

(2008-04-03 21:40:48) 下一个

以下是一篇海外华人声讨西方媒体对中国持偏见的檄文, 望广泛传播. 衷心期望中国政府,挺起你的脊梁. 走自己的路, 让别人去说吧.

Shame on You, Lorne Gunters!

Mr. Lorne Gunter,

Your column article of March 31, 2008 about China in the Edmonton Journal presents nothing but your deep-rooted prejudice against China based on rumors and lies.  Shame on you, Lorne Gunter!

Have you ever been to China? If not, shame on you!

Have you ever been to XiZang? If not, shame on you!

Have you ever read a history book about China? If not, shame on you!

Have you ever heard how XiZang people suffered from the miserable slavery system in the past under the old local authority, specifically the spiritual and political ruler, the Dalai Lama? If not, shame on you!

Have you ever talked to normal XiZang people about how the health and well-being of Zang communities being improved? If not, shame on you!

Have you ever done a little research about the China's Preferential Policies for the minorities and how the policies have been implemented in China? If not, shame on you!

In the Edmonton Public Library, there is a good tour book written by a tourist about XiZang and how Zang's cultures have been preserved. Have you read this book before you wrote your ignorant column? If not, shame on you! 

Mr. Lorne Gunter, do you know that the GDP of XiZang Autonomous Region in the year of 2006 increased 250% from that of the year 2000? If not, shame on you!

Mr. Lorne Gunter, do you know that 180 major capital projects in the XiZang’s 11th Five-Year Development Plan were approved by the central government of China on January 31, 2007? If not, shame on you!

Mr. Lorne Gunter, do you know that for every 10 dollars spent on these projects, 7.1 dollars came from the central government of China? If not, shame on you!

Mr. Lorne Gunter, do you know that these projects are mostly related to infrastructure, health care, education, communications, hydropower, drinking water supply, culture and heritage protection, and environmental protection and sustainability projects, including Linzi Airport, Lasha Liuwu Big Bridge, Zhikong Hydropower Plant, Shiquanhe Hydropower Plant, New Campus of XiZang University, Renovation of the 22 temples and Culture Heritage Architectures, Rikeze Railway extensions, Ali Airport, and etc? If not, shame on you!

Mr. Lorne Gunter, do you know the fact that XiZang people, like Jilin people, Shanghai people and Beijing people, are all brothers and sisters, they have been living together since the beginning of the 7th century, Tang Dynasty, and China is their motherland? If not, shame on you!

Mr. Lorne Gunter, tell me how do you think that you have the qualification to say that "China doesn't deserve to host Olympics"? Shame on you!

Mr. Lorne Gunter, tell me how do you think that you have the right for polluting the public with your ignorant and prejudice article? Shame on you!

Mr. Lorne Gunter, because of you and many other “Lorne Gunters”, my poor 14-year-old Edmonton-raised kid has been politically polluted and holds the same view as you do about XiZang although he knows nothing about XiZang. For this particular, shame on myself, because I have given too much faith on you guys and I have failed to educate my kid properly.

For all Mr. Lorne Gunters, it’s time you changed your arrogant attitudes; it’s time you apologized for the misleading public messages; it’s time you took the remedy and reclaimed your deep-root polluted faith; it’s time you ran a fair and unprejudiced Western Media; it’s time you regained the faith from the public including 1.4 billion Chinese people.

To correct my mistake on my kid’s education and to educate many “Lorne Gunters”, I have decided to take my kid to join the peaceful protest gathering for the truth of XiZang and the support of Beijing 2008 Olympics from 14:00 to 16:00 on April 5, 2008 at the Churchill Square, City Hall of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

(Note 1: Link to original article by Lorne Gunter: http://www.canada.com/edmontonjo ... 7c22a18598&p=1;

Note 2: I suggest people who know the XiZang history use the Chinese official name “XiZang and XiZang people” rather than "Tibet and Tibetans" because the English word “ Tibet” came from the Marco Polo’s travel notes in the 13th century, which was not a official name of XiZang at that time;
Note 3: This article critic was originally posted in the website of www.edmontonchina.com on April 1, 2008 by Yiyin. If you support the author’s article, please circulate it to your friends as many as you can to let the world to hear the voice of our overseas Chinese.)

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