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2010年中国春节庆祝晚会 (2010 Chinese New Year celebration)

(2010-02-19 23:29:15) 下一个

2010年中国春节庆祝晚会 (2010 Chinese New Year celebration)

- 墨尔本皇冠赌场娱乐中心 (at the Melbourne Crown Casino Entertainment Complex)

每年墨尔本的皇冠赌场娱乐中心都会举行中国春节庆祝晚会,都是在最靠近正月初一的周末连续开三个晚上,今年已是第八个年头了。今年很巧,三十晚上和正月初一都正好在周末,不象以往,我们还得在正月初一去上班。 (Every year, the Crown Casino Entertainment Complex in Melbourne hosts celebration activities for the Chinese lunar New Year on the weekends near the Chinese New Year Day. This year is the eighth year of such celebration. The Chinese New Year Day of this year (the year of the Tiger) accidentally coincides with the Valentine’s Day on 14th Feb 2010, and also happens on the weekend, Sunday).

所以今年我可以好好过春节,连着两个晚上去了娱乐中心。我和这儿最好的朋友在三十晚上去参加了活动 , 还拍了很多照片。下面贴上我拍的一些片片。 (Therefore, we should have a good celebration this year; I went to the venue with my best friend in Melbourne, and watched many excellent performances etc, and took many photos some of which are chosen herein.)

庆祝晚会是在挨着 Yarra River 河畔的长廊或步行街上 , 皇冠赌场娱乐中心的门外,在中心处有临时搭起来的舞台,在舞台的两旁则有许多在临时搭起的帐篷里营业的餐馆和小礼品店。我还抄了一下最基本和重要的演出节目单传给我的朋友们,现贴如下 (The celebration was held outside of the Crown Casino Entertainment Complex, on the banks of the beautiful Yarra River. A central performing Stage was set up, on both sides of the stage, there were many Chinese souvenir and takeaway shops in tents temporarily set up for the 3 consecutive evenings. I post a list of the major entertainment and activities schedule on Saturday and Sunday as below):

2pm Music ( 音乐 )
2:30pm dance ( 舞蹈 )
3pm special noodle making show ( 拉面制作表演 )
3:30pm Martial Arts show ( 武术 )
4pm special noodle making show ( 拉面制作表演 )
4:30pm Chinese Opera ( 中国剧 )
5:30pm special noodle making show
6pm lion and dragon team show ( 舞狮子和舞龙表演 )
6:30pm special noodle making show ( 拉面制作表演 )
7pm karaoke Competition ( 卡拉大奖赛 )
8:30pm Chinese Variety Act ( 中国小品表演 )
9pm Dragon Tenors ( 龙 男高音小组 )
9:30pm Shu-Cheen Yu (my favourite Soprano) 俞淑琴
10pm Dragon Tenors ( 龙的男高音小组 )
10:20pm lion and dragon team show ( 舞狮子和舞龙表演)

我最感兴趣的是听及拍照我喜爱的女高音俞淑琴和龙 男高音小组 ( I was most interested in watching and listening to my favourite Soprano, Shu-Cheen Yu and 3 Dragon Tenors) 。

第一次听到俞淑琴是三年前从朋友家访问后回家的路上,走上女皇桥,突然听到俞的熟悉的歌声(我当时已买了两盘她的歌带,听得相当带劲和熟悉),我立刻朝着歌声的地方去,即中心舞台,她正在唱普契尼的歌剧,那是周六晚,我听后,又买了一盘她的第三个歌带,全是歌剧,还有她当场签的名,第二天晚,星期日,我又去看她表演,她演唱得非常生动 , 尤其是唱新疆民歌" 阿拉木 汗 ",先用英文介绍主要歌词 。我记得曾向澳大利亚的同行介绍过这首歌,给他们看译成英文的歌词,他们为这首歌词的活泼动人而感动。 (This is the third time I watched and listened to Shu-Cheen Yu in this kind of the celebration, and I bought 3 her music CDs, for information about her please click on: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200908&postID=21322; she is a good performer, active, passionate and very professional, she sang a Chinese folk song from Xing Jiang Autonomic area, she translated the main lyrics in English of the song first to the audience before she sang, I posted her singing of this song as background here and the Chinese lyrics below) :

  阿拉木汗什么样 ? 身段不肥也不瘦。

  阿拉木汗什么样 ? 身段不肥也不瘦。


  阿拉木汗什么样 ? 身段不肥也不瘦。

  阿拉木汗什么样 ? 身段不肥也不瘦。

  阿拉木汗住在哪里 ? 吐鲁番西三百六。

  阿拉木汗住在哪里 ? 吐鲁番西三百六。


  阿拉木汗住在哪里 ? 吐鲁番西三百六。

阿拉木汗住在哪里 ? 吐鲁番西三百六。

今年我照了不少她的演唱照。并附上她在《花月颂》 CD 里唱的此歌。


lion and dragon team show ( 舞狮子和舞龙表演)

lion and dragon team show ( 舞狮子和舞龙表演)

Tommy Chung the Noodle Man performing how to make stretching noodles ( 拉面制作表演 )

Romantic Yarra River

Romantic Yarra River at eve of Valentine's day

Cooking smoke smelt so nice!

Lots of tigers!

colorful umbrellas

various lanterns (backdrop is the highest office building in Melbourne city centre on the other side of the Yarra River)

ribbon dance

closeup of the girl the most skillful and best performer in the dancing group

the same girl performing Chinese sword dance

the same girl performing Chinese sword dance

Korean dance performing by the sweetest, always smiling girl

the most skillful girl performing handkerchief dance

All the members of the dancing group

Dragon Tenors ( 龙 男高音小组 ) , the one to the left is the most emotional one among the three very good tenors.

Shu-Cheen Yu (my favourite Soprano) 俞淑琴

dragon - lanterns show within the Crown Casino Entertainment Complex

Beautiful night scene at the celebration venue (from a postcard of Australian's National Postcard Company, titled: Looking to the City and the Crown Entertainment complex from the Yarra River)

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