


(2024-03-19 17:07:40) 下一个


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are energetic beings, having a physical experience. Your bodies translate the world of energy into your human sensory experience. Your science understands this. All that you see is your brain’s interpretation of wavelengths. All that you hear is your brain’s interpretation of sound waves. All that you taste is your body’s interpretation of chemical interactions and signals. Each of your senses is a translator of energy. The brain, the gut, the skin, and even components of your body that you have yet to understand interpret the energies around you and give you what you call your physical experience. They also give you what you call your intuition.
You are not as solid as you perceive yourself to be. Neither is anything in the world around you.
It is only because you operate at the “same wavelength” as the things around you that everything and everyone in your world feels and appears solid.
Here is a very simple analogy for your consideration. Most of you have seen a ceiling fan. When the fan is off or running very slowly, you can see all its blades, which appear quite physical. However, when the fan runs quickly and its blades rotate rapidly, they seem to “blur.” They don’t appear as solid to your eyes as they did when they were stationary or rotating slowly. In fact, if they rotate fast enough while your eyes are fixed upon them, it seems that you can see through them. This is because they are moving at a higher frequency than you typically process with your vision. In the same fashion, you can move your hand slowly and see it quite well, but if you “flap” it up and down rapidly, suddenly it does not appear as solid.
We, the angels, and all beings that reside in the non-physical realms are simply vibrating in a way that is more like your rapidly rotating ceiling fan. We exist in a frequency that is higher than your typical vision can process. Nonetheless, we, and your loved ones in spirit, are as real as that ceiling fan—whether you can see us or not. We are here with you, next to you, or relating to you from a distance via the invisible energies that connect us all.
This is why your focus is so important. When you focus on anything, real or imagined, you “dial in” to the energy of that reality and begin to sense it. If you think of a lemon, you are tuning into the collection of energies that you call a lemon. Since your body is familiar with lemons, you may start to imagine the feel, taste, or scent of the lemon. If you focus on this long enough, due to vibrational law (like attracts like), you’ll draw actual lemons into your reality.
Your tuning, via your focus, connects you with what you focus upon, starting with a connection in the realms of energy—a connection you cannot yet see. And although you cannot yet see the connection you form with your focus, you can feel it.
You can focus on paying a bill, connecting with a loved one in spirit, finding a partner, or feeling better in your body, and you will immediately be “dialing in” to that unseen reality. You can focus on people who have more than enough, who easily connect, or who have perfect partners, and if you are happy for them, then you are still “dialing in” to the unseen reality you desire. You can feel it.
If, however, you focus on the debt with disgust, on loss without an acknowledgment of the spirit, or on the unpleasant sensations in your body without anticipation of better, then you “dial in” to those unseen realities in your future, and you are just recreating what you are experiencing already, in the here and now.
When you say that “Faith is believing in things unseen,” you truly mean that faith is knowing that as you focus on something you cannot yet see, you dial into that reality. If you believe in the blades on the ceiling fan even though they are whirling too fast to be seen, you would be guided to slow the fan down or speed up your vision, and then the reality of those blades would appear.
If you believe in the reality of your own healing even before the higher vibrational reality of your healed condition is apparent, then you will be guided to slow down, listen to your healthy impulses, and allow the body to recalibrate to the higher frequency healed condition.
If you believe in the reality of a love that is at a higher vibration than the one you currently live within, then you will be guided to slow down, enjoy your life, and let your vibration naturally rise to the love of life that attracts your perfect partner.
Dear ones, the reason that your energy is far more important than your uninspired actions is that you cannot perceive a higher-frequency reality from a lower frequency. You cannot see the blades on your swiftly moving fan unless your eyes swirl to match their frequency or you are on a device spinning as quickly! Nor can you perceive the guidance to your loving and inspired solutions in life unless you are in a frequency close enough to receive and perceive that guidance.
Here is the good news. All heavenly guidance is broadcast on the frequency of love. You only have to find things in your life to love and your loving feelings will tell you that you are connected with a loving and fulfilled future. In this space, you’ll perceive your guidance so easily.
If you worry about money but distract yourself with pleasant, fulfilling moments of sitting outside and watching the clouds move across a beautiful sky, sensing the breeze, hearing the birds, and enjoying the spring air, you’ll feel good. In that good-feeling space, you are connecting with a good-feeling future. In that space, you have slowed down your actions, raised your vibration, and will perceive the guidance you need to make or allow more money.
If you have a terrifying situation around you, such as a frightening neighbor, bad weather, or the like, and you find even the smallest thing to feel good about—a song to sing, a thought of kinder times, inspirational material to read, holding a hand with someone dear and focusing on the love—then you are dialed into a more secure reality and will receive your guidance to safety.
You are energetic beings perceiving energy, emitting energy, and translating energy into a sensory experience. Your focus tunes your energy. Your feelings tell you exactly how the energies you are connecting with will feel as they manifest. You have time to adjust, and as you continue to do so, you create positive momentum toward a great-feeling future.
This is why, dear ones, so few of you have instant manifestation. You would not want it all the time! Until there is mental mastery, achieving a predominant focus on love most of the time, you have the gift of time to readjust your thoughts, shift your focus, and dial into the loving reality you desire. With practice, you do this more easily. With practice, your manifestations come more quickly. With surrender to love in any way you experience, you connect with the most loving reality possible and allow the miracles and dreams you truly desire to flow easily into your life.
It is easier than you think, dear friends. Find reasons to feel good even when life offers reasons to feel bad, for never upon your earth has there been a shortage of love to be found. As you cultivate the habit of looking for the good, your feelings will reassure you that you connect to a very good reality—and one that will manifest in your future.
来自:Ann Albers

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