
A Post of Praise and Prayer 12/22/2005

(2006-07-21 10:58:06) 下一个
My Lord, how faithful you are! Your spirit is pure and innocent like a child, your love is patient and enduring like a parent, your discipline is the rod that leads to sweet fruit, and your promises you keep like a rainbow across the world. Your name is holy! most beautiful, faithful, mercyful and loveable, is God. You free me, from fearing and trembling in my sin, you lead me, singing and dancing in your light. I was feeble and wicked, yet you will rebuild me with your purity and grace. Your words asure me, your work guards me. Your mighty power moves the mountains in men's heart and opens the clouds in their eyes. Praise your name and may your name be exalted wherever there's thirsty soul, crying eyes, saddened heart and burdened shoulders! You are the father of the orphans, the dependable of the widow, the support of the weak, the healer of the sick, the companion and comforter of the lonely! How mercyful you are, how great you are!

詩篇 113

1 你們要讚美耶和華. 耶和華的僕人哪, 你們要讚美, 讚美耶和華的名.
2 耶和華的名, 是應當稱頌的, 從今時直到永遠.
3 從日出之地, 到日落之處, 耶和華的名是應當讚美的.
4 耶和華超乎萬民之上. 他的榮耀高過諸天.
5 誰像耶和華我們的神呢. 他坐在至高之處,
6 自己謙卑, 觀看天上地下的事.
7 他從灰塵裡抬舉貧寒人, 從糞堆中提拔窮乏人.
8 使他們與王子同坐, 就是與本國的王子同坐.
9 他使不能生育的婦人安居家中, 為多子的樂母. 你們要讚美耶和華.

詩篇 102

25 你起初立了地的根基;天也是你手所造的。
26 天地都要灭没,你却要长存;天地都要如外衣渐渐旧了。你要将天地如里衣更换,天地就改变了。
27 惟有你永不改变;你的年数没有穷尽。
28 你仆人的子孙要长存;他们的后裔要坚立在你面前。


Praise the Lord for taking away from me worries and sadness, replace in my heart with unexpected peace. The peace that cannot be acquired by personal efforts, the peace that surprises me always. Thus I rejoice in God's peace, for I know He is in charge of the future, He would look after me. Praise God who is the comforter.

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord.
Praise God in His sanctuary;
praise Him in His mighty heavens.
Praise Him for His act of power;
praise Him for His surpassing greatness.
Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet;
praise Him with the harp and lyre,
praise Him with tambourine and dancing,
praise Him with the strings and flute,
praise Him with the clash of cymbals,
praise Him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.

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