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来看一篇M的《Challenge》文书 250words

(2022-03-12 21:45:13) 下一个

这篇的故事也是高中转学经历。其实,2呆家娃的故事,只要把前面申请过三家被拒的经历省去不写,直接从local public feeder开始写起,然后两年努力提升到自己,最后为了学习更多知识,不得不在Junior决定再转学到另一间学校。选择转学的原因,没有学校的好坏,而是为了自己求知。最后学到更多。这是多好的故事啊。





My non-traditional high school choice”—L. N. (2013-14)

Choosing between continuing my traditional high school education and diverging from the beaten path to pursue what I thought would bring greater knowledge, skill, and bliss was probably the most difficult choice I have ever made. The conflict between what I felt and rationally knew to be right, and what society was telling me to do, was enormous. Many people thought my judgement was poor, and I at times had doubts. I felt like I was throwing away everything I had worked hard for since I was a kindergartener, by breaking the system. I have yet to be admitted to any colleges, so I still do not know the full consequences of my actions, but I do know that regardless, choosing to leave is one of the best decisions I have ever made. If I had not broken off to gain the knowledge and experience I needed, I would not be the person I am today, and I feel fantastic. I gained so much so quickly, that I soon knew that I had made the right choice. Before I left my school, however, I was still carrying the dogma of and attachment to an educational system that was not serving me or humanity. Marching to the beat of a different drummer is not easy for anyone, especially someone who has investments in the current song. Fortunately, eastern philosophy and meditation assisted me in letting go, and as soon as I did follow my heart, great things happened.

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