


(2024-09-06 20:39:00) 下一个

We are enjoying the continuous communication, and are eager to expand your consciousness with new insights.


As you move onward in the Ascension, there are many intricate and profound factors at play that have guided you to this critical moment, unbeknownst to you. These unseen forces and events were essential components in propelling Earth towards her evolution into the Higher Light. The journey of Earth’s ascension has been a complex and multifaceted one, with many stages leading to this Point in her Evolution.


One of the First Stages, happened in your Earth year of, 2012. This is where the Light grid had been reconnected, to allow for Earth to wake up, and start her Ascension, into the Higher Dimensions. During that time, The Grid showed intensive damage that had been done by those who wished to stop Earths ascension. This Light Grid around the Earth, took several of your Earth months to repair, as we could only do it, as we were given access, in different locations. There were many Light grid workers, who were placed very strategically around the Earth, helping to Anchor the Light Needed, in those times. Another one of the Stages, is when the Earth actually awakened from her Long 11,000 year slumber. This took place within your Year 2016.


From the earliest stages of Earth’s Ascension Process, to the present moment, a series of shifts and transitions have unfolded, each moving her towards the ultimate goal of her ascension. These Stages, though unseen, have played a crucial role in paving the way for Earth’s elevation into the Higher dimension.


Earth has undergone immense Changes, all of which have been instrumental in fostering her evolution.


The Earth has just completed the purification stage that cleansed her Energy Field and Light Grid.


Now that the Light grid has just been purified, the Last Stage can finally commence.


This Final Stage is crucial in the Earth’s evolution. With the purification of the Light grid, a significant milestone has been reached, paving the way to allow for the Earth’s Final transformation. The purification process has prepared the Earth to receive and amplify the Light waves that now flow freely through the planet’s grid. This influx of Ascension Light, emanating from the vast expanse of the Cosmos, holds the key to elevating the Earth’s vibrational frequency.


As the Final Stage of Earth’s Ascension unfolds, the implications for humanity are profound. The heightened energies that the Earth is now capable of absorbing will have a direct impact on every individual. These energies are more potent and transformative than anything previously encountered, propelling individuals swiftly along their ascension paths. For those who have yet to fully embrace the Light, this period represents a critical juncture.


The Final Stage signifies a period of intense trials and tests, designed to accelerate the spiritual growth and awareness of Humanity. It is a moment of facing and transmuting the Shadows within you. A moment when each individual is called to confront their innermost truths and align with the higher frequencies of the 4th and 5th dimensions.


This phase serves as the ultimate test, separating those who are ready to embrace the Light from those who still linger in the shadows.


During this Final phase, individuals will experience profound shifts in their consciousness and perception of reality. The energies at play are not only transformative, but also purifying, stripping away layers of illusion and ego that no longer serve your highest good. It is a time of deep introspection, where one’s true essence is brought to the forefront for examination and alignment with the cosmic energies.


As the Earth ascends to a higher vibrational frequency, those who are in resonance with this shift will find themselves propelled towards greater spiritual awakening and enlightenment. This Final Stage is the Ultimate Test. It is pushing individuals to transcend their limitations and embrace their divine nature. It is beckoning you to awaken to the Creator’s Divine essence within you.


We Love you, and Honor you, We are the High Council of Sirius.





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