

私房语录 (4-5)

(2007-07-15 09:33:11) 下一个

雏儿是最喜欢吃我做的菜了。有一天我自创了一个松子皮蛋豆腐凉菜,非常受欢迎。大啖一通后,他颇为感慨地说:Some food can go well together, like this Tofu and Pine Seeds; however some things really don't go well together, such as broccoli and kids.

(5) 有一天放学回家,雏儿显得神情哀伤,心事重重。刚一发问,他就泪眼汪汪地说:Mom, why people have to die? I enjoy my life so much and I don't want to die.我心里一乐,原来是那怕死情在作怪。转念一想,何不用这一机会来敦促他花点心思在学习上呢?于是就说:Sweetie, don't worry. A lot of scientists are working very hard to make people live longer. If you study hard, you can be an outstanding scientist too. And if you are smart enough, maybe you will invent something that can keep people live forever.他听了,眼睛一亮,沉思片刻后,又问:Mom, is Einstein the most brilliant scientist in the world?我急切地一个劲地点头:Yes! Yes!谁知听了我的回答,他的眼泪止不住的哗啦啦地往下落:“He died!绝望地说

作者:海棠花飞 (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=26531)

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海棠花飞 回复 悄悄话 • 回复:你家雏儿才7岁左右,对吧? -老别- ♂ (23 bytes) (12 reads) 7/15/07

• 这讲得是那会儿的事,老妈开博的晚,现在他已9岁了。现在的他是“初试牛刀”里的那把小牛刀。 -海棠花飞- ♀ (67 bytes) (17 reads) 7/15/07

• 回复:你肯定不是俺屋里的. 她现在跟俺那9岁的小子周旋呢:) 另外你家儿子比我那小子会贫~~ -老别- ♂ (86 bytes) (11 reads) 7/15/07

• 我一边上网,一边也与儿周旋着哪,很搞笑呢,有空写下来。 -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/15/07

• 小孩子想得就不一样.我昨天对儿子说:"...抓紧时间..."结果他问他爸爸:"时间在哪里?"他爸爸回答:"时间在天上."于是他就手伸往天上伸,小拳头握紧.说:"妈妈让我抓紧时间,我已经抓紧了." -戈壁滩上的流沙- (119 bytes) (21 reads) 7/15/07

• 好玩。 -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 7/15/07

• 好可爱的孩子! -五味七色- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/15/07

• 把恼火变文字,逗己逗人玩。 -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/15/07