the number of Drs allowed to practice in US?
I never say price for Drs in LA should be the same in AL or AK, my point is that they all should earn money in free market, but they inflated their price by artificially making shortage in supply of Drs. Do you know Murphy's 20-80 law, 20% shortage could cause 80% price inflation. In fact, I was told that price of Drs in South are higher than in Boston because there is relatively more shortage of Drs in South.
After the policemen and firefighters saved someone's life, what do they do next? Go to talk to some professors at some universities? I rest my case.
Doctors can charge whatever they want to, they have to consider too things: who will pay them, and how much other doctors are charging.
I don't think AMA has too much to say here. In LAX, you can charge whatever level, different doctors have different patients with different financial backgrounds. In AK or AL,doctors fees' have be reasonable to get paid, because the fincial backgrounds of the patients are about the same.
There is no single market for doctors, you see. It all depends on where you live and what you do. Inflated fees can get away in Beverly Hills, CA but not in Mobil, AL. This is the way how market works.
Some good points there!
Obama claims that AMA supports his healthcare plan.
They should make whatever they can make. The problem is that they make inflated money by manually limiting Dr supply. It is like that you open a store, then you limit the stores of this kind can be opened. This is monoply.
Drs not for money, why not they go practice in Africa, or other country?
Talk about saving life, firefighters, police and airplane pilots they all save lives how much money they make? They are priced by free market.
Long training, how many years of training need to become a professor or Ph.D? How much they make. They can only earn at free market price.
I do not mind how much money Drs can make, but they have to make money in free market, not by manually limiting numbersof Drs allowed to practice in US. Drs are protected by AMA for now, but they will damage every production industry, auto, Boeing,....
Frankly, good Drs should make good money (Harvard, John Hopkins, ....). The problems all Drs make good money in this monoply system by AMA. This will bankrupt the country.
Another bad effects is that they do not need to do good work to stay in the business because they manually limiting the new comers.
I know many doctors,and I can tell you none of them are greedy person, they wanted to be doctors to save lifes, making a lot of money is not a crime if lifes have been saved.
I agree with you on the free market rules, however, since it takes 10 years to be a doctor, I don't mind they make a good living after investing so much of their time and money to be in the profession. Besides, they have to buy the equipments and update their knowledge, go for master class and learn knew skills. Those cost their time and money, someone has to pay for. I don't mind to pay if my life can be saved for that.
The malpractice tiral lawyers, on the other hands, must go broke. They are making money by harrasing insurance companies and doctors.
This problem primarily attributes to the AMA (American Medical Association), an institution which effectively enforces a chronic supply shortage of Drs. The production system of Dr is strangled by the withholding nature of the AMA, which requires every Dr practices in US to have residency in US (even for well experienced foreign Drs). On the other hand, the AMA restricted number of residency slots available. This environment prevents equilibrium of supply-demand od Drs from occurring, or the AMA effectively enforces a chronic supply shortage of Dr to the increasing demand. By eliminating competition, Drs can maintain high salary.
AMA’s monopoly on the production of Drs has to be removed. Let the free market decide the price. Capitalism is best at determining fair value when you don't have unions controlling supply of labor or politicians picking winners or greedy monopolies eliminating competition. In the free market environment, the Drs have to provide good service at reasonable price to stay in the market in which the consumer will benefit.
Without free market in the production of Dr, the country will be dragged deep to the sea. Any reform without changing current monopoly in production of Drs will not work &
Thanks. I do believe people should understand what's at the stake.