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【经典热播】红辣椒 - Californication

(2008-12-15 20:21:59) 下一个

Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind's elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication

It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East
At least it settles in the final location
It's understood that Hollywood
sells Californication

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin
Or is that war your waging

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication

Marry me girl be my fairy to the world
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard
It's Californication

Space may be the final frontier
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderon's not far away
It's Californication

Born and raised by those who praise
Control of population everybody's been there
I don't mean on vacation


Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar
They're just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn't save the world
From Californication

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Sicker than the rest
There is no test
But this is what you're craving


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(弹弹) 回复 悄悄话 rhcp我稀饭
Autumn 回复 悄悄话 时钟转了一圈才下班,深刻理解江江的心情,晕头转向地抱抱说~~~

这里可是白雪覆盖,要过一个WHITE XMAS啦,可此刻兴奋不起来,也许太累了的缘故吧。不过心底还是暗藏着希望,等一觉睡够就有过节的感觉了也说不定~

摇摇手中一串红辣椒,问好每一位走进来的朋友~~~ ^^
寒江雪~ 回复 悄悄话 正在给老板卖命呢!!晕头转向地先上来问候一下亲耐地一诺和秋秋!!!:)))



让人回归幸福的童年:))) 节日快乐!!!!
Autumn 回复 悄悄话 谢谢太阳屋,欢迎来听歌~

你的ID很写实,耳机虽然偏大可音质仿佛很不错的说~~~ ^^
太阳屋 回复 悄悄话 这些贴子做得真棒
秋秋~ 回复 悄悄话 嘻嘻~

今天这里零下,需要一点假象的热量支持呢~~~ :P
一诺~~ 回复 悄悄话 wow,刚要下线,看见夜里多了一"红辣椒"

这个辣椒可真够HOT哈 :-)