Celil's案件已经成为两国的一大难题。中国不认可他的加国身份,因为他是在逃要犯。并且Ottawa刚刚给了Dalai Lama一个荣誉公民已经惹火了中国。起诉他的罪名是恐怖暗杀。但他的家人说他是穆斯林是政治迫害。Uighurs,是一组讲Turkic语的Muslims组织 ,主张疆独,声称要建立"East Turkistan"国家。
Huseyin Celil的太太 Kamila Telendibaeva和他们的四个孩子生活在多伦多。上周他太太声称,Celil被加国政府遗弃了,因为上周中方开庭控告他恐怖袭击中国时,加方没人到庭临听,从而使事件曝光,引起中加外交史上又一次波澜。反对党说哈博是“木纳的冷血蜡人“。哈博反驳说,加国政府已经与中方在不同场合进行了交涉。外长Peter Mackey说他也亲自过问了此事。加国国际人权组织Amnesty International去年就做出了警告。
Huseyin Celil 到底是否一个中国国民,这就成了问题的关键。加入了加国/外国国籍之后,其中国国籍是否就自动放弃?也是大家关注的问题。中方强调,Huseyin Celil是中国的外逃罪犯。也就是说他是中国的犯罪份子和外逃在先。(他加入加国在后----中国根本就不理这后面的事)。
a. 如果说是他自动放弃中国籍,那么,他拿着中国护照进入乌茨别克之前,他已经加入了加国国籍,中国政府就应当视他已经放弃了中国国籍。那么他已经不再是中国公民。他使用中国护照进入乌茨别克是使用了非法无效的中国护照----即,他使用了假护照。乌茨别克应当视他为非中国人的偷渡客,应当送他回他的国籍国。在这种情形下,中国政府不应当接受乌茨别克把他遣送到中国。
http://www.voyage.gc.ca/main/pubs/dual_citizenship-en.asp#top (文 by: 加拿大外交部)
Dual citizenship occurs when a person is the citizen of more than one country. Canadian law permits this: you can remain or become a citizen of another country and still be recognized as a Canadian.
But dual citizenship (also called dual nationality) is not legally recognized in all countries. This can lead to serious difficulties for Canadians when they are in the country of their second citizenship. It can also create problems in third countries if there is any confusion over what citizenship was used to obtain entry.
E) | Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada advises against all travel to the specified region(s) of these countries. |
Albania | Algeria | Angola | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Burma (Myanmar) | Burundi | Cameroon | Chile | Colombia | Congo (Kinshasa) | Ecuador | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Georgia | Guinea-Bissau | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel, the West Bank and Gaza | Kenya | Lebanon | Moldova | Nicaragua | Nigeria | Pakistan | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Peru | Philippines | Sudan | Thailand | Uganda | Uzbekistan | Venezuela | Yemen | Zambia |
There are also risks and problems associated with having more than one citizenship.
Recognition of Canadian citizenship: The most important of these is that your Canadian citizenship may not be recognized in the country of your second citizenship. The authorities of that country may not recognize Canada's right to provide you with consular assistance.
There could also be problems in other countries, especially if you used the travel document of the country of your second citizenship to gain entry. In such circumstances, the local authorities could decide that Canada does not have the right to provide consular assistance.
Military service: Many countries still have compulsory military service. If you are a citizen, and you meet other conditions, you may be legally required to register for military service and to respond to call-up orders. This legal obligation may exist even if you do not reside in the country of your second citizenship. Your obligations could be enforced even if you're just visiting at some point in the future.
Some countries do not accept ignorance as an excuse for failure to comply. The consequences could be imprisonment or immediate induction into military service the next time you arrive in the country or attempt to leave. Even dual citizens who have passed the age for military service may be considered defaulters for failing to report at the required time.
Travel: If you travel with two passports, you could be subject to increased scrutiny by immigration and security officials. You could be questioned about missing entry or exit stamps, as well as your reason for having two travel documents. In some countries, possession of a second passport could result in its confiscation or a fine. You may even be prevented from leaving the country.