


(2024-05-26 00:30:45) 下一个

行者按:Renaissance Technologies的James Simons(James Harris Simons,April 25, 1938 – May 10, 2024)日前去世,讓我想起以前在新浪博客上寫有一篇短文(記於2011-10-15)。行者在新浪博客裡的博文大部分不可見,但這篇「順手寫在網邊」的短文尚在。轉於此,一併「幾曾回首」論壇,算是一個紀念。


近日在“新雨丝”看到杨振宁先生的一篇纪念文章[1], 谈到“七十年代我了解了规范场[Gauge Theory]与数学家的纤维丛[Fiber bundle]的密切关系,了解了美妙的陈氏级[Chern class]”以及“如果韦伊[Weil]1948年的猜想是对的,那么陈先生的开创性的陈氏级等数学工作的重要性就要旁及物理世界的最最基本结构了”。

这让我想起了前一段时间看到的一个采访录像,James Simons and C.N. Yang: Stony Brook Masters Series [2] - 但对采访的最初了解还是从Woit的博客看到的[3]。

Jim Simons(1938-)一生传奇,学数学出身,早年毕业于MIT(本科)和UC Berkeley(博士)。他一度在大学教过书,后来辞职去创立并管理一个“对冲基金”(Renaissance Technologies),从中赚了大钱;现在退了休,集中精力做慈善[4]。

去年十二月,Simons作为杰出校友回MIT有个演讲,“Mathematics, Common Sense, and Good Luck: My Life and Careers”。行者以前曾仔细读过江才健写的“杨振宁传”。所以,从此Simons的经历,行者立即想到他应该就是七十年代在纽约州大石溪分校(State University of New York at Stony Brook)的那个数学系主任Simons。果然,Woit的记录和那段采访,验证了行者的猜想。

They describe how Yang went to Simons to try and find out about fiber bundles and what they might have to do with gauge theory. Simons started by referring Yang to Steenrod’s The Topology of Fibre Bundles, which Yang couldn’t make any sense of (Simons admits he never made it all the way through the book himself). This did in the end lead Simons and Yang to some real understanding of how vector potentials in gauge theory and connections on bundles were the same thing, with monopoles examples of topologically non-trivial bundles. Simons lectured at Stony Brook in 1975 on this, and a paper later that year by Wu and Yang included what became known as the “Wu-Yang dictionary” relating terminology in gauge theory and geometry. Singer learned about this soon thereafter when he visited Stony Brook, and went on to spread the news to Oxford, MIT and elsewhere (Woit).


It gradually became clear that field theorists must learn the mathematical concept of fibre bundles. In early 1975, I invited Jim Simons to give my colleages and me a series of luncheon lectures on differential forms and fibre bundles. He kindly accepted the invitation, and we learned about the Stoke's theorem, the de Rham theorem, and so on. What we learned allowed us to understand the mathematical meaning of the Bohm-Aharonov experiment and the Dirac quantization rule of electric and magnetic monopoles. T.T.Wu and I later also understood the profound and very general Chern-Weil theorem. We appreciated that gauge fields have global geometrical connections (not to be confused with physicists' global phase factors) that are naturally formulated in terms of fibre bundle concepts. 






1,“菩萨、量子数与陈氏级”, 杨振宁(原编者按  2011年10月28日是国际数学大师陈省身先生(1911-2004)百年诞辰,他创立的南开大学陈省身数学研究所及美国国家数学研究所(MSRI)届时将联合举办纪念会议。陈先生的学生和好友、诺贝尔物理学奖得主杨振宁先生为此撰写了一篇纪念文章,并授权《物理》杂志及《中国青年报》同时刊发。)
2, James Simons and C.N. Yang: Stony Brook Masters Series。
3, Interview With Simons and Yang, Peter Woit (Not Even Wrong)
4,On December 9, 2010, MIT and the Dean of Science welcomed Dr. Jim Simons back to campus to give the School of Science Dean’s Colloquium entitled, “Mathematics, Common Sense, and Good Luck: My Life and Careers.” Simons talked about his careers first as a mathematician, then as founder and CEO of a successful hedge fund, and now as a philanthropist (Excerpt from Science @ MIT, Spring 2011).
5, Selected papers, 1945-1980, with commentary By Chen Ning Yang (Google Book)

附图:“Selected papers, 1945-1980, with commentary”(局部)

題後話:北京清華校園裡有座叫Chern-Simons Hall的专家公寓,是James Simons二十年前捐贈的。有關這個捐贈,網上有過報導(截取片段如下)。

「2001年10月,应老朋友杨振宁的盛情邀请,西蒙斯偕夫人乘专机首次来到中国,访问清华大学。他在清华大学经济管理学院为师生们做学术报告[13],其中介绍了他从数学家到华尔街的个人经历:他运用统计方法建立风险投资的数学预测模型,并不断地完善和提高,现在他的数学预测模型在他的决策经营中发挥着决定性的作用;西蒙斯认为,他的成功幸运占了一定的成分,但如何利用自己的常识判断来抓住这些机会,是非常关键的。而更重要的是数学使他走上了成功之路。访问中,西蒙斯决定为清华大学捐资建造专家公寓,杨振宁为该公寓取名为“陈-西蒙斯楼”(Chern-Simons Hall)。2005年10月28日,西蒙斯夫妇又专程从美国赶来,为公寓的落成剪彩。」

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