
读报:Domestic Abuse and Foster Family

(2024-10-17 09:49:29) 下一个

I read two articles about help victims of domestic abuse and help foster family on ‘Bucks County Herald’ September 19, 2024.   Barbara gave me the newspaper.

1) ‘Bring Hope to those in foster care’ written by Peg Quann.
At the back of the Newtown Depot shopping center , there's a small shop filled with children's clothing , toys and tote bags . 
This store doesn't sell its colorful merchandise . Rather , it gives its inventory away in hopes that the children who receive these well - cared - for donations will prosper as they begin new chapters in their lives . 
The center is home to the newly formed Lower Bucks chapter of Fostering Hope , an organization that provides clothing and other necessities to families that provide foster homes to children . It also provides support that makes the fostering relationship a successful one for all involved . 
Throughout Pennsylvania  ,more than 13,000 children are in foster care , the nonprofit states , and about 30 % of these are in kinship care " with 200,000 grandparents serving as primary caregivers . " Many need the care because of parental substance abuse or neglect , the stats show . 
Sobering facts are that children who age out of foster care face " higher rates of homelessness and lower educational attainment , ' with less than 3 % earning a college degree and many not completing high school . 

2). ‘ A powerful tool for victims of domestic abuse’. Written by John A. Taylor
Montgomery County Prothonotary Noah Marlier , in July , took a few minutes of Souderton Borough Council's time to introduce the new " Hope Card " program , through which individuals who have been granted a PFA ( Protection from Abuse ) order from the County Court of Common Pleas can easily prove it should the need arise . 
The Hope Card is a simple but powerful tool for the victims of domestic abuse ,having a single card that reflects the PFA's information makes it easy to share with a law enforcement officer . 
" The Hope Card program is an extra level of security for an abuse survivor , allowing them provide proof of protection wherever they are , " said Marlier , " These recent Protection from Abuse initiatives are a key part of our office's mission to serve our community and work within our capacity to make the civil filling process more accessible and less intimidating...”
Montgomery County has had more than 900 Protection from Abuse ( PFA ) petitions filed , and , as of late July , there had been 257 final PFA orders issued since Feb. 1 , according to Ann Cornell , the office's director of outreach . She added the county can receive 30 to 50 PFA filings per week . 
One Souderton resident , a survivor of domestic abuse ,  told the Herald , “At the time of my PFA filings , five years ago , these new initiatives were not available . Paperwork and court hearings moved slowly. For me , every trip to the courthouse was a reminder of living through the violence all over again . I just couldn't shake it . I ways feared hearing days when l would see my abuser . " 
" The new process of filing online is a timesaver . " 

3)I think:
(A) Domestic abuse is very bad, leaving children with long-term psychological pain. My parents love me and care about me, I thank my parents. But I care little about my parents.
(B) It is kind to offer help to those in need. Society should promote this kind of atmosphere. This is missing in China now.

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