2007 (223)
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民主党也好,共和党也罢,国会山上的政客们个个义愤填膺。 奥巴马更是一马当先,大有要为老百姓报仇雪恨的样子。
就是这些国会议员们不顾老百姓的反对一意孤行要BAIL OUT 这个摇摇欲坠的AIG。在送钱的时候,AIG同员工的合同早就签完了,那时候,你们怎么不跳出来说,WAIT A MINUTE,既然政府拥有AIG80%的股份,公司重组,一切从头来? 布什的人马到处鼓吹AIG不能不救,民主党大佬有谁说不吗? 在搞竞选的奥巴马说什么了吗?
AIG现任的董事长Edward M. Liddy,是由政府任命的。美国政府拥有80%AIG的股份。换句话说,美国政府就是AIG。这位咱自家人最近给财政部长Timothy Geithner写信,说这些红包必须发,不然会削弱AIG员工的积极性。用他自己的话说:“We cannot attract and retain the best and the brightest talent to lead and staff the AIG businesses — which are now being operated principally on behalf of American taxpayers — if employees believe their compensation is subject to continued and arbitrary adjustment by the U.S. Treasury。”
奥巴马的国家经济委员会主任Larry Summers说,发这些红包令人发指,但还得发,因为美国是法制国家,签完了的合同受法律保护。
为什么奥巴马和这些政客们还气势汹汹地, 象要讨还血债似的, 要对AIG拿红包的人不依不饶呢?
都是要人家走或人家要走,公司(政府)出来挽留人家,说您先别走, 您帮帮忙,再工作一段时间,到时候,有红包给您。到日子政府不给钱,翻脸不认人,跟打发民工有什么区别?这些打工的不是什么万恶的资本家。
American International Group's corporate security advised employees of the insurance giant, which has received more than $170 billion in taxpayer money, to take measures "to increase their overall safety and security" due to "a growing sense of public attention fueled by increased media scrutiny."
In a memo, employees are advised to "avoid wearing any AIG (NYSE:AIG - News) apparel (bags, shirts, umbrellas, etc.) with the company insignia" and to make sure badges with the AIG name are not visible when they are outside the office.
Employees should also report to building security any individuals "who appear to be out of place or spending an inordinate amount of time near an AIG facility," according to the memo.
"Avoid public conversations involving AIG and do not engage any media personnel regarding the company," the memo also warned.
Visitors should be escorted by an AIG employee at all times when inside an AIG building, and employees are advised to "question individuals that you do not recognize and appear to be out of place."
Employees are also advised to avoid propping doors and be aware of those trying to "piggy back" into the building.
I feel exactly the same.
: D
If it's true, then who is the dumbest in the world?
这本书的上半部是奥巴马的施政方略,下半部是他的八篇竞选演说。我们老是说中国式八股空话连篇,没有内容,可这本书还不如咱们的呢,他除了吹牛还是吹牛,实质性内容甚至不如咱们常拿来开涮的“ 动员报告”。他在这本书里,全都是完全不切实际的许诺,要给老百姓这个,要给老百姓那个,可全都是口号,我看不出任何可操作的可行性。他甚至说:美国到2050年,要减少碳排放量的80%。这有可能性吗?有!一是在此之前人类已经把石油用完了,没有什么碳可以排放了;二是打核战争了;也有可能是二者一起来了。如果不发生人类历史上最大的灾变,美国到 2050年碳排放量能够做到不增长都难。可奥巴马把这些告诉美国人民了吗?他自己想过这个问题吗?当然了,到2050年,奥巴马自己都不知道在哪里了,现在就随便吹吧。可这是一种负责任的态度吗?
我认为,第一个来源只能是实事求是地要求美国人民共度时艰,在一定程度上改变自己挥霍无度的生活方式。这件事当然是很难的,由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。但奥巴马原本可以利用自己的高人气,引导美国人民往这个方向走。毕竟,就算是美国真的把碳排放量减少80%,也只不过是达到了中国现在的人均碳排放水平,既然中国人可以做到,也还活着,为什么美国人就不可以呢?至少在一定程度上改变挥霍无度的生活方式,是美国一切“ 变革”的基础。没有这个基础,一切所谓的“变革”都是空谈。但奥巴马的施政方略和演说完全没有涉及这样一个方向,而是给出可以过更挥霍无度的生活的许诺。这也就是说,奥巴马在那里声嘶力竭地喊叫的“变革”,只是一种指望天上“变革”出馅饼的虚伪许诺,而众多的美国人相信这样的许诺,则表明了他们不会有什么出息。
现在奥巴马的就职演说已经发表了。他的就职演说简而言之,就是表明了要走“ 社会主义道路”。他说:“小政府、大社会”的事你们就不要吵吵了,我该大政府就大政府了;自由市场的事你们也别吵吵了,我该政府干预就政府干预了。这似乎颇有罗斯福的气概,但是,我已经说过,今天美国的问题和罗斯福时代大有不同:罗斯福时代的美国,生产能力极强,确实就是一个生产过剩,有效需求不足的问题,而今天的美国,本来就欠着债呢,不是有效需求不足,而是本国生产能力根本就满足不了自己的消费欲求的问题。用同样的药方治完全相反的病症,我看要出更大的问题。
简而言之,美国的问题是不那么容易解决的,谁当政都不可能轻易解决,但奥巴马摇滚歌星式的执政方式是更不行的。我看他执政不如希拉里、麦凯恩,乃至小布什。有人也许会说,美国的政治制度好,能够制衡一个没有执政经验和智慧的总统,甚至能够制约一个胡来的总统,我在相当程度上认可这种说法。但这样一来,美国所谓的“变革 ”也就成了胡扯了。
我在前面的大多数判断,都是从美国的角度出发的。我无意于 “jinx”美国,我只是说出自己的一些疑问,提醒大家除了一片乐观之外的其他可能性,而不是必然性。我衷心希望美国人民成功。从中国的角度说,我们需要的是警惕美国出现严重危机时,为了摆脱危机选择战争或挑唆战争。所以,张兆垠将军2008年12月2日在《解放军报》上发表的那篇文章主张“我们必须摒弃 ‘和平建军、建和平军’的观念,牢固树立准备打仗的思想”,乃是十分正确和及时的。
By 九喻
故事背景是:2008年9月,当时的共和党总统候选人麦凯恩(John McCain)在一次竞选演说中说:“我们经济的根本strong”(fundamentals of our economy are strong)。
此话遭到当时民主党候选人奥巴马(Barack Obama)的抨击,奥巴马说:“10天前,麦凯恩说经济的根本sound…我根本不能同意。”(John said that the fundamentals of the economy are SOUND…I just fundamentally disagree)
白宫发言人Robert Gibbs回答说:我相信strong和sound这两个词在定义上有不同。
Thanks, shake hand!
Now, let's check out this double faced politician here:
Two Faced: Dodd Protected Bonuses, Now He Wants Them Out
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:30 PM
By: Jim Meyers
Democratic Sen. Christopher Dodd on Monday criticized the bonuses given to executives of American International Group Inc. and suggested that the government could tax the recipients to recoup some or all of the payouts.
But it was Dodd who inserted language — known as the Dodd amendment — in the $787 billion stimulus bill that allowed all bonuses awarded before February 11, 2009, to be paid to AIG executives. That very amendment, which is now law, is now the chief hurdle to government officials who want to recover that money.
The amendment was meant to restrict executive pay for bailed-out banks, but it also included the exception for "contractually obligated bonuses agreed on or before Feb. 11, 2009."
Dodd is the largest single recipient of 2008 campaign donations from AIG, with $103,100, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. That was more than presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain got, and nearly three times the $35,965 Sen. Hillary Clinton received.
Dodd's amendment in the stimulus bill is a "prohibition on what the president is now talking about," Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, the House minority whip, told Fox News, referring to regaining the money through taxation or other means.
But Dodd is telling reporters that his original language was changed in committee and he is not to blame.
"When the language went to the conference and came back, there was different language," he told Fox News. "I can tell you this much, when my language left the Senate, it did not include it (the exception). When it came back, it did."
Early Thursday evening, though, Democrats were at a loss to explain how and why the Dodd amendment was altered. Much of the stimulus bill was rushed through Congress with little opportunity to read or study exactly what was in it, despite frequent GOP requests to do exactly that.
AIG lost $61.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008, the biggest quarterly loss in corporate history, and has received $173 billion in federal aid. But the company is paying $450 million in bonuses to employees of its financial products unit.
Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, thundered on Monday: “This is another outrageous example of executives — including those whose decisions were responsible for the problems that caused AIG’s collapse — enriching themselves at the expense of taxpayers.”
Incredibly, Dodd has now demanded a full briefing from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury on why “clauses weren’t attached to the four AIG bailouts to halt bonuses,” according to the New York Daily News.
“Why wasn’t the Fed putting conditionality four different times they provided resources to AIG?” Dodd asked.
Meanwhile, the News is reporting that New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said his office will investigate whether the bonus payments are fraudulent because they were promised when AIG knew it wouldn’t have the money to cover them.
Thanks. I'd like to share this with you all:
Obama, Congress Knew About AIG Bonuses for Months
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 8:33 PM
WASHINGTON -- Cue the outrage. For months, the Obama administration and members of Congress have known that insurance giant AIG was getting ready to pay huge bonuses while living off government bailouts. It wasn't until the money was flowing and news was trickling out to the public that official Washington rose up in anger and vowed to yank the money back.
Why the sudden furor, just weeks after Barack Obama's team paid out $30 billion in additional aid to the company? So far, the administration has been unable to match its actions to Obama's tough rhetoric on executive compensation. And Congress has been unable or unwilling to restrict bonuses for bailout recipients, despite some lawmakers' repeated efforts to do so.
The situation has the White House and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the defensive. The administration was caught off guard Tuesday trying to explain why Geithner had waited until last Wednesday to call AIG chief executive Edward M. Liddy and demand that the bonus payments be restructured.
Neither Obama nor Geithner learned of the impending bonus payments until last week, senior administration officials told The Associated Press late Tuesday, speaking on condition of anonymity about internal discussions.
Publicly, the White House expressed confidence in Geithner _ but still made it clear he was the one responsible for how the matter was handled.
"I do know that Secretary Geithner last week engaged with the CEO of AIG to communicate what we thought were outrageous and unacceptable bonuses," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. Gibbs declined to provide a timeline that would show when members of the administration _ including the president and others at the White House _ became aware of the bonuses.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Obama's chief economic adviser Lawrence Summers said: "In the context of what we're doing, Secretary Geithner was notified, he has said, last week. As he reported to the rest of us, he moved aggressively and immediately, aggressively and immediately, to recoup whatever could be legally recouped. He recognized that you can't just abrogate contracts willy-nilly, but he moved to do what could be done."
The bonus problem wasn't new, as many lawmakers and administration officials knew only too well. AIG's plans to pay hundreds of millions of dollars were publicized last fall, when Congress started asking questions about expensive junkets the company had sponsored. A November SEC filing by the company details more than $469 million in "retention payments" to keep prized employees.
Back then, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, D-Md., began pumping Liddy for information on the bonuses and pressing him to scale them back. "There was outrage brewing already," Cummings said. "I'm saying (to Liddy), 'Be a good citizen. ... Do something about this.' "
Around the same time, outside lawyers hired by the Federal Reserve started reviewing the bonuses as part of a broader look at retention and compensation plans, according to government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The outside attorneys examined the possibility of making changes to the company plans _ scaling them back, delaying them or rescinding them. They ultimately concluded that even if AIG's bonuses were withheld, the company would probably be sued successfully by its employees and be forced to pay them, the officials said.
In January, Reps. Joseph E. Crowley of New York and Paul E. Kanjorski of Pennsylvania wrote to the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department pressing the administration to scrutinize AIG's bonus plans and take steps against excessive payments.
"I at that point realized that we were going to have a backlash with regard to these bonuses," Kanjorski said in an AP interview. In a meeting with Liddy later that month, he said he told the AIG chief that "all hell would break loose if we didn't find a way to inform the public ... and that we should take every step to put that information out there so we wouldn't have the shock."
Around the same time, Congress and Obama's team were passing up an opportunity to put in place strict laws to revoke bonuses from recipients of the $700 billion Wall Street bailout. In February, the Senate voted to add such a proposal to the economic recovery bill that cleared Congress, but in final closed-door talks on the measure, that provision was dropped in favor of limits that affect only future payments.
"There was a lot of lobbying against it and it died," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who proposed the measure with Republican Sen. Olympia J. Snowe of Maine. He said Obama's team is sending mixed messages on what will and won't be tolerated on bonuses, with the president coming out strongly against excessive Wall Street rewards but top officials not following through.
"The president goes out and says this is not acceptable, and then some backroom deal gets cut to let these things get paid out anyway," Wyden said. "They need to put this to bed once and for all."
Last Wednesday, an apparently tense conversation between Geithner and Liddy brought the matter to a head. Geithner had learned of the bonus payments the previous day, said a Treasury Department official familiar with the government's dealings with AIG.
Liddy, in a letter to Geithner on Saturday, referred to their "open and frank conversation" over the retention payments on March 11. "I admit that the conversation was a difficult one for me," Liddy wrote.
On Thursday, as Treasury lawyers scrambled to find a way to cancel the payments, Geithner informed the White House of the situation, and senior aides there relayed it to Obama, the administration officials said.
Meanwhile, the administration moved to get ahead of what was certain to be an embarrassing story.
Unprompted, officials leaked news of the bonuses to select reporters late Saturday afternoon, highlighting what Geithner had done to try to restrain the payments. The story quickly became fodder for the Sunday news talk shows.
Then on Monday, the president himself came out strongly on the issue, calling the payments "an outrage" and publicly directing his team to look for ways to cancel the payments.
Questioned repeatedly to explain this in light of the fact that the administration had already scoured its options and come up empty _ and that the bonuses had already gone out the door to their recipients _ Gibbs said that the president wanted his aides to make sure "to exhaust all legal remedies."
That's done little to quell the expressions of outrage that were blasting about by Tuesday.
"It's shocking," said Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the minority leader, that "the administration would come to us now and act surprised."
Associated Press writers Ieva M. Augstums, Jeannine Aversa, Martin Crutsinger, Ben Feller, Jim Kuhnhenn and Jennifer Loven contributed to this report.
What is even worse, the media all seemed to just show outrage Obama on AIG. Who is there to tell the viewer that it is just a show? I am mad at the Obama adminstration but worse with the media. Don't they need to pay tax as well? So irresposible!1
Just want to add that these big shots have been stealing from the beginning of time, which is the beauty of capitalism. They steal in good times and they steal in bad times, too. They just can't help themselves. There is no law that says these big shots can not steal, because all the laws are written by lawyers and created by judges that are bought and sold by these big shots and their bosses. Laws are for keeping the little guys in place, not the big ones. Heard of “窃钩者诛,窃国者侯”? This is capitalism and this is America.
It would be strange if the theft did not happen this time.
-- 写博克虽然不是论文,也要做到尊重事实,你这句话是从何说起呢?有什么依据呢?Fox?
Secondly, give me a break, don't tell me those CEOs are "labor". They are greedy criminals. Don't you feel sick to call them "labors" for the company ? Plus, don't worry about not being able to find new CEOs, in this world you can find MANY MANY more talented people that are better than those trash. CEOs have been spoiled to have extraordinary pay package. Once you completely cut this evil chain, you can still find CEOs. Why ? simple, if you think it is low pay, find a higher paid CEO position by yourself. If the law enforces a limit on that, then you can not find anywhere. And when you can not find it anywhere, you will adjust yourself to the reality and realize you are NOTHING, you should never worth that much, that evil era is gone. So, it will never be a problem for finding CEOs. Just like job market, when it is hot everyone wants to get higher salary, but when you can't find any job, you live with whatever job you have, simple.
No sir. With his own words: " it is all about spend."
Does Obama and Democrates care about who is going to pay for this?
Not a bit.
I don't know where you got your information from, but I would suggest you to take a look at the figures from the Congressional Budget Office. Clinton has left a budget surplus of $559 billion when he left office. In fact, I'd suggest you read Alan Greenspan's biography as well. He spent considerable effort addressing the Clinton surplus.
Greenspan is a Republican, by the way.
You also asked: "Who is going to pay for this?"
The American people. They will have to pay for the corporate greed and lack of oversight. We can choose not to do anything and just save the money -- let the banks and insurance fail, let the personal savings and the jobs disappear and the crisis worsen -- if you feel that is a better solution. As a taxpayer, I don't disagree with the current plan.
If the capitalism does not work, why does bother sticking to it?
哈哈,“money talks, people listen”!怎么阿Q的后代都成了美国人?!哈哈--感谢新闻自由,民主法制万岁!!
no problem, money talks, people listen.
get involved with your local politics, run for any office, or donate money or time to support your candidate, tell people what you think, engage in political discussion...
This is America, we got people and we got money. : )
Haha, noso, I admire your optimism! Long long live ”阿Q“!
所得太好了!一针见血地指出美国民主的虚伪!F* taxpayers! Go AIG!
sadly it is true, but at leat we still can do something about it.
从另一个角度说明, 当政府插手私人企业的时候,两败俱伤。公私和营是不可能成功的,中国建国时期对私有企业就是这么干预的,最后变成公有企业,改革开放又变成私有企业。
AIG的亏损主要是因为与房产坏债的CDS(信贷违约掉期)引起的。也正因为这些高风险CDS的存在,才使贷款买房变的容易。在房产泡沫后,大量房产贷款捆绑的证卷违约,作为这些CDS的担保者,AIG必须对各大金融机构支付保险赔偿。如果AIG倒闭,各大银行金融机构将收不到赔偿而竞相倒闭,金融体系将停止运转。所以,1。AIG有巨额亏损; 2。AIG不能倒闭。 但是这不能说明AIG每个部门都亏损。更不能说明员工不能拿合同上写明的奖金。只要政府在对AIG注资时没提这些合同的事,奖金应该发。
其实当年前CEO,Hank Greenberg主理AIG时,它的业务一直稳步发展,是美国保险业绝对的龙头老大,开始走下坡路开始于几年前,AIG因为业内流行的某些会计作业被当时的NY总检察长,同为犹太老乡的Spitzer抓到把柄,他为了给自己未来的政治前途铺路,把个Greenberg和他儿子Micheal Greenberg,另外一家大保险公司的CEO(Marsh),整的死去活来,随后,父子俩都因此被迫辞去CEO的职务。
据说靠咱们领薪水的是咱们的领导。: )
I don't think so.
$90 billions bail-out money went to banks through AIG, what AIG is doing here? : )
: D
I want to know the reason(s) why we can not talk about AIG's bailout?
ever heard of Freedom of Speach?
We are taxpayers, that's who we are. We are paying for all those BS that 's what we are focred to do.
let's be clear, first of all, Clinton left money on paper, there is no money left. second of all, Bush did spend like crazy, but Obama could reserve the spending not expend it.
No sir. With his own words: " it is all about spend."
Does Obama and Democrates care about who is going to pay for this?
Not a bit.
He may have proposed the biggest government bailout, but the deficit? That was from Bush. Clinton left one of the greatest surplus in history, and Bush turned that around.
同哀。。。 谢谢。
For other posters, this mess is created by congress and government, by GOP and Demos, by crooks in wallstreet.
This shows bail out is such a rushed idea without any thoughtful process. This shows for so many years we ignored the economy basics and tried to use economy for own political agenda.
但民主党把持的国会一没制止,二在奥巴马上台后变本加厉挥霍纳税人的钱。红包的事早就白纸黑字写在那里。 国会大员接受AIG的时候,是没看见啊还是装着没看见?
都是要人家走或人家要走,公司(政府)出来挽留人家,说您先别走, 您帮帮忙,再工作一段时间,到时候,有红包给您。到日子政府不给钱,翻脸不认人,跟打发民工有什么区别?这些打工的不是什么万恶的资本家。 嫌给人钱多了,当初有本事您别留人家。
Down GOP -- it is the back of these bankers!
AIG会继续拿到更多的政府的拯救款。由政府买单,为什麽不继续发奖金?!Go AIG! F* 纳税人!