
Beauty and Intelligence

(2007-04-13 21:24:53) 下一个

Regarding the compliments such as beautiful and intelligent girl that many friends offered to me, i would admit that beauty will definitely and is saying farewell to me as time goes by. The Intelligence, however will embrace me more derived from all the life experience and wisdom. I may feel sad being aging probably, but wisdom tells me being strong and happier.

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they are no more radiant as usual, yet still beautiful with elegant melancholy  while growing old...trauma of love...wisdom of life...
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pretty_woman 回复 悄悄话 Women need to take care of themselves. These days with new technology even in 50s physically some people can still look very young and pretty/sexy. Too many examples.
mingyanzi 回复 悄悄话 agree what 千里望云 said here: "your beautifulness never fades away.....it just changes into another form"

your beauty is reinforced by your wisdom
千里望云 回复 悄悄话 your beautifulness never fades away.....it just changes into another form~~. cheers up!
一苇渡江的行者 回复 悄悄话 :-))