

(2023-10-21 12:22:45) 下一个


I am a roaming teardrop on the annual ring
You can still smell my rouge in the air floating
Should I carve my promise on the River bank
The river’s cold moonlight will flood entire  town

Under  the Tree of Time I waited for you long
They scorned’nd laughed at me for my hair greying on
Behold the flying kite chasing the setting sun
A weather-beaten lamp in midnight saying goodbye

My heart is like the sand on the rutted road
Should you return the world will be a bumpy one
When autumn night rain falls, wet is the tired bird
Under a wall of flower remains the yellow withered

You live the east of Qiantang I north of Lin An town
You left in clothes brownI had my yellow dress on
Reborn in Quanting site due to the compass wrong
I treaded  to Hangcheng you was born in Yuhang





我是那年轮上 流浪的眼泪 你仍然能闻到 风中的胭脂味 我若是将诺言 刻在那江畔上 一江水冷月光 满城的汪洋

韵脚是AABB。首句就把这个悲剧故事的要点交代了: 时间, 阴差阳错,地理上对了,时间上不对,从此隔着永远不可能交错的时间。第二句,或许胭脂味可能在时间上延续,但是我们在地理上定位错了,也见不到。第三四句,很好的比喻,诺言经由江上月光迷漫到全城。诺言无所不在,却实现不了。

我在时间的树下等了你很久 尘凡儿谗我谤我笑我白了头 你看那天边追逐落日的纸鸢 像一盏回首道别夤夜的风灯

韵脚: AABC, 有无可能弄成AABA呢,想了一下想不出来。还是意思要紧。首句又点出时间这个因素,难免让人联想到因为时间因素不能聚头的相爱之人,如:恨不相逢未嫁时。第二句比喻很好,把俗人比喻成尘土,直解当然也可以:我在树下等你,路上风尘仆仆。

我的心似流沙 放逐在车辙旁 他日你若再返 必颠沛在世上 若遇那秋夜雨 倦鸟也淋漓 那却是花墙下弥留的枯黄

韵脚: AABA

一二句这回强调的是追寻之苦, 流沙,车辙,颠沛,无不表现出奔波的艰难,何况这种奔波又注定是徒劳的。 倦鸟被雨淋湿, 花儿在墙下枯萎,都是一个痴心女子在追寻中老去的形象。

君住在钱塘东 妾在临安北 君去时褐衣红 小奴家腰上黄 寻差了罗盘经 错投在泉亭 奴辗转到杭城 君又生余杭

韵脚: ABCB,但是 注意中间也有韵的因素—-东,红,经,城。如果切割成八句,韵脚则是ABACAAAC,还是挺好听的。





I am a drop of roaming tear on the annual ring

My perfume in the air you’re still smelling

If I carve my promise on the banks of a river

The whole town the cold moonlight will flood over

I wait for you a long time under the time tree

Laughed at by dusts for the grey hair they see

Look at the paper kite chasing the setting sun

Like a windproof lamp in late night on its departing run


My heart is like the sand by the ruts on the road

Should you return you would be in a bumpy world

As autumn rain falls a tired bird will soak over

It’ the remaining withered yellow at wall’s corner


You live in the east of Qiantang I north of Lin An town

You left in ragged clothes when I had my noble dress on

I was reborn in Quanting because the compass was wrong

When I finally came to Hangzhou you in Yuhang was born

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