Had this from Christmas. I like waffles for breakfast once a while in the
restaurant. They are good. But for some reason, I never thought about to buy a waffle maker. I don't know why. Until the Christmas day...
This 4-slice waffle maker from All-clad is heavy duty model. I got hard time to guess what was in the box with Christmas wrapping paper. It will add to my All clad collection in my kitchen.
这个玩具是圣诞老人送给我的. 我喜欢吃waffles, 我也不知道为什么一直都没有个机器,大概没看好的, 直到今年的圣诞节....
这个4块waffles机器是 ALL CLAD 做的,经久耐用型的, 很重,拆包装纸之前怎么也没想到是这个东西, 这个可以加入我的ALL CLAD 的收藏系列中.

Homemade waffles:
2 eggs
1 cup milk
5 Tbs unsalted butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 Tbs sugar
pinch salt
配料如上, 调好面糊倒入欲热好的格子里, 刚做时加面糊的量还掌握不好,做了几只后就好了.

The alarm reminded me that they were ready.
嘀嘀嘀, 做好了,

Waffles with fresh fruits:
Butter the hot waffles and add pure maple syrup. They are perfect with home grown kiwis and store bought rasberries and blueberries. Yummy!
格子饼抹上奶油, 撒上纯的枫树糖浆, 再配上自己家种的迷猴桃, 绝了, 好好吃!

Another picture:
Blueberry smoothie is great choice for breakfast
再看一张照片, 蓝莓冰沙做早餐饮料很不错.

Waffles with bacon and eggs:
Here is another way to enjoy the delicious waffles. Waffles with bacon and eggs is one of American favorite traditional breakfast.

Let's look at again. 再看看:

If you have not tried homemade waffle yet, you ought to try it. Because you don't know what you missed...
如果你还没有试过, 很值得试哦...