
wumiao (热门博主)
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《林黛玉和北静王》 三十二、故影

(2007-04-07 08:26:50) 下一个























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kindness 回复 悄悄话 还有2小时三十分, 已经可以看到长长隧道那头的亮光了, 倒计数开始,
2:29 , 2:28 2:27 ...........................................................
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
should upload soon...:)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
Me too.
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 WAITING...ONLINE
雪冰月 回复 悄悄话 回复sissidream的评论:
MIAO 说了可能等完稿后再贴.
sissidream 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:

I visited 潇湘网, seems to be good. Can't find it in Tianya though.
雪冰月 回复 悄悄话 回国也能上文学城. 得先上个代理网站 WWW.GOODWAITER.COM . 我没试过, 但我让国内的朋友试了. 他现在能进入我的博客.
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 数数手指头,快了!快了!
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 前两天忙, 今天上来看了好久才明白是怎么回事.
1.MIAO MM我实在钦佩你的淡泊明志. 坚决支持这里众JM的提议.请问我可以做什么.
我似浮云独自游 回复 悄悄话 今天是17号了吧!!!
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 I have visited 潇湘网. Too many advertisement there.
Could not find it at tianya though.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
Great! I have checked your link at 潇湘网. We will help monitoring.
wumiao 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
Please also tell us the sections you will publish at the two Web sites.
雪冰月 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
水姐姐尽管贴, 不理会他们的恶言恶语. 我们都支持你!!!
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 yep,出征潇湘网和天涯网...
sissidream 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:

JTMS 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
Jiajia is right. Please let us know and we'll follow to support you there.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:

Please let us know when you do it. So that we could help monitoring the sites and gather information so as to decide the best strategy.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复我似浮云独自游的评论:
You will have to wait until 17...lol. Tuesday.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:

-Agree!!! We have a whole bunch of people here. datuzi Mei Mei makes me feel like debating :-) You are right. I do believe that we could handle any abuse.
我似浮云独自游 回复 悄悄话 据说今天已经16号啦??!!
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
miaomiao 您先贴,我们走一步看一步。做最好的争取,做最坏的打算。
wumiao 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
Mei Mei, many thanks for your strong support.

As a matter of fact, as I didn't know about the fight at Jin Jiang earlier, now thinking about it, we should go there to start more discussions. You know, how Dai Yu could have a new life. Of course, we shall do this only if Miao Mei Mei is fine with it.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:

datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
Yes, captain! :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
You don't have to fight with them. We will fight for you :-)
wumiao 回复 悄悄话 回复blueskybluesky的评论:
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复blueskybluesky, datuzi, Sandysj123 的评论:


jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
Half is better than nothing. Please.........
blueskybluesky 回复 悄悄话 网络上现在很多出书的,我想建议现在就把出来的部分登到国内的网站上去,可能会有很多非常难听的话,不去理会就是了,一方面会有更多的人提建议,另一方面也标明了你才版权所有,等国内的网站上和这里贴的进度差不多了,就可以和出版商联系,很有可能出版商自己找上门来,这样就可以洽谈出书的事情,最后一部分和大结局先不要发,等出书的事情谈的差不多的时候,再贴出来,这样的话,版权的问题可能可以解决一点,而且也可以根据网友的意见修改文章,只是那些恶言恶语千万不能理会,那些人是纯粹以气人为生的。

datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复Sandysj123的评论:
Sandysj123 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
What an ugly person he/she is! Miao, could you please let us know your story was posted in which website, we can tell the truth to the readers there, and let that guy be ashamed of him/herself for doing that
Sandysj123 回复 悄悄话 I'd rather to wait for the complete one after you come back, please enjoy your vacation with your family
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:


西山 回复 悄悄话 好的,好的,我每天都来看有没有新的,期待中
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:

Please please please...Waiting desperately.

wumiao 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi等姐妹的评论:
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复我似浮云独自游的评论:

我似浮云独自游 回复 悄悄话 看到wumiao在海外原创回了几个贴,还以为这里指不定也有惊喜了呢,哎。。。
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 only 3 days and a half now :-)
sandysj123 回复 悄悄话 It's really a long week, I always come to Miao's blog several times a day to see if she will give us a suprise( feel guilty to say that) and enjoy the comments of our friends here.
我似浮云独自游 回复 悄悄话 这个假期啊,怎么就这么漫长馁?

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
4 days and a half :-(
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 不相信辩证法真是不行:自己的春假一个星期总觉得太短,miaomiao 大人的春假怎么觉得就这么长!miaomiao 一定要好好休息,然后高高兴兴地继续。要不然,姐妹兄弟们的泪水夹着口水岂不会把你家给淹个10页,20页的。

17日,下完课就可以看啦, backcount: 4 days left!
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "全心都在万儿身上"

-母亲们的“通病” :-) 黛玉活过来那些时候,真是一个很好的增进他们夫妻感情的机会。两个人全心全意地为对方担心,黛玉怀着7个半月的身孕,站在房顶上遥望半个多小时,难产差点死掉 (贾兰跑去前线只是最后一根稻草);水溶立下一生中最大的血誓.何其感人!

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复littlehedgehog的评论:
Miao Mei Mei will spend this week with her family, as her two kids are having spring break. Also, she really deserves a vacation.

If you feels difficult for this week, try to post your comments here. Share with us your thoughts. That will be fun; also making this week easier :-)
littlehedgehog 回复 悄悄话 真的这个星期什么都不帖了?好失望呀。每天刷新上百次呢。
sissidream 回复 悄悄话 我知道也明白黛玉是爱水溶的, 尽管现在还不及水溶爱她;水溶也是能感觉到的。

“血誓” 那章真是揪人心肺。黛玉 醒来后或满月之后她二人似乎就应该谈一谈, 让彼此了解自己因为牵挂对方多月来所受的煎熬。虽然黛玉一下“全心都在万儿身上”,但是“与水溶再携手回房去”的多个晚上, 还是应该有机会的。也许真让他们谈过(或让我们听到),我们对他们的信心会更大 (especially just after reading this chapter), 也不会有这么多讨论了。

datuzi 说得好: "miaomiao 的心思和文章 are very unique." 我只有佩服的份。

我是100% Daiyu and miao's fan. 对水溶,自然爱屋及乌,他就是黛玉现在的幸福所在.

明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:
cannot agree more.
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评:
不是说水溶不好,而是说这两段爱情各自不同,是一个女人成长过程中的经历和自生的变化的反映.爱上水溶, 不等于对宝玉可以从此一笔勾销,怎麽可能?不是为了宝玉,DAIYU也不会在玉舍住那麽久, 而给了水溶机会. 爱上了水溶, 不等于不可以保留这样一个知己.

“她当然不会再选择宝玉,但是会在心里为他留下永恒的位子. 而且他不会再获得幸福了,这更让她难过”------如果宝玉是幸福的,我相信此时的宝黛相会将是另一种光景。情愿宝玉永远生活在自己的梦中,头脑清醒了,心却开始滴血。有妻有女又如何?幸福自他娶宝钗哪一刻开始就不属於他。他的幸福是需要与黛玉共同编织,但这时的黛玉已经甚麽都不能给他,他已经是别人的妻子和母亲。黛玉就是清楚地知道这一点,所以她才觉得更加难过。

明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 DAIYU已经表达了对水溶的爱情, 在很多不同的场合,水溶也明明白白感受到了.水溶要做到宽大对情敌,才是真男人,真王爷.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复sissidream的评论:


sissidream MM, you are completely 100% Shui Rong's fan now.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:

Agree! That might explain why Dai Yu was so attracted to Bao Yu.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论-- 回复wumiao的评论:

I guess Shui Ying. Shui Ying is going to get married soon remember? in 1-2 months, it's time to make a bomb!
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 MMs, sorry. I will try to type in Chinese in a couple of days. I have too much work these days: each day if I could get 4 hours of sleep. So I probably will not have much time to type in a block of Chinese; my input speed needs to be recovered. See your discussions and didn't want to just watch :-) So any MM could just skip my discussions in English for now. I will try to get back to Chinese typing as soon as possible.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复sissidream的评论:

Agree. Hope this would not happen on Shui Rong.

Also, Dai Yu almost died when she worried for Shui Rong. I don't believe it is not love. Just she herself didn't realize it. Shui Rong should feel it, though.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:

Hope this someone else doesn't mean Bao Yu. If she helps Shui Ying, making Shui Ying realizes how much Qing Tai loves her (maybe she never realized that before), that would be sweet. But then how about her fiance?

MMs, want to join in my guess?
sissidream 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:

wumiao 回复 悄悄话 回各位姐妹的评论:
sissidream 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:

Love this one!

So let me say it out loud here again: "How about let 水溶 give up finally and let 黛玉 and 宝玉 both go back to the paradise forever..." and how about never let Daiyu love Shurong full hearted? and how about they (Dai and Shuirong) will never happily live together?
烟雨镜中花 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复sissidream的评论:

You are right! I hate to see that happen. miaomiao 的心思和文章 are very unique, she won't take the ending that somebody says it out.

While I understand all the discussion that we are having here on those three, I still feel that Dai Yu overacted a little bit, which makes Shui Rong's love stands out. When looking ahead, how I wish Dai Yu and Shui Rong could open heart to each other earlier, definitely NOT in the last chapter!
sissidream 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:


黛玉如今若真能抛夫弃子,那就真是仙而非人了!可是既然来到凡间, 就多享受一下凡人之乐又何妨! 不然真的只好和宝玉到天上去。因为他二人连一同出家也是不可能的。

很赞同拥林及万年月等的观点。 宝玉这样的男人,论才不及黛钗,论责任感不及自己的亲姐妹元春探春, 还不是一心一意只爱黛玉,他们的故事出了大观园,怎样继续?
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复拥林的评论:
MM太偏激了.谁的初恋不是铭心刻骨,何况是大观园里这段旷世情缘? 两玉之间的过去的深沉的爱会让他们成为永生的知己.这是建立在共同的思想基础和两小无猜的青少年生活之上的.和对水溶不同.
不是说水溶不好,而是说这两段爱情各自不同,是一个女人成长过程中的经历和自生的变化的反映.爱上水溶, 不等于对宝玉可以从此一笔勾销,怎么可能?不是为了宝玉,DAIYU也不会在玉舍住那么久, 而给了水溶机会. 爱上了水溶, 不等于不可以保留这样一个知己.
我非常理解DAIYU的动情.他们的爱情不是自己死亡, 而是命运作弄后的牺牲品.如果不抄家而他们能在一起,想必也幸福.
世界上没有完美的东西,现在DAIYU才终于明白,她要得到和放弃什么.她当然不会再选择宝玉,但是会在心里为他留下永恒的位子. 而且他不会再获得幸福了,这更让她难过.
拥林 回复 悄悄话 After reading this chapter, I've shared sissidream's concern over Daiyu's feeling toward BaoYu. I have to say I'm kind of puzzled and disappointed.
Can't agree more with datuzi about Daiyu's decision of getting married. It's completely clear nobody forced her into it. And I can't see the motivation behind her entering this marriage if not for love, because I can't imagine how she could sepreate her soul from body. So how can she still loves BaoYu? (In Gone with the Wind, Scarlett married Rhett Butler for his money, and she never tried to hide this. That explained why she could still love Ashley after becoming Rhett's wife.) If she still loves BaoYu, she should stay single to wait for her chance to become BaoYu's wife.

Three people in a marriage will be too crowded, period. Any decent person can only love one person at a time. '一个LG和一个情人' scenario only means the cheating wife doesn't want to leave the money, social status or other benefits coming with the marriage.

About BaoYu, I have to borrow 万年月MM's comment from her article:'一个只会风花雪月,无病呻吟的假宝玉,根本就是对社会、对任何人都毫无益处的.' 宝玉不是曹雪芹. He never wants to take any responsibility. I will not forget that BaoYu caused 金钏的死 and he fled away from the scene.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复sissidream的评论:

"还是觉得对水溶太残忍。本来他们经历了这么多, 虽然“衷情” 似乎总只有他一人在表,但黛玉动情的表现的描述也不算太少, 绝不会想到她会如此失态。 她不是从 “百合”一节起就要走自己的路, 过自己的生活了么?"

Agree! I even feel a little bit disappointed somehow after reading this chapter. 黛玉 was very confused, and she met 宝玉 BEFORE and 宝玉 is recovered. Now I almost lose confidence in 水溶 after they shared great difficulites and joys in northwest.

How about let 水溶 give up finally and let 黛玉 and 宝玉 both go back to the paradise forever... sigh
sissidream 回复 悄悄话 Easter long weekend, 没机会上来, 来晚了,这么热闹!

说真的,匆匆忙忙,迫不急待的读了第一遍,心一下紧了:林妹妹如此不能忘情,看来要全心爱上水溶太难; 这样一来我们盼她真正幸福快乐的希望不是要落空了么?


还是觉得对水溶太残忍。本来他们经历了这么多, 虽然“衷情” 似乎总只有他一人在表,但黛玉动情的表现的描述也不算太少, 绝不会想到她会如此失态。 她不是从 “百合”一节起就要走自己的路, 过自己的生活了么?我还以为宝玉已成为妹妹心底一个美好而心酸的回忆了呢! 再一次不得不对妙妹妹的心思和文章佩服!

总觉得现在真要让林妹妹幸福,只能让他们夫妻心灵相通,生死以共。妙, 什么时候才能再让他们互诉一回衷肠,真正“互诉”啊! 可别让我们等到最后一节啊!
kindness 回复 悄悄话 要问宝哥哥对林妹妹的情有多深,那硬是年复一年,日复一日地用甘露一滴一滴地把一棵柔弱的绛珠草浇灌成了神仙林妹妹。宝哥哥本是块补天的材料--天材,天已补好了,给误了。写个《石头记》,小意思。这不写好了吗? 搞的一帮可爱的女子们坐在wumiao的家里,正疯狂地上贴呢。

感谢WUMIAO的一枝妙笔,让水溶在短短一年时间里(顶不了天上一天吧),赢得了众多FANS。现在包括宝哥哥在内,都祝愿他成功到底。不过他先天不足,后天又落后宝哥哥十几年,虽然占居有利地形,多努力栽培还是应该的。水溶的广大FANS们,饮水思源一下,宝哥哥正落难,目前议论他能不能养活林妹妹,有没用,会不会挣银子,不合适。至与浊还是清, 跟宝钗一起伺候宝玉,更扯不上。 俺算是理解了,林妹妹落着泪,对宝哥哥道:“你且不要管那些冷言冷语,人都要刚强活着。笑骂皆由人,宁折我不弯,你忘了以前我门前的那些杆竹子了么?”..... 

明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 红楼原文对宝玉的评价很清楚,是个从世俗眼光看来无用的人. 这是个意向化的人物, 具有鲜明的个性和弱点,可以喜欢他,也可以不喜欢他.他出现的意义是对传统意义上的男人角色的彻底颠覆.
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复pinkkiwi的评论:
他是那个时代的反叛儿, 是众多姐妹眼中的英雄,保护神哩 ---

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
"Still spent too much time typing Chinese."

Yeah, me too. Need to recover Chinese input first before I could get back to discussion. These two days every time I tried to join in, and then gave up. I need a big chunk of time before I could type in all Chinese word. Tried WU BI today, forgot a lot :-(
tigergirltantan 回复 悄悄话 同意非常。
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 也从本文说宝玉和水溶:

--八、听琴: ”黛玉冷冷道:“我为他,泪流干了,名声也出去了,把该做的做完,也就不欠什么了。”
--十六、百合: “如今我已经不再埋怨东风了,更不自嗟,活一天,我便活出我的样子来,活不了,忍淹留,我自凭尔去。”


p/s Still spent too much time typing Chinese.
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复pinkkiwi的评论:
pinkkiwi 回复 悄悄话 回复kindness的评论:
刚回来读了32章, 又见到各位妹妹的的评论,精彩的很呢.
初读红楼是卅年前的事, 那时就喜欢黛玉和宝玉, "宁为玉碎,不为瓦全"(maio, 这里,俺为妙玉打不平, 她也是这类的,怎会苟且偷生沦为小妾?.不过俺明白着呢,这是红楼外的故事么),俺为他们流了多少泪呢
宝玉咋NO USE 了,他是那个时代的反叛儿, 是众多姐妹眼中的英雄,保护神哩. 没错, 他不爱老腐子们,他爱众多姐姐妹妹, 俺就爱他"女孩儿是水做的"这句.
看maio 这章, 这俩玉还是梦中都有你我的呢, 万儿,芊儿, 多好啊. miao 一定会有文章为这第二代的吧? 俺喜欢这节. 可也为了宝玉心酸流泪,他一定不可以与这污世同存的.
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复tigergirltantan的评论:
tigergirltantan 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
4). yeah, just like our author. Working in a restaurant during day time, and writing this fictioin at night.

Don't get me wrong. 我钦佩作者的才华。我想如果她可以不工作,天天在家引诗做画,岂不更好?所以我希望黛玉还是和水溶在一起。



jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 谢谢littlehedgehogMM的帮助,sevenforks.com的五笔字型输入法还不错。现在我要做的是恢复我的打字速度:-)
kindness 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:
宝玉咋NO USE 了, 去写《石头记》, 永远活在红迷的心里。
水溶迄今为至,不就给了林妹妹一点人间的爱受和富贵嘛。也附带了多少富贵的精神压力,为了追求精神自由,还要跑到大西北。 问题是林妹妹属于仙界,和我们人间的人思想不一样。穷点咋了,不行就回仙界呗。

水溶身上有那么多的羁袢,哼哼, 好好努力吧。
"To date we have already got 7 pages of discussions for this chapter........."

datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复littlehedgehog的评论:
still cannot install. But sevenforks.com is better than inputking. and jiajia might try to use 五笔字型 there. Thanks a bunch.
littlehedgehog 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
另外,除了google的拼音输入法以外,还有一个online Chinese input tool,http://www.sevenforks.com,用这个你什么都不用安装,而且还可以选择全拼,双拼,和五笔字型输入法,好像有一位网友问过在哪里可以找到五笔字型输入法,这里就有。那jiajia的电脑不能安装任何中文输入软件的话(没有记错吧,是jiajia吧?),也可以试试这个网上的工具,不过电脑再死机可别怪我呀。呵呵。
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:

海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
Bao Yu is of no use in real life. He only lives on the wealthy life his family gave to him. So he was enjoying playing with many many girls in the garden.

Shui Rong, on the other hand, took the responsibility for serving his country since 20 years old. He is much respectful.


明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 1.还是坚持DAIYU此时两个都爱, 只是爱情的内容不同并且在变化.因为预感到BAOYU的结局,更加不舍,得不到的这时候是最好.
2.水溶当然直到抄家才认识的DAIYU,之前是仰慕而向往,尽力搜罗关于她的信息,也属正常.BAOYU再傻,未必会对外人倾吐自己的感情隐私,毕竟要为DAIYU的名声着想.可能酒后稍微流露一些爱意,对DAIYU自然比对别的JM更加推崇,水溶傻瓜就陷进去了. 那个时代,女子无才便是德,有个才女,哪个高明的男人不爱呢?
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia, 海棠花:


--bye, see you folks tomorrow. (zzzz...)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 To date we have already got 7 pages of discussions for this chapter. datuzi, 海棠花, 五维, 明艳如我, kindness Mei Mei MEN, I threw quite some questions since page 1. Still waiting for your comments on my comments :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:
Nice 3 comments regarding "就听水溶和宝玉同时回答道:...".
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia, 海棠花:

I guess I am wrong. In , Bao Yu only likes a few men. One of them is 水溶. 水溶 is perfect from the beginning.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:

"Chapter 4”林姑娘的病一直都没有好么?还是咳嗽的这样厉害”
In fact, he knows it very well."

-Ding! Wonder how Shui Rong knows about it? Kind of suspect that Bao Yu would have told him anything about Dai Yu. Then how did he know about that?

"哪能”光知道名字”? 至少还知道林妹妹的病。"
---lol. Nice comment!


--Because he was thinking and guessing and imagining, "我就想你会是个什么样的人呢?" Then, "后来看到你,呵呵,好个花媚玉堂人,不只花媚,更具玉质。我就想,就是你了,就是你了。" Seems that his original imagination was quite right :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:

Not necessarily. If we like someone's work (like Dai Yu's poems), we might want to get close to his/her friend. A little 阴谋, not that 可怕 :-)
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:


datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花meimei:

Right! He used to like Bao Yu very much and persistently until his marriage with Dai Yu. 水溶正面说是很成熟,反面说就是成府很深了。It's great that miaomiao made him an idol here.


Chapter 4”林姑娘的病一直都没有好么?还是咳嗽的这样厉害”
In fact, he knows it very well.

chapter 21 "我以前光知道你的名字,你们在贾妃省亲的时候做的那些诗都流传出来,那时我看见你的那首叫什么《世外仙源》的有一句:香融金谷酒,花媚玉堂人,"
哪能”光知道名字”? 至少还知道林妹妹的病。

chapter 21 “我就想你会是个什么样的人呢?后来看到你,"
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 关於水溶识宝玉的目的,如果加上阴谋论的话,那就会变得很可怕,还好这文叫“林黛玉和北静王”,北静王是忠的,不要怕,不要怕。


1. 水溶和宝玉都对黛玉情有独锺,说明他们都是同一类人,连回答都是一模一样,同时也恭喜水溶,证明他已经和宝玉看齐,提升到知己的层面。
2. 水溶和宝玉都想成为黛玉最关心的人,水溶的反应很自然,毕竟他们是两夫妻,但宝玉就有些反应不过来,还当在以前的大观园,还好他停得快。不然的话,场面就会很尴尬。
3. 宝玉住了口,水溶接著道。如果这是场比赛,是否表示两个资质相近选手,开始时势均力敌,後来一个无奈退出,另一个坚持到底成为最终的胜利者。
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
I know exactly what you mean. I think you made a very fun joke. I like it :-)
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:

Thanks a lot for clarifying the "joke" I made about buying the paintings and poems. That was exactly what I mean. You posted so many comments and I am lost tracking it.:)
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:

----Will Dai Yu have some reaction?

Yes, she might feel embarrassed, as miao pointed out later '黛玉心里乱乱纷纷".
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "黛玉抬眼一望,就见水溶站在门边,凝神望着宝玉。"

Will Dai Yu have some reaction?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "“妹妹今天回来了,以后就不用回去了。"

So Dai Yu doesn't need to 回到天上去了?

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 In Chapter "三十、血誓",



-Who pushed Dai Yu? Is it Bao Yu? "为了他你再回去吧", this who is Shui Rong? Since Shui Rong is preying for Dai Yu to come back?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
"黛玉 always addresses 水溶 "你" instead of "王爷" now"

Agree! Thanks for pointing out.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 Miaomiao, I have a tiny question:

How could 黛玉 do this, carry Wan Er with 紫鹃? shall we switch "和" and '让",---

datuzi 回复 悄悄话 Another interesting part--

Did you folks notice that 黛玉 always addresses 水溶 "你" instead of "王爷" now? She is changing, but she does not have chance to sit down and think about it.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07, 回复海棠花的评论:

Agree, now Bao Yu leaves in peace.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "过去的只管让他过去,不要纪念那么多"

Also include the love between Bao Yu and Dai Yu. This sentence is to Bao Yu, also to Dai Yu.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:

Second. Waiting to see.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
"有趣的是,黛玉吃软不吃硬 (总被真情熔化),水溶吃硬不吃软(怕死了那剪刀)。 miaomiao是不是又得让这小俩口谈谈啦?"

Cannot agree with you more! "黛玉吃软不吃硬,水溶吃硬不吃软" Really reflects the situation between the two. "黛玉情坚似钢铁,也几乎被这个男人的眼泪熔化成绕指柔", 水溶"听罢,颓然坐下,喃喃道:“姑娘有此烈性,我原该知道", and "怕死了那剪刀".

That's the only way the two can finally get together, in their soul level. This is really how convincing Dai Yu could change her love to Shui Rong eventually, even though "黛玉情坚似钢铁".

"miaomiao是不是又得让这小俩口谈谈啦?" datuzi Mei Mei is so sweet! Miao Mei Mei, maybe we would see some deep talk between them two in the near future?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 Really missed WU BI ZI XING SHU RU FA. Any GGMM knows whether I could get an open source somewhere? I used to input Chinese more than 100 characters in 1 minute. Now, I don't have a good input tool. Sigh. Thanks in advance for any information.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:

Your thoughts triggered my more thoughts, thanks :-)

After this meeting, Bao Yu knows that his 林妹妹 really doesn't belong to him any longer. Before, maybe, I say maybe, still deep in his heart, he might still dream of getting back with 林妹妹. (I guess everyone may have the same hope under similar situations.) He definitely knows how deeply his 林妹妹 and him loves with EACH OTHER.

But now, as Shui Rong has expressed so clearly in front of him, his 林妹妹 has become 水溶的玉儿,"林妹妹已完全不属於自己了". Moreover, 水溶 really loves 黛玉 so much.

So for Bao Yu, there is nothing in this world that would keep him here. All his hope, his dream, his everything (Dai Yu), his love, don't belong to him any longer. Then why he would still stay in this world. There is only one way in front of him. He is out of any hope. It's time for him to leave.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 Agree with jiajia,海棠花.我也觉得黛玉的心还没完全放到水溶身上,希望她早晚会的!


有趣的是,黛玉吃软不吃硬 (总被真情熔化),水溶吃硬不吃软(怕死了那剪刀)。 miaomiao是不是又得让这小俩口谈谈啦?

而且, miaomiao的写作一直很注意细节的(当然现在写得急,不能面面俱到)。她把黛玉,水溶和宝玉安排在这里(离京城不远)偶然相逢,肯定有涵义。一来正如我们讨论的,把三人的感情归路做个铺垫;另外是不是也暗示着接下来的宫里家里的明争暗斗跟以前没有多大关系了呢?


jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:

Agree with this layer. But at that time, everyone knew that Dai Yu would marry Bao Yu. I kind of doubt Shui Rong would use this method to get close to Dai Yu. But Dai Yu's outstanding talent might be one important reason why he looked Bao Yu even with more appreciation.

Since Miao Mei Mei hid a clue in that chapter, I guess sooner or later Miao Mei Mei will explain, in some way.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:

I guess 嫉妒 still exists. But Shui Rong is a real man. He knows that Dai Yu and Bao Yu's love story happened even before he met Dai Yu. Also, Dai Yu has been treating him better and better. Especially, Dai Yu worried for him so much while he was in battle, which almost killed herself (with the baby). He has nothing much to be jealous about. But of course, he is a man, he loves Dai Yu so much and he wants to be the only man in Dai Yu's heart. That's very understandable. So he chooses to give Dai Yu more understanding and time and space. He believes that his love will make Dai Yu loves him only, eventually.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:

Agree with 海棠花 Mei Mei's explanation. Bao Yu wants to release Shui Rong.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
"Inputking.com has Chinese input system online"

Thanks for your information. I just tried a little. Seems not a good input system. Pretty rudimentary. Just my primitive impression. I will try to find a way as soon as possible.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复kindness的评论:
Regarding ""selling paintings, poems? 恐怕水溶把那些字画都买了吧"


I think what datuzi Mei Mei wanted to say is that, Shui Rong loves Dai Yu. If Dai Yu married Bao Yu, he would "把画都买了", trying his best to help. Although I don't know how many guys in the current world (or just in the world) would have that broad heart to do that). Most likely, they feel sad, and turn to other things. Nobody can blame them. Because they don't have to hurt their own hearts all the time. If one cannot get his/her loved one, he/she needs to search for his/her life.

Cannot agree more with your "活得清清白白". Not only Dai Yu, Shui Rong also 活得清清白白. He even risks his life to fight for his country. Nobody can deny that he 活得清清白白.


He was married, signed by the king, before he even met Dai Yu. Also, his wife is the queen's niece. Yes, he still owes Dai Yu, and that's Miao Mei Mei's job to solve the problem for all of us! :-) In general, that's not Shui Rong's fault. At least, since Dai Yu married Shui Rong, he has shown to everyone he ONLY loves Dai Yu.

datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复kindness的评论:

-- "selling paintings, poems? 恐怕水溶把那些字画都买了吧"


--“ 水溶再能,玉儿现在还是个副老婆,还得不时受点气,还要连累被暗杀。他也没办法。瞧他牛的,把画都买了。”

哈哈,同意! 这个问题就交给 wumiao大人了!
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
"我想黛玉是已经爱上水溶了, 在前面的百合一回已经完全明确"

I agree that Dai Yu has started to fall in love with Shui Rong. However, I think even up to now, she herself was not that sure, or she never really analyzes her feelings.

"在前面的百合一回已经完全明确" - I have some different opinions :-) I think at that chapter, Dai Yu is:

(1) very touched by Shui Rong's love, "才知道一个男人竟然也可以哭成这样", "黛玉情坚似钢铁,也几乎被这个男人的眼泪熔化成绕指柔" (please pay attention to the word 几乎 Miao Mei Mei used), "黛玉的心迷朦狂乱".
(2) very moved by Shui Rong's strength, "黛玉听了,心情难以形容,原来婚姻在至情至真的人那里也可以自己作主的,那座看不见的大山原也可以翻过去。" Please pay attention to "原来婚姻在至情至真的人那里也可以自己作主的". From experience with Bao Yu, Dai Yu thought 婚姻 cannot 自己作主, even Bao Yu, the guy, cannot. However, Shui Rong "至情至真", he "可以自己作主". It was the first time Dai Yu knows this possibility, especially this was the forever pain in her heart - she almost decided to commit suiside because of it. Now she sees that Shui Rong "可以自己作主". Right away her heart was convinced.
(3) was pushed by the environment. Shui Rong's concerns are exactly what she is worrying about, "不愿意再让她来羞辱你,也怕别人会另样儿看你". Dai Yu is a BING QING YU JIE DE GUI ZU NV ZI, Shui Rong's wife insulted her very much. To some degree, marrying Shui Rong is the only road for her, as she said, she tried to kill herself, she tried to flee away, but neither worked.

The most important thing is definitely Shui Rong's true love. It is not only just from his word, Dai Yu did accidentally hear Shui Rong's words in front of the wall. And she already knows that, as in Chapter "十、玉成", "黛玉心中明白,原来他经常到这里来隔墙听黛玉弹琴,怪不得那天他能说出自己那首刚谱出的《凤凰涅磐》的意思来。") As "当晚紫鹃连连长叹道:“王爷是真心的...” Dai Yu is very clear and certain about Shui Rong's heart and his love to her.

In addition, In Chapter "十三、沧桑", "黛玉闻言大吃一惊,自己孤陋寡闻,也从不打听,原来北静王有这么大的魅力和来历,而北静王水溶也从未在她面前多说过任何的话。对比之下,黛玉心里又对他添了一份敬佩之情,更不用说先前救出宝玉的感激之意,再加上当日和今日的救命之恩,如此种种,让黛玉心绪繁乱,精神不宁。"

And, finally, in Chapter "九、欲绝", Dai Yu promised Shui Rong if he could save Bao Yu, "“我愿为奴婢,到王府伺候王爷。”" Although Shui Rong never threatened her because of this, in Dai Yu's heart, she owes Shui Rong. "如王爷肯帮忙,黛玉愿肝脑涂地,绝不辞也。”", "黛玉道:“我已经说了,王爷若能帮助把宝玉等人放出,我的话一定做数。”". Dai Yu never eats her words.

So, based on all of these reasons, Dai Yu agreed upon Shui Rong's proposal. I kind of think at that moment, Dai Yu didn't fall in love with Shui Rong, YET.
虎妞娃娃 回复 悄悄话 什么时后才出完呀,真是等不及了
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复littlehedgehog的评论:

I tried to install '谷歌拼音输入法'. It did not come up when I use google. Is it because my operation system is in English? Any ideas?

Inputking.com has Chinese input system online, you do not have to install. Check it out and see if you like it.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复littlehedgehog的评论:

Sorry for the inconvenience. I did try to use Chinese. However, my laptop had some issues a couple of months ago, and I couldn't use Chinese input any longer. Every time I tried, my machine will crash and I will have to restart. A couple of weeks ago, I tried to recover Chinese input for typing Chinese for my parents' convenience, my operating system registries were screwed up and it took me two days to recover to a workable environment. I think, if I really spend some time, I could get it fixed. But, I will get a new laptop very soon, and I can reinstall the machine. So spending a lot of time on my current laptop seems unworthy. At current time, I am just like walking at the ege of ice while I use my laptop; and I cannot afford not having the laptop for my work.

So XDJMs, I will try to get back to Chinese input as soon as possible. Many sorry for the temporary inconvenience.
kindness 回复 悄悄话 回复littlehedgehog的评论:

"selling paintings, poems? 恐怕水溶把那些字画都买了吧"

实话说,俺看了不太舒服。 卖画卖字,穷困潦倒怎麽了?还是活得清清白白,有时,这是命,谁也没办法。曹公一生大部分时光都是穷困潦倒,为糊口卖画卖字也干过。但留下了旷世绝作《红楼梦》。一个红学养了多少人,多少人为之如痴如醉。现在还研究不清楚。咋能说没用。
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复littlehedgehog的评论:

对不起, 下次一定注意。:)

平日我用的是“InputKing在线中文输入系统”, 要不就在miao或者大家文里找词, 有些花时间。“谷歌拼音输入法”是不是要用中文系统才好使用?
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复五维的评论∶
去年三月 回复 悄悄话 感觉wumiao对细节和结构的把握已经越来越好。大家的评论也提供了很多思想的火花。这个文字,喜欢的人会非常喜欢,不识货的可能会以为是一般言情小说。出书的想法很好。可能有些地方是值得重新回顾的。wumiao应该会为有这么好的读者们高兴。

明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 这么热闹.不知道JM都是在哪个时区的.细细读了.感受是
1.我想黛玉是已经爱上水溶了, 在前面的百合一回已经完全明确.
2.我仍然坚持她和宝玉的知己关系不会改变,这也是一种爱情的变身. 能够拥有这样两份爱情,是她的幸运...如果是现代, 就希望她有一个LG和一个情人了...呵呵,不过和这里无关.
littlehedgehog 回复 悄悄话 麻烦大家尽量用中文好不好?第一,中文更能表达我们的感情。第二,一行中文一行英文看得有点头晕。呵呵。Goole的中文拼音输入法很好用,你们试试看。还可以跟email帐号同步,这样不管你在哪里登录你的email,它都会存储一些你的常用词汇。
flowerstar 回复 悄悄话 Will their kids get married in the future? Their names match very well. And 宝玉连忙阻止了道:“不要叫了,以后还没有机会再见么?"
水晶水晶猫 回复 悄悄话 写得太好了!请一定按照你的想法写,因为这是你的作品。
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:

水溶的确可能这麽想∶“He knows that, even after they got their own baby, Dai Yu is still in love with Bao Yu.”

datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花的评论:

could be. but when 水溶 met 黛玉, 黛玉 was too young, as LI FEI mentioned.

海棠花 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07:

datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
"其实我交结他-----如今不说也罢" --why? "

Great question. That's what I was thinking of asking tonight. And datuzi Mei Mei already spoke it out. That is really an interesting place.
海棠花 回复 悄悄话 一大早,已经这麽热闹了。待会有空,再加入“战”团,反正还有10天。
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 再看看此时的水溶:

Even now 水溶 is not quite confident about 黛玉真爱的 (except Wan Er. , but I mean from the deep soul, grown-up side)。

1. In the beginning, 水溶 "站在门边,凝神望着宝玉"-- which indicates the subtle relationship. he could come in with an excited welcome! since they were good friends before :)

2. then he showed off his passion for 黛玉 in front of 宝玉! very interesting. "这要谢谢玉儿,多亏了她。我自然是心喜的,但是若得不着,有了她,我也一样欢喜。”
Will 水溶 address 黛玉 as '玉儿' in front his mother or sister? --maybe not. 潜台词可能是“她是你的林妹妹,是我的玉儿." 而且谁都知道孩子是黛玉生的.
This is not enough yet! "但是若得不着,有了她,我也一样欢喜" -- a little bit show off, but he deserves it. :) 以致于"黛玉的脸上红若桃花,宝玉的脸却煞白如纸". Not everyone can 心想事成, but 水溶 made it!

3. 宝玉跟水溶抢一下词,--Both of them 有些尴尬了.

4. "水溶看着黛玉脸色一变,似伤心又似生气,但慢慢地,他的眼色又泛起温和爱怜的波光,伸手抓过黛玉的手,轻轻拍了拍"-- 水溶,of couse understood what 宝玉 sang, his 温和爱怜的波光 came from his heart for 黛玉 only, not after thinking about宝玉's future, 虽然当宝玉站在黛玉面前时,他现在还没占什么大优势.

5. 水溶微微一笑,牵住黛玉的手,也不和宝玉作别就往外走-- Not 水溶's 稳重 style though.

Miaomiao' magic will let Shui Rong's true love take over 黛玉's heart.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 Jiajia, you are right, I could not type "descrip-tion" either. there is a bug in the program.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论: here is the word.

according to the deions, Shui Rong is 27-19=8 years elder than Dai Yu and then 6 years elder than Bao Yu. Shui Rong used to like Bao Yu very much. recall in "chapter 4 潇湘 :
水溶在原地转了两圈,面对黛玉只好刨心列胆:“我乃世袭的北静王,我的名字叫水溶,当今圣上乃我舅父。我与你表兄贾宝玉本是好朋友,我大他几岁,过去曾经也一处习作玩耍。其实我交结他-----如今不说也罢" --why?
Has any JJMM figured out the reasons that Miaomiao did not write out?宝玉is too outstanding or 水溶wants to approach 宝玉 for 黛玉's poems?

I also do not think 黛玉 can love two persons at the same time, so黛玉本篇表现出来的情不自禁,令人有些伤感。She knows how to face Shui Rong but does not know how to face Bao Yu. 好几处都刻画了她的内心矛盾, for example,
1. always "泪如雨下"---- missing him too much
2. 黛玉看着他,半天低声道:“你不是无才无能,只是错生了时候,时候也错待了你。” while later 黛玉只不接水溶的目光; --不接目光 is the best deion of her thoughts.
3. "你忘了以前我门前的那些杆竹子了么?"-- She does not need to emphasize bamboo, and bring Bao Yu back to old days.

Miaomiao handled this part very well, I would say. Because Bao Yu and Dai Yu have not communicated in a "normal" way after 宝玉's marriage since 宝玉was sick for a long time and Dai Yu mairred out. Now 宝玉 has a clear thought about his future but 黛玉 shows her 一步三回头的眷恋.

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 Because of datuzi Mei Mei's words, I thought about one more thing:

Bao Yu is of no use in real life. He only lives on the wealthy life his family gave to him. So he was enjoying playing with many many girls in the garden.

Shui Rong, on the other hand, took the responsibility for serving his country since 20 years old. He is much respectful.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
"selling paintings, poems? 恐怕水溶把那些字画都买了吧"

-lol. Good thinking!

"It might take her a while to realize it."

-Agree. When a person doesn't have to pretend himself/herself at all in front of another one, that one must be his/her: (1) either Mom and Dad, or (2) very close brothers and sisters, or (3) soulmate.

Obviously Shui Rong could be Dai Yu's soulmate, although Dai Yu has not realized that yet. But soon. QIAN TU SHI GUANG MING DE, DAO LU SHI QU ZHE DE :-)
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 A nice chapter, thanks a lot MiaoMiao!

Agree with most of the comments JMs made here, especially most of Jiajia's and 五维's.

Finished this chapter with a heavy heart, mostly because 黛玉和水溶 still have a long way to become soulmate, 心意相知, 水乳交融, but now they are facing 宫里园内的凶险.


五维 is right. From last paragraph, both 黛玉和水溶 knows that Bao Yu is to going to say farewell to the 世俗 world.

Shui Rong 心有不平, though he loves 黛玉 to death.

黛玉 exhibits all of her emotion for 宝玉 in front of 水溶 without any wearing any mask, very naturally 真情流露. People only do that in front of their dear ones. 黛玉一点都不矫情, because of the true love. It might take her a while to realize it.

Thinking loud, how can 黛玉 and 宝玉 make a living if they get married? selling paintings, poems? 恐怕水溶把那些字画都买了吧.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
"I am using "Firefox"."

I am using Firefox too. By the way, my original word was "des"-"crip"-"tion". Would you like to try to use the word in a whole in your next message? Thanks :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复wumiao的评论:
Dear Miao Mei Mei, thanks very much for your reading our readers' opinions carefully and your prompt reply.

Your explanation about Zhu Ying's action is reasonable. Maybe you could also consider a little more about his hesitation of letting Dai Yu see Bao Yu, especially alone after Zi Juan and baby left? Zi Juan probably should also think about it, since she is always a very smart woman, thinking of her not willing to allow Shui Rong and Dai Yu stay alone together at the beginning :-)

If you would like to add some showing Shui Rong's love to Wan Er, we might expect to hear Shui Rong's telling Dai Yu in person (again) how he only prey to get Dai Yu back when he knelt down in snow, and how much he loves their child because it comes from Dai Yu, and how much he appreciates Dai Yu gives him all life's happiness, etc.

Anyway, you know better how to write beautiful scenes. We are here just waiting :-)

btw...my reading carefully just because I love your story. As 五维 Mei Mei said, we love to 细细品味 your lovely story. Thanks again.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 --Jiajia,
I see, thanks for clarification. I have no problem posting though. I am using "Firefox".

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复五维的评论:

Very agree! The reason why 白瑞德 finally made up his mind to leave 郝斯嘉, because he saw 郝斯嘉 holding 魏希里, which adds the last straw.

In this story, Dai Yu and Bao Yu FA HU QING, ZHI HU LI. NEI YAN XIANG DUI is already the very extreme. So I fully agree, Shui Rong knows Dai Yu just needs some more time; and he is willing to wait.

At least, just kidding, Dai Yu didn't tell Shui Rong just after the baby was born that she didn't want any kid any longer, and didn't want to be close to Shui Rong any longer (as 郝斯嘉 told 白瑞德)...lol.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
That's not a word - I tried to explain in several notes earlier :-) The issue is that, every time when I tried to post my notes, the central part of the original word was truncated. You could try from your side, to see whether you could write the word, yes, that's MIAO2 SHU4. Please let me know :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复五维的评论:

You are right, "将要入佛门之意". Thanks for the explanations.

One question though, "其实大约黛玉和水溶都听明白了,只是故意把话往世俗事上引,不想多说出家的事,以免宝玉更有这种想法。"

In the original Hong Lou Meng, "第二十二回 听曲文宝玉悟禅机 制灯迷贾政悲谶语, 宝玉填一支:

In that chapter, it seems that Dai Yu knows how to get Bao Yu stopping thinking of 出家. What I mean is that, Dai Yu knows how to convince Bao Yu, instead of avoiding some topics. Like in that chapter, she decided to ask in Bao Yu's face.

However, in that chapter, "黛玉又道:"你那偈末云,`无可云证,是
立足境',固然好了,只是据我看,还未尽善.我再续两句在后."因念云:"无立足境,是方干净." In the original Hong Long Meng, Bao Yu definitely has 立足境. However, things are different now. He 无立足境, "则看那,衰杨枯柳人踪去,孤月残风影相和。更兼着,世人嘲讥冷笑多。" Now it is clean for him. Maybe that's also one reason Dai Yu stops persuading him any longer.

So, agree with 五维 Mei Mei, Bao Yu is going to be a monk soon.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:

I could not find "Deions" in the dictionary, guess you mean "depiction"? miao2 shu4? learned a new word. :)
五维 回复 悄悄话 对白瑞德最后离开郝斯嘉的情形,应该说只是形似。在他看来,郝斯嘉仍爱魏希里,因而绝望.(其实郝斯嘉很快意识到自己的丈夫才是真爱,但已来不及了). 这里,黛玉是爱水溶的,而且水溶也明白,(或者愿意继续给她时间).
wumiao 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
五维 回复 悄悄话 来晚了,匆匆说两句。不过细节还要细细品味。我们还有十天呢。让我慢慢来。
对于芊儿, Jia jia 说的是因宝玉心里想着"俺只念木石前盟",很有道理. 我想还有另一层意思,正好符合曹公所说的贾府辈分."水文王草".芊儿和贾兰贾荣贾蔷是一辈. 是否芊儿和万儿有姻缘呢?--扯远了.
Jia jia, 这两天上网少,刚看见你昨天关于贾兰悬念的回复, 说得好.谢谢了.等有空了再多聊.咱们有整整一个星期外加一个周末呢. :)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
datuzi Mei Mei, somehow the word cannot be shown. The middle part was always truncated. Let me use pin yin MIAO2 SHU4.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
ok, again, i don't know why the system didn't allow the word. i mean deions. try the capitalized format this time.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
deions means "Deions".

I thought it was a typo. But I just retyped and again when it was posted, somehow it was changed to deions.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
Mei Mei, sorry, deion is a typo, it should be:

After Wan Er was born, we didn't see any specific deions about whether Shui Rong loves the boy, until his sentence in this chapter, "我自然是心喜的"
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
That's PIN YIN. In Hong Long Meng, for Bao Yu, "AN2 ZHI3 NIAN4 MU4 SHI2 QIAN2 YUAN2".
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 Jiajia,
what is the meaning of "deion" and "An Zhi Nian Mu Shi Qian Yuan"?
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
I mean Baoyu became Monk after Xiangyun died or something...but it might be too much for this book.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
That's possibility though :-) At least now it is TIAN SHI DI LI REN HE for Bao Yu and XIANG YUN...lol.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
In general, no opposition. However, now Bao Chai is helping the whole family for living. If Bao Yu, as a useless man (to some degree), gets another wife. Does that sound right? Now to some degree, he depends on Bao Chai. 出家probably sounds better for him.
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 看最后宝玉的话,伤感.他是渐渐看透了,想来是等王夫人死后就出家?还是另有原因?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 I will try to post some of my discussions to Wen Xue City also to ask for more MMs and GGs to come to join in our discussion forum here :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 Ok, that's some of my thoughts after reading this wonderful chapter. Thanks very much to Miao Mei Mei.

MMs, please join in me for further discussions.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 I support MMs' suggestion about Miao Mei Mei pursuing publishing the story in a book in the near future.

"有骨头不愁肉", the most important thing of a good book is its backbone, the story and the idea. Miao Mei Mei already has a wonderful story, a wonderful backbone. "人都说好文章是改出来的,我还得改。" That's probably true. A book is even more difficult than a story. Many details need to be TUI QIAO back and forth. But, "Bu Pa Ban Bu Dao, Zhi Pa Xiang Bu Dao". You have a good story, then you already have a solid foundation and potential to go toward a book.

How about this, since you serve us with such a wonderful story and fairy tale, as repay, we will try our best to help TUI QIAO details. Then you could gradually make your story perfect and with more meat.

MMs, any further opinions?
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 Jiajia07, great comment on 来,回去.Applaus for u.
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
yes, this is for Baoyu and Baochai. somehow matching 忧伤中的快乐,both for Daiyu and Baoyu. Daiyu because she will always bear in mind Baoyu-s unhappiness. Baoyu... we don-t need to repeat any more.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 One thing for Miao Mei Mei. After Wan Er was born, we didn't see any specific deions about whether Shui Rong loves the boy, until his sentence in this chapter, "我自然是心喜的".

This is Dai Yu and his first child, result of their true love. Shouldn't him cherish their love result very much? I guess Miao Mei Mei wants to emphasize that Shui Rong thinks Dai Yu is the most important, and she is way more important than his children, if he has to make a decision. That is obviously very sweet. But "Ai Wu Ji Wu", he should especially loves their child. (He role in Shui Rong's heart is completely different than Shui Rong's other daughter.) I still remember how much Rhett Butler loves Scarlett and his daughter in "Gone with the wind". Just a thought :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "就有一个极熟悉的声音道:“你不要推我,我自会走开的。”黛玉一听,如雷轰顶,赶紧站起身来。"

Is it because the dream earlier? Since anyway it is not the first time Dai Yu met with Bao Yu after he was married.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "妹妹今天回来了,以后就不用回去了。看见妹妹身体很好,我也放心了"
Coming back from where, no need to go back where? Especially thinking about the previous "那个昏迷中的梦". In the last chapter, "黛玉思忖了背后那句:“为了他你再回去吧”的话,为他---是水溶?还是这个孩子?还是宝玉?她不明白。" These "come" "go" words appear so many times in the original story and in this story. Need Miao Mei Mei for more explanations to us :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 In Chapter "十四、日暮", Dai Yu controlled herself very well in front of Bao Chai. But here in front of Shui Rong, she obviously didn't even try much to control herself. I think Miao Mei Mei is passing us a message, how much Shui Rong loves Dai Yu and how Dai Yu doesn't have to control and hide her true feelings in front of Shui Rong. Great!
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "黛玉心里乱乱纷纷,不觉就问道:“你不是吃过了么?怎么还---”"

Dai Yu is asking Shui Rong or Bao Yu? Or since her heart is "乱乱纷纷", she herself doesn't know? Because Bao Yu also mentioned that he had eaten.

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "黛玉愣了一会儿,轻轻答道:“他小名叫万儿。”

Because of 芊儿 and 万儿? Or "草字头下加个千万的千字", still Bao Yu, "An Zhi Nian Mu Shi Qian Yuan", still "草字头"?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
"叹人间, 美中不足今方信.纵然是举案齐眉,到底意难平."

That's for Bao Yu and Bao Chai, not for Dai Yu and Shui Rong though :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 Wonderful chapter! Thanks Miao Mei Mei.

I fully believe that with this chapter, Miao Mei Mei shows that she will not fall into a common three-person love story. She wants Dai Yu to have a perfect love story, with Shui Rong. Then Bao Yu is one mountain that they both have to climb over.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "水溶微微一笑,牵住黛玉的手,也不和宝玉作别就往外走,黛玉边走边回过头,看着宝玉,宝玉向她笑着点头,眼里含着闪闪的泪花。"

I guess that is the fareware between the three. Shui Rong "也不和宝玉作别", "牵住黛玉的手" "就往外走", them couple will go to their own life.

"黛玉边走边回过头,看着宝玉" Dai Yu is still in sad mood. She also knows that's the fareward between her and Bao Yu.

"宝玉向她笑着点头,眼里含着闪闪的泪花" Bao Yu is saying goodbye to his life-time love. He doesn't want to make her sad, so he "向她笑着点头", although "眼里含着闪闪的泪花". They both know that that's the end between them, finally and formally. From then on, they will have to say goodbye to their love and leaves it in their history.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "宝玉把第三杯酒和水溶叮当一碰,笑道:“到时候再说。”"

Decent. Bao Yu also expressed his feeling, as Dai Yu thought in Chapter "二十四、出征", "但又觉得见面也只有尴尬和难过". He is willing not to see Dai Yu any longer. He doesn't want to bother her life, since he also knows that he still lives in Dai Yu's heart, forever.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "宝玉把这些看在眼里,慢慢地微笑了。"

Bao Yu knows Dai Yu has got her life-time love. He now feels fully released. He truly loves Dai Yu, so he feels happy for her. On the other hand, he also saw Dai Yu's heart, the same as before (well, at least to certain degree). He also feels released.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "水溶看着黛玉脸色一变,似伤心又似生气,但慢慢地,他的眼色又泛起温和爱怜的波光,伸手抓过黛玉的手,轻轻拍了拍。黛玉用绢子试了眼泪,水溶又倒给她一杯热茶劝她喝下去。"

Really like this, Shui Rong "脸色一变", he knows he is still a loser at the moment (not exactly of course), but still at the moment, Dai Yu has not changed much from the last time when Dai Yu beg him to save Bao Yu and promised to his servant. So he "似伤心又似生气", remember how much he was mad in Chapter "九、欲绝", as he explained in Chapter "二十一、衷情", "水溶看着她的眼睛道:“真不明白,还是假的?你说的愿作奴婢那句话,惹恼了我," He knows that, even after they got their own baby, Dai Yu is still in love with Bao Yu.

Soon, he controls himself. He really loves Dai Yu. He wants to give Dai Yu enough time to recover. He believes that his love will eventually win (or move) Dai Yu. So "但慢慢地,他的眼色又泛起温和爱怜的波光,伸手抓过黛玉的手,轻轻拍了拍。"

"黛玉用绢子试了眼泪,水溶又倒给她一杯热茶劝她喝下去。" Dai Yu knows her reaction is a little too much. But she couldn't control herself. And on the other hand, this sentence also shows that Dai Yu knows how much Shui Rong loves her and spoils her. She doesn't have to cover her real feelings in front of Shui Rong. Shui Rong will understand her. "水溶又倒给她一杯热茶劝她喝下去", really sweet. All Shui Rong's understanding and love are shown in these simple actions.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "宝玉刚唱完,就听黛玉抽泣了一声,泪落下来。"

In front of Shui Rong :-)
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "我只是唱给王爷听。"

Wonder Miao Mei Mei has more reasons to show us in the future chapters why Bao Yu wants to sing in front of Shui Rong this song.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 水溶笑道:“那自然好,只不过---”

Seems that before, Bao Yu always sing something like "酒楼上的曲儿", having "那些个东西"?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 “恭喜王爷得了世子爷。”

Bao Yu has grown up. He knows how to act decently, even though his heart is so uncalm at the moment.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "水溶和宝玉二人皆端起了男人气概"

They are both in front of their only life-time soulmate, the only woman they both love for the life time.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "就听水溶和宝玉同时回答道:“这不是吃饭---”宝玉住了口,水溶也顿了一下,却接着说道:“是饮酒,只饮三杯,你不要担心。”"

Good deions. Both Shui Rong and Bao Yu are nervous in front of Dai Yu. They also both need some alcohol.

"宝玉住了口" He realizes his role, he is oply a supporting actor in this scene.

"水溶也顿了一下,却接着说道:..." Shui Rong feels Bao Yu's reaction. He "顿了一下". Then he calms down, "接着说道".
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "这要谢谢玉儿,多亏了她。我自然是心喜的,但是若得不着,有了她,我也一样欢喜。”

Really likes Shui Rong. He is such as man. He explicitly express his love to Dai Yu.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
"taking care of Daiyu as a real brother...or former lover"

Just my feeling. I don't think Bao Yu considers Dai Yu just as a former lover, let alone a real brother or sister.

Bao Yu told Shui Rong, "我本来要走的,却似乎听见她们的声音,近前来一看果然是她们.” When Bao Yu first came to the door, "面色玉白,两眼清亮,站在门口向黛玉望着。" After Zhu Ying asked Bao Yu to get in, "那宝玉有些懵懵懂懂走进来,直接就在黛玉面前坐了下来,两眼还是盯着黛玉,也不吭声。" Finally, he said, "就听宝玉说了句:“妹妹看上去丰满了些。”

Later, when Dai Yu totally forget to introduce her Wan Er to Bao Yu, Bao Yu didn't say at the moment. Afterwards, "宝玉见黛玉的目光尾随着孩子离去,便笑笑说道:“妹妹也不让我看看他。”黛玉才想起来,刚要让他们回来,宝玉连忙阻止了道:“不要叫了,以后还没有机会再见么?” - His heart is crying. He also didn't dare to see Dai Yu's son.

And many many.

In short, I think Bao Yu still loves Dai Yu so deeply. He still completely doesn't fit into his marriage. He cannot care less. But as 明艳如我 Mei Mei said, he is growing up. He knows how to kind of control his feelings to Dai Yu. She is married to Shui Rong.

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "...若不是牵扯到众多原因,自然还是应该多往来的。”说着,眼望向黛玉,黛玉脸上还含着悲伤,只不接他的目光。宝玉笑着打岔道:..."

These deions are really good. All three's expressions and feelings and subtle interactions are shown vividly.

Shui Rong implicates that he didn't want to have more communications with Bao Yu because of "牵扯到众多原因" (obvious). "说着,眼望向黛玉", he still so much expects to see that his Yu Er already completely fully loves him. Unfortunately, he has to be disappointed again at the moment, even though they two already had a cute son. "黛玉脸上还含着悲伤,只不接他的目光."

The situation between the three is really embarrasing. Bao Yu fully understands and tries to help Dai Yu, "宝玉笑着打岔...".
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 another impression on this chapter is that Baoyu really has changed much, he is no more the beloved naive boy in Daguanyuan, but an adult, depressed man. He is looking at the life with other eyes, taking care of Daiyu as a real brother...or former lover.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "水溶连忙伸手搀住他,微笑道:“好久没见到你了,你可好?”"

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 That's his Yu Er, whom he loves so much and he wants to use his life to protect.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "这时就听雅间之外有些低低的人声和脚步声,黛玉抬眼一望,就见水溶站在门边,凝神望着宝玉。"

This deion is really GOOD! Nice job! Thinking about it, there are so many things under the words.

Shui Rong is good. He stood at the door, starting at Bao Yu. He didn't go in; he kept enough space for Dai Yu, even though, please remember, at the moment, both Bao Yu and Dai Yu are NEI YAN XIANG DU.

Of course, he is the husband. He stood at the door. That's his right. But at least, he didn't say anything, even not entering the door. But every one of us could imagine how much feelings in his heart at the moment.
我似浮云独自游 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
叹人间, 美中不足今方信.纵然是举案齐眉,到底意难平.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "宝玉用手轻抚着桌边的一处凹坑,听了这话,停了手,泪眼望向黛玉,半晌无话."

Not sure whether Miao Mei Mei hides some link here or not. Dai Yu's that dream is very important. Bao Yu's reaction deserves more explanations; maybe Miao Mei Mei will tell us in later chapters.
雪冰月 回复 悄悄话 还在想这结局会是怎样的"忧伤中的欢乐"? 只要水姐姐欢乐的定义和我们所期盼的吻合. 那点忧伤还是能承受得了.
噢,都忘了EASTER DAY了. 祝水姐姐和家人幸福快乐!
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复我似浮云独自游的评论:
At least now you could go to sleep before it gets too late. Miao Mei Mei is so considerate.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "宝玉听了,一下子涌出泪水来,自己用衣袖慢慢擦了,没有说话。"

Once again, Bao Yu knows that in the world, Dai Yu is his only soulmate. How could he get lost of her? I guess that, he not only feels sad about his personal fate, but also, and more important, he feels so sad that he lost Dai Yu. Just as later, when Shui Rong said, "有了她,我也一样欢喜。" "这话说完,...,宝玉的脸却煞白如纸。"
我似浮云独自游 回复 悄悄话 我就走了一会儿阿!!!姐妹们太快了!!
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "黛玉一听,抬眼望了他,心里有一百种味道交织着,思忖着他说的话:宝姐姐生了个女儿,好像那孩子和他无关一样。"

I guess at least on one side, Dai Yu feels a little sweet. Although Bao Yu married Bao Chai, still, she is Bao Yu's soulmate and only love, even though the couple had a baby.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
I took it as a flattery :-) No, I am not. I am in engineering area.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
Right. In Dai Yu's heart, she needs to finally clear her thoughts and feelings. We all hope a perfect ending for them three. I mean, Dai Yu will finally fully loves Shui Rong. In her heart, Bao Yu will always be her soulmate; but eventually, not closely related to men-and-women love. Shui Rong will eventually have Dai Yu's full heart. Bao Yu, he will become a monk, right?
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
Again agree, you seem to be a professional critician?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "宝姐姐和环儿还在杨柳村那边开了个棉花作坊,给军队做些棉衣,也有些进项"

This sentence is good, as it relates to "十七、重锦", Bao Chai thought, "也许以后也得靠自己才行" and "十九、钗环", "黛玉道:“姐姐拿这些银子做点本钱,做个小生意也好,你们家过去不是很会这些经济上的法子,..." Seems that Bao Chai took Dai Yu's suggestion and tried to do something to support the whole family. Good.
tigergirltantan 回复 悄悄话 Love your writing very much. I follow each chapter closely. After I read this one, I hope you won't lead us into the tranditional and boring 3-people love affair. I still want to read just DaiYu and ShuiRong together, and BaoYu is just a passed story.
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复datuzi的评论:
this sounds very frustrating... 10 days without a new update...
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
1. Agree, I also mentioned it should be in different ways. since Love could also vary into another form.
2. I think life is never perfect, Daiyu will love Shuirong as the lover and husband, while her love to Baoyu will faint but remain an important part of her personality. Remember Miao Mei Mei said忧伤中的欢乐, the complexity of human being is not just a switch between yes and no.

agree with your comment on zhuyings reaction, also seemed strange to me.
datuzi 回复 悄悄话 I will read the chapter and all the comments later! now we have 10 days to discuss...
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "宝玉向紫鹃看了看答道"

Not sure why Bao Yu didn't want to say hi to Zi Juan. In addition, Zi Juan is now married. I guess her dressing especially hair style would have changed. Bao Yu always knows how close Zi Juan is with Dai Yu, and how Dai Yu always treats Zi Juan as her sister. Wonder why Bao Yu didn't say hi to Zi Juan. Maybe his full heart is on Dai Yu?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "黛玉早已泪如雨下"

In front of Zi Juan and 两个奶妈?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "朱英正皱眉想着他是哪个"

Shui Rong said to Bao Yu, "以前你常来我府里做客". Also, Zhu Ying escort Dai Yu to see Bao Yu and Dai Yu before. Furthermore, Bao Yu is obviously very handsome and outstanding. Kind of doubt Zhu Ying didn't recognize him at the beginning.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "朱英马上想起他是谁来,眉头展开笑了"

Since Zhu Ying and Zi Juan are married, I guess Zi Juan must have told Zhu Ying about Bao Yu and Dai Yu's past. Since he is Shui Rong's most trusted person, he should know (guess) Shui Rong's concern. Of course in any way, he should treat Bao Yu very politely; but I guess he would have some concern for Shui Rong, and may not just "眉头展开笑了" - seems he is very happy to see Bao Yu.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "那张稳婆完成使命之后便没有跟来,王庄头在水溶授意下给了她最大的酬劳,并允诺了她家人一些将来的打算。"

This sentence is good, showing Miao Mei Mei's careful considerations.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 "带了两个奶水充足的奶妈"

So one didn't come along, either because she didn't want to leave home with her own kid, or because Wan Er didn't eat that much anymore?
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 回复明艳如我的评论:
Agree, in general. But I think: love is always selfish, at least in some ways. From Shui Rong's perspective, he wants to have Dai Yu's whole heart. Although Dai Yu and Bao Yu can remain to be 知己 (soulmates), Dai Yu should say goodbye to their love in her heart, if she wants to have a wonderful life and it's fair to Shui Rong. Agree that "sometimes you could love 2 persons in different ways", but needs to be in different ways. One in love, one in other way, for example, brother-sister feelings eventually. If "Daiyu will always love Baoyu in the deepest heart", if she still "love" Bao Yu and cannot change the feelings to another type of love, Shui Rong will never be really happy.

jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 Obviously, Dai Yu still loves Bao Yu so much deep in her heart.


This is NOT the first time Dai Yu saw Bao Yu after she moved out of JIA FU. In Chapter "十四、日暮", she went to see Bao Yu and Bao Chai. However, this time, she saw Bao Yu alone - without Bao Chai. So she still could not control her feelings toward Bao Yu, even in front of her servants. (Remember, Zhu Ying is Shui Rong's people.)
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 回复jiajia07的评论:
After reading this chapter, I fully agree with u, 衷情is one of the best chapters of this novel, I also like 日暮,血誓, all have to do with Baoyu. It is difficult to describe the 3er relationship, especially in regard of Baoyu and Daiyu.
But I think Daiyu will always love Baoyu in the deepest heart, sometimes you could love 2 persons in different ways.
Like what Daiyu said to Baoyu你不是无才无能,只是错生了时候,时候也错待了你,they will remain 知己.
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 This chapter is really great!

I read the last chapter and had so much wanting to discuss with MMs. But I was too busy in the last several days and didn't get the chance. Will bring out my thoughts this weekend.

Miao Mei Mei has the best thinking for this chapter. It gives a real end in Dai Yu's heart toward Bao Yu. Dai Yu deserves her own new wonderful life. In order to fully enjoy her life, she will have to cut her love to Bao Yu, sooner or later. That will be fair to Shui Rong too. He really deserves that. I think in Shui Rong's heart, he also expect that one day, Dai Yu can put down Bao Yu and only love himself, with her full heart.

In Chapter "九、欲绝", Shui Rong thought, "果然自己就没有一点希望么?这辈子即使可以得她的人,却不能得她的心么?" Now he has got Dai Yu as his wife. But I guess he is still uncertain whether he has got her heart. Almost, he knows, sadly, he has not won her heart. In Chapter "二十一、衷情", he said, "你为他那么着,其实我很佩服的,你很有侠义和勇气,就算是这两样吧,是不是?还有别的么?” Please pay attention, "就算是这两样吧,是不是?还有别的么?" He so much wanted to hear a positive answer for the first question and a negative answer for the second. (Although he almost completely knows the answer.)

At that time, Dai Yu said, “古人有话,士为知己者死。王爷难道没有知己的么?” The answer was so obvious. Dai Yu considers Bao Yu as her "知己"; although Shui Rong considers Dai Yu his "知己": "来的晚,人却是第一份。" I was really touched and moved by Shui Rong's complete love to Dai Yu at the moment. He must be so disappointed and sad at that moment. But still, he chose to give Dai Yu time and space, just clearly express his love.

At that time, Dai Yu so much understood Shui Rong's love and was very touched too, "黛玉的心里如石投水,涟纹波波荡去,忍不住也抓住了水溶的手". But still, she didn't cheat her own heart and didn't say something untrue just to please Shui Rong.

"两个人都默不作声,过了一会儿,水溶把黛玉的小手放在自己温和的大手心里,轻轻摩挲,两个人又共同望向玉舍那边。" Shui Rong was showing his true love without words; two of them decide to turn the topic to themselves, to their own love story, that's why "两个人又共同望向玉舍那边", because the house records the starting of their own love story.
明艳如我 回复 悄悄话 I am the third today... Miao Meimei, happy easter. Thanks thanks thanks.
wava 回复 悄悄话 sofa
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 Many thanks to Miao Mei Mei! Ding before reading! Happy Easter and have a great spring break week with your family!
jiajia07 回复 悄悄话 Sofa!