
2024 走马观花意大利 - Salerno

(2024-11-29 20:59:08) 下一个


10/11 - 10/14


1.5 -2 hours from Rome by high speed train.

Hotel: Hotel Montestella

Mt. Vesuvius, Pompeii or Herculaneum, the Amalfi Coast or Paestum (greek ruins)

  • Castle of Arechi, providing panoramic views of the Tyrrhenian Sea  (we didn’t go)
  • Paestum, 30-minute train ride south of Salerno, $15
  • Day 1, Amalfi Coast, Ferry to Amalfi, hike Valle Delle Ferriere; then ferry to Positano, hike all the way up.
  • Day 2, The plan was to take a morning train to Pompeii and hike 维苏威火山(Vesuvius), then visit Pompeii ruins;  但是计划赶不上变化.  Railway workers strike.  After we arrived at the platform, all trains were canceled.  So we walk around the city to find a rental car company.  Since it’s Sunday most of the rental car company is closed.  When we finally found one, all cars are stick drive and Jeff dare not to try scooters.  So we decided to go to Naples.  那不勒斯, 意大利第三大城市.  It turned out to be total disaster.   Naples is so 脏乱差。 We finally found the taxi to take us to Pompeii.


  • 庞贝 POMPEI,离那不勒斯约30分钟车程, 当維苏威火山灰在复盖了庞贝城时,就像一个"时空胶囊"封存了当时的罗马人社会状态. Pompeii 远超出我的想象,太震撼了,后悔之前没有多读一些有关的资料,回家补上。这个地方以后还会再来。


  • 10/14 train to Florence, leave 8:38am.
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