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智慧社会主义引论 十一 英文摘要及英文版全文PDF

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- 中国特色社会主义的普世价值与未来范式


Intelligent Socialism – An Introduction
 - Universal values and future paradigms of socialism with Chinese characteristics (Chinese Version)

PAN Heping
APac Institute for Civilisations (APIC)
Gold Coast, Australia
Chinese Cooperative Innovation Center for Intelligent Finance
Chengdu, China


Extended Abstract in English:

This paper proposes “intelligent socialism” as a new ideology and social-political system for existing or would-be socialist states of the community with a shared future of mankind in the future era of smart economy. First of all, the theory is founded upon China, the only real socialist country in the world, as the main objective existence, and is aimed at further developing socialism with Chinese characteristics into a socialist theoretical model and institutional model with universal values in the era of smart economy. The paper first reviews the historical evolution of Chinese and Western civilization in the past 3000 years and the socialist movement in the past 500 years. We realize that China has been an intelligent civilization since ancient times, while the West is a philosophical civilization. The initial idea of socialism originated from the rites of the Zhou Dynasty and Confucianism in ancient China and was practiced in the centralized county system of the Qin Dynasty; The plain ideal of socialism also appeared in parallel in the idea of "Republic" in ancient Greece. The modern international socialist movement was enlightened by the European "Utopian socialism", benefited from the theory of "scientific socialism" of Marx and Engels, broke through with the Soviet model of Lenin and Stalin in practice, and achieved her highest status of success by the socialism with Chinese characteristics. However, at present, the world socialist movement is facing great challenges and difficulties. On this basis, this paper integrates the humanistic value system, the general trend of production forces and production relations in the era of intelligent economy, and the continuity and path dependence with the historical development of human society. We establish and construct a basic theory and institutional paradigm of intelligent socialism. Based on the value system of peace and development of humanism, intelligent socialism is built on a stable, unified and democratic political system with a “Main Party Constitutional System” and operates in a smart economic system and an intelligent social atmosphere. It can be foreseen that the intelligent socialism with China as the main exemplar will be regarded as a universal value and learned or copied by developing countries in the world. Mankind will also enter into the development process of a common destiny of mankind with China's intelligent socialism as the major existence.
    The key message of this paper is that the political regime reform of a large socialist country as China is vitally important not only to the country herself, but also equally important to the shared future and commonwealth of the humanity; and the Main Party Constitutional System provides the best political regime for the country and it avoids the two opposing extremes – the ultra-left totalitarian system of the dictatorship of the proletariat (the current regime) and the ultra-right liberal democracy imperialism. In the Main Party Constitutional System, there are supposed to be two major parties: The first is called the Nation-Holding Party (NHP), the second the Government Ruling Party (GRP). The national sovereignty, diplomacy and the totality of armed forces as well as the strategic planning and maintenance of the nation are controlled by the NHP, while the domestic government is administered by the GRP. Put it visually, the President of the Nation comes from the NHP and the Premier of State Council comes from the GRP. The term length of the NHP should be many times longer than that of the GRP, such as 10 times. Typically, if the term length of the GRP is 5 years, then the term length of the NHP should be 50 years (or longer). In other words, every 50 years, an experienced and reliable party is elected by the parliament to be the new NHP, and every 5 years a different party may win out of the democratic election to be the new GRP. In the case of China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has made the most eminent historical contribution to the independence and modernization of China throughout the recent 100 years, and thus CCP certainly should be respected as the first NHP. Of course, since the establishment of the PRC, there have been no real democratic parties besides CCP. Time and process are needed to let new real democratic parties emerge and grow. This Main Party Constitutional System may be compared to the constitutional monarchy of the UK, however there are two major differences: the first is that the royal family is replaced by a big party – the NHP, so the new regime is more resilient and of better longevity; the second is that the NHP still holds real political power, unlike the pure figurative of the King or Queen or Emperor. As a new ideology, the Intelligent Socialism is destined to take over the “scientific socialism” of Marx and Engels, and will establish herself as the new orthodoxical ideology for China and other socialism countries.

Key words: great changes not seen in a thousand years, Chinese intelligent civilization, Western philosophical-scientific civilization, humanism, socialism, "scientific socialism", socialism with Chinese characteristics, intelligent socialism, Main Party Constitutional System (MPCS), Nation-Holding Party (NHP), Government Ruling Party (GRP), world harmony, and community with a shared future for mankind.

Note: this paper is first of all written in Chinese for the 1.5 billions of the Chinese people in China and worldwide on 8. September 2022. Therefore, the main text of this paper is written in Chinese with an extended abstract in English.

The full Enlish version (PDF) is available here:

Pan, Heping, Intelligent Socialism: An Introduction - Universal Values and Future Paradigm of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (August 4, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4531089 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4531089


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