

匹夫之见(之九)民族军队感言 (上)作者:张叁

(2023-02-18 09:52:58) 下一个




一, 导论




一,  导论

      A, 本文写作目的

      B, 墨子论敦正国家社会风气的重要性

      C, 词汇

二, 全民皆兵

三, 英国皇家海军

四, 以色列兵役制度中的女性成员

五, 拉壮丁

六, 概论


民主的定义: 国民的主观愿望。








A, 本文写作目的


当一切教导和劝勉都失败时,最后的教训就是打,就是当头捧喝。民族军队就是这最后的一着,最后的办法。但我们的打不是体刑,是长时间的卧地挺身,是高难度的体操,是长距离的跑步。让军训体操来锻炼我们的身体,在碎石上,在泥浆中,在水沟里,贴腹爬行前进。在炎夏的烈日之下急行军,操作训练场中各项障碍设备,汗流浃背,每块肌肉都在酸痛。养而不教,枉为人父,有国体无法制,九州华夏是不是个文明教化的烂摊子。但望黄帝在天之灵庇佑,炎黄子孙都能在汗水中醒悟过来,重生过来,立志为人,当个顶天立地的汉家儿女。一个伟大的国家,一定要有一国伟大的公民。年青人都应该知道和领会身体健康的无比喜乐,人格健康的高贵尊严,国民团结的巨大能量。墨子27章 天志(中),天下有义则治,无义则乱,是以知义之为善政也。战争有义则胜,无义则败,是以知义之为作战之必要也。

















03章 所染




08章 尚贤(上)



11章 尚同(上)






14章 兼爱(上)






26章 天志(上)




27章 天志(中)




B, 词汇




Obstacles for Jumping, Obstacles for Dodging, Obstacles for Vertical Climbing and Surmounting, Obstacles for Horizontal Traversing, Obstacles for Crawling, Obstacles for Vaulting, Obstacles for Balancing.


Red Group: Belly Buster, Reverse Climb, Weaver, Hip-Hip, Balancing Logs, Island Hopper.

White Group: Tough Nut, Inverted Rope Descent, Low Belly-Over, Belly Crawl, Easy Balancer, Tarzan.

Blue Group: High Step-over, Swinger, Low Wire, Swing, Six Vaults, Wall Hanger.

Black Group: Inclining Wall, Skyscraper, Jump and Land, Confidence


Climb, Belly Robber, The Tough One.



Up and Forward, Fore-Up-Squat, Fore-Up-Behind Back, Fore-Up-Back Bend.


Exercise 1-Two-Arm Push-Up, Exercise 2-Forward Bender, Exercise 3-Straddle Jump, Exercise 4-Side Bender, Exercise 5-Half-Knee Bend



Limited Liability:  In the 17th century, joint-stock charters were awarded by the English Crown to monopolies such as the Bank of England and the East India Company. The world's first modern limited liability law was enacted by the state of New York in 1811. The English incorporated joint-stock companies following the Joint Stock Companies Act 1844. The investors in such companies carried unlimited liability until the Limited Liability Act 1855. In 1690 England's crushing defeat by France in the Battle of Beachy Head became the catalyst for England to rebuild itself as a global power. William III's government wanted to build a naval fleet. However, the ability to construct this fleet was hampered both by a lack of available funds and the low credit of the English government in London. This lack of credit made it impossible for the English government to borrow the £1,200,000 (at 8% per annum) that it wanted for the construction of the fleet. To induce subscription to the loan, the subscribers were to be incorporated by the name of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. The Bank was given exclusive possession of the government's balances and was the only limited-liability corporation allowed to issue banknotes. The lenders would give the government cash and issue notes against the government bonds. The £1.2 million was raised in 12 days.



The East India Company:   was a British joint-stock company founded in 1600. It was formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region, initially with the East Indies and later with Qing China. The company


ended up seizing control of large parts of the Indian subcontinent, parts of Southeast Asia, and Hong Kong and maintained trading posts and colonies in the Persian Gulf. The Dutch East India Company was established in 1602, as a chartered company to trade with Mughal India for several rival Dutch trading companies in the early 17th century. It was its 17th-century institutional innovations and business practices that laid the foundations for the rise of giant global corporations in subsequent centuries. It also served as the direct model for the British East India Company in 1657.




邓演达: 是孙中山任命的七名黄埔军校筹委之一,历任黄埔军校教练部副主任、黄埔军校教育长、北伐时当任国民革命军总司令部政治部主任。黄埔前几期的同学最喜爱的两位师长,就是邓演达和俄国来的嘉伦将军。1927年后邓演达反对蒋介石独裁。1930年中国国民党临时行动委员会成立,邓演达当任总干事。1931年蒋介石被迫下野。下野前,蒋介石派人向邓演达提出的释放条件在蒋下野期间邓演达不再写反蒋文章,但被邓演达拒绝。蒋介石感到邓演达是他重新上台的极大障碍,将其杀害。死时37岁。


二, 全民皆兵






因为全民皆兵,现在的常备军可以大幅度减少,这笔省下来的经费可以用来加建高中大学的军训和体育设备。第一次需要经费大,以后每年维修经费低。高中三年级和大学一年级同学得在每月第一个星期六回校接受半天的军训,基本上训练场所就在自己的学校,若是偏远高中人数少,可作另外打算。高中三年级和大学一年级同学得在暑假入新兵营集训十个星期,则每人入营两个暑假共二十个星期。集训的训练场所也可在自己的学校,或作其他打算,这里不作结论。大学一年级同学大多住校,学生宿舍变成军营,规格全部按照军中惯例。高中三年级同学也得在训练场所住宿,课室变成军营,可以吗? 实际安排由国防部策划,不再多言。年青人不上学的也由国防部决定如何接受军训。


全民皆兵绝不防碍同学的学业,健康的身体对学习的帮助很大。18岁同学得全部参加一个 IQ 考试,若成绩高出若干分数以上,则是很多军方单位极需的英才,例如军事通信密码、核武器、太空卫星、军用雷达、夜视设备(以色列军可看到一里远)、坦克潜艇、高科技武器、军事情报、作战危机应变等等。今天的战争已经是高科技的战争。18岁的参与很可能是一生职业的开始,国家需要你,当然最后的决定还是由同学自己决定。国力就是工业生产力和兵力,到了今天,工业生产力就是高科技机械的创造和生产,兵力就是强悍的国民和他们的海陆空高科技武器知识。











三, 英国皇家海军


大英帝国的皇家海军(Royal Navy)建立了大英帝国,海军基地遍布全球。看着下图,目瞪口呆。香港常驻四条战舰,就导致整个大清帝国动弹不得。这个力量从何而来。以下讨论四点。


1,Admiral Drake, Admiral Hawkins, and the Privateer

2,与昏君性命相博的贵族, Sir John Eliot



4, Admiral Nelson and the Training Program







1, Admiral Drake, Admiral Hawkins, and The Privateer


Admiral Hawkins (1532-1595)

Admiral Drake (1546-1596)

戚继光左都督 (1528-1588)

无独有偶差不多同一时代,戚继光左都督在太平洋的中国海岸抵抗倭寇,而 Admiral Hawkins 和 Admiral Drake 在大西洋的中南美海岸抢掠西班牙蒲萄牙船只和海港而成巨富,终至 1588年打败西班牙无敌舰队。他们两人都被英后伊利沙白一世册封骑士,都是大英帝国皇家海军数一数二的头头。当年的海盗英日都成为了日后富强的帝国主义者。戚继光左都督终生精忠尽职,晚年却是贫乏潦倒。



明成祖: 弑位,杀方孝儒十族。

明武宗: 混妓院,太监刘瑾当道。

明世宗: 求长生不死。30多年不上朝,严嵩父子当政。

明神宗:  30多年不上朝。

明熹宗: 太监魏忠贤当道,杀东林党,杀熊廷弼。

明思宗: 在位17年杀巡抚总督11人,换54个内阁大臣、13个户部尚书、17个兵部尚书、17个刑部尚书,以上被换者多被杀,杀袁崇焕千刀惨无人道。明思宗上吊前,尽杀全家女性。三个儿子逃脱。但三个儿子朱慈烺、朱慈燦、朱慈煥均被清军抓杀。




The Muslim Moors ruled parts of Spain and Portugal from 711 till 1492. In 1492 the Moors King surrendered the city Granada to Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. The Spanish had been fighting all the years (hundreds of years), against the invading Moors. In 1478 Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II established the Spanish Inquisition as using the Catholic faith to unite all the long-time hard-fighting Spanish and eventually kicked the Muslim Moors out of Spain.


Catholic monarchs Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II agreed to sponsor Columbus on a journey west in 1492 with three ships. Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas of Central America. The Spanish then found gold and silver in Newfoundland. They plundered, killed, and looted all over Central and South America and shipped the treasures back to Spain.





The Vikings were horrible privates or barbarians killing and looting all over South Europe for hundreds of years. They did horror to the South Europeans. They conquered England and lived in England (Danelaw,

Nottingham) but were soon defeated by the Anglo-Saxons. Yet many Vikings stayed in England and had intermarriage with the Scottish and English (1 million direct descendants today). The Anglo-Saxons were

also conquerors in England originating from almost the same places of the Viking just about four hundred years ahead of the later Vikings. 有点像漠北民族匈奴辽金蒙古。西方国家自15世纪远洋冒险走遍全球打败各大洲殖民四海,就是 Viking 自第十二世纪后的再次出击。最值得大书特书的就是有一位名叫 Bosman 的 Viking 后代,他投身英国人的 Coolie Trade,来到香港,八年内和中国女子生了五位儿女就走了不再回头。他的儿子香港首富何东爵士和孙子何世礼上将要帮助张学良报父仇保卫东北出重金买炮买机关枪。何世礼将军是香港首富的继承人,从少立志从军保卫中国,1927 年在英国军事学校中宣告放弃英籍要当中国人。那时英国是世界霸主,而中国是东亚病夫。何世礼将军终生是捍卫中国的职业军人。中国人自此有了 Viking 血脉。


So the British robbed the treasures in the sea and sea harbors of The Atlantic Ocean, from the hands of another robber who robbed the American Indians. Admiral Hawkins 和 Admiral Drake 就是这些海盗的头头。他们抢到的财富大部分归于船主。Admiral Hawkins 和 Admiral Drake 就是船主、船长,和杀人越货的海盗。英后伊利沙白一世御旨宣告一切赃物完全合法,完全归于海盗所有。这些海盗穿上海军制服就是大英帝国皇家海军的将士。英后伊利沙白一世让他们使用皇家海军最大最快的舰船.她也分取一大份的赃物。这圣旨一出,全英国的枭雄(Viking-like)就把他们的命运和大英帝国绑成一体,向着黄金白银勇猛冲刺。


西班牙长久与 Moors 作战,建立了一支强悍的军队和舰队。英后伊利沙白一世知道一时无法与西班牙公开作战,得有一支与西班牙一样

强大的舰队之后才能计较。那得有巨大的军费来造船造炮。钱从何来? 从海盗来。英国海盗的火炮和舰船比不上西班牙的舰队,常被打败或被掳,这些海盗饱尝酷刑,种下了强烈的报仇心态和发愤图强的决心。

他们在劣势中深知船怎样造才能快,海员怎样操作才能充分发挥船的功能,到哪里能找得到这些海员,火炮怎样造才能在紧急关头打中对方的要害,才能连续发炮高速不停。他们就是这样造,这样建造舰船,这样组建团队,海盗建造出来的军舰和海军,终至 1588年打败了西班牙无敌舰队。


2,与昏君性命相博的贵族, Sir John Eliot


李鸿章把北洋海军军费送与慈禧盖造颐和园,慈禧就把北洋海军的一品王八给李鸿章当。Sir John Eliot 却一生与昏君拼搏,与昏君指派的奸臣苦斗。英国自伊利沙白一世之后,接连三、四个昏君庸君,英军惨被荷兰海军和法国海军重创。法国海军冲杀到泰晤士河,直指伦敦。Sir John Eliot 在 Parliament 不断的指责海军的当权者失职和败事,但国王却多次逮捕他,到了最后他直接攻击国王,说国王无能领导大英海军。出事的那天,他的朋友以强力按着国会会议主持人(Speaker),由国会书记(Clerk)宣读 Sir John Eliot 预先写好的一篇讲章控告英王,得到国会通过弹核国王的决议案。他当然被捕,被关进监狱。这一次再也得不到释放,直到病死狱中。这不是 Sir John Eliot 一个人的力量。他每次被捕,也每次再被选民选上国会。每次回到国会,国会议员都选举他为重要案件的委员会委员。到了拼搏的时候,很多议员都挺身而出,与他一起拼命。这个昏君叫 King Charles I,他终被后来的大英共和国判刑,叛国罪砍头死刑。




如上所言,多次败仗之后,英国皇家海军很多的舰船不是被烧,就是被掳。英国的远洋商业贸易船队也被战胜国掳掠抢劫。战胜国要独霸远洋贸易,就跟后来的英国一个模样。没有能打胜仗的海军,就没有远洋贸易,就没有钱,就无法建造舰队,就没有能打胜仗的海军。这是一个败局,怎样破局? 去借,去跟国民借。谁会借给你? 发梦。去跟一间新成立拥有印刷钞票高特权的银行借,这银行用高利润率向全民卖国券建军舰,高利息8%。英国国王和英国国会双重承诺担保。12天就借来一百二十万英镑。国难当头,全国投资者同心同德,以后源源不断买进国券(government bond),King William III 买进一万英镑, 终于建出了一支举世无双的大英皇家海军舰队。只有英国人

侵占别人的,没有别人能欺负英国人。到 1805 年英国(27艘)大败法国(18艘)和西班牙(15艘)的联合舰队,从此横行四海。8%的高利润率带来千倍万倍的财富,独霸海上远洋贸易(包括 slave trade),黄金白银滚滚而来。印度种的鸦片输往中国从开始的400箱到几十年后的60,000箱,Jamaica 黑奴种的甘蔗提炼为糖。大不列颠在殖民地收税,在殖民地出售工业产品。大不列颠的一个乡下人的生活比亚非国家的土皇帝活的还要好。一个受过最基础教育的英国公民可以到殖民地当警官,管理百数的殖民地警察,管理万数的殖民地居民。



Wages Per Year in the 1700s

Agricultural Laborers: £17,15s.,7d. average yearly nominal income.

Day Laborers: 16 to 18 pence a day

General Laborers: £19,4s.,5d. average yearly nominal income.


As people were unwilling to lend to the government, it was decided to get subscribers by making them shareholders in a corporation, called the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. It would then lend the money to the government at 8 percent, taking government bonds in exchange. The Bank of England was essentially receiving the government’s seal of approval, an inestimable benefit. The Bank was given the advantage of limited liability. As a general matter, limited liability companies did not take off in Britain until the 1850s. In 1708, the Bank was given a near-monopoly on printing


banknotes. Because banknotes paid no interest, the issuance of these notes, in addition to serving as a useful medium of exchange for the

public, was also a source of cheap capital to the Bank.


The legislation authorizing the loan, the Bank of England Act, also allowed those who invested to incorporate as a private bank, and the subscribers became shareholders. It was the provision in the 1694 loan allowing the investors to incorporate the Bank of England.


The Financial Revolution was a set of economic and financial reforms in Britain. The reforms were based in part on Dutch economic and financial innovations that were brought to England by William III. A public debt (government bonds) was issued in 1693, and the Bank of England was created in 1694. Soon thereafter, a stock market emerged. The elements of the financial revolution rested basically on the financial techniques developed in the Netherlands. It was used again in 1698 when a loan was raised allowing subscribers to incorporate a new East India Company, a business monopoly, and a political ruler in India and The Far East.


4, Admiral Nelson and The Training Program


1805年,英国皇家海军(27舰)在一场血战中大败法国海军(18舰)加西班牙海军(15舰),法西两国花费举国财力打造的战舰全部化为乌有,由此开始了英国皇家海军独霸全世界海洋的辉煌时代。Admiral Nelson 以他享誉全球的简单战术,把英舰分为两队,截断一字型的法西舰队为三段。法西舰队的领头第一段因为风帆的全速吹动,一时转不回头。就利用这段黄金时间,英舰以全部力量打击法西三份之二的战舰,加上英军舰快炮快,登时万炮连发,近距离高频率痛轰不停。


Admiral Nelson 站在火线上指挥,一颗子弹打来,从手臂进入胸膛,登时倒地。所幸在他断气前,法西舰队已完全被打垮。他最后的一句话留存千古, Thank God, I have done my duty。Admiral Nelson 身经百战,以前曾经在海战中失去右眼和右手。他12岁上舰船,随即进入军官训练科班,在海上和海战中流血流汗的实地学习上课,航遍四大洋,经历怒海中的暴风巨浪,饱尝热带蛮荒病毒。他深知舰船和火炮的特性,与战士海员每天赤诚相处,体力和体能就在船上的伙食和操作中成长,杀人的狠毒和凶悍就在冲锋陷阵你生我亡的情景下与日俱增。每战必勇猛向前,断手眼伤。他的从军心得为“England expects that every man will do his duty. No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy. ”果然如此,在他中弹倒地后,他的军队继续血战,更加勇挑重担勇往直前,直到把对手全数打垮。这就是他对自己部队的信任和信念,12岁就开始培养出来的。皇家海军有无数12岁至14岁入伍的军官。这就是 Admiral Nelson 年代的大英帝国皇家海军,每位战士海员都是从暴风巨浪枪林弹雨中打杀出来的胜利者。




四, 以色列兵役制度中的女性成员


David Gurion had been the leader of the Israelite community in Palestine since 1935 under the British Mandate, and the first Prime Minister of Isreal from 1948 till 1963. The Yishuv was the body of Jewish residents in the land of Israel before the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.


David Gurion said

The Army is the supreme symbol of duty, and as long as women are not equal to men in performing this duty, they have not yet obtained

true equality. If the daughters of Israel are absent from the army, then


the character of the Yishuv will be distorted. Since you rightly believe

that the security of the State must be pursued night and day, I want you to know that security will not exist if our nation’s women do not

know how to fight. We are few, and our enemies are many. If, heaven

forbid, a war falls upon us, the men will go to fight the enemy, and if, heaven forbid, the women who are protecting their children at home do not know how to use a weapon. What will be their end if the enemy falls upon them?


The history of female combat soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) can be divided into three distinct eras:

1, 1948: Women on full combat status during the War of Independence.

2, 1948 up to Late 1990's: No women allowed in combat roles. The rationale was that should a woman be captured by the enemy, the effect on national morale would be devastating.

3, 1990's-Present: Majority of combat positions open to women.

The Women’s Corps was founded on May 16, 1948, headed by a Brigadier General. The objectives of the Women’s Corps were:

1, To help realize the potential of women in the IDF.

2, To advise on specific issues about the military service of female soldiers.

3, To be responsible for the instruction and training of female recruits, and officers.


Within a year, the Women’s Corps was restructured, and female soldiers were dispersed throughout various units. From then and until the corps disbandment in 2001, servicewomen come under the direct command of the commander of the unit to which they are assigned, but the Women’s Corps constituted a professional support system for


women in the IDF.


Women currently perform compulsory military service in the IDF for a

period of two years, as opposed to nearly three years for males. In

2001, eligibility for women in the military reserves was extended until the age of 38, with an exemption for pregnant women or mothers.


All young women with Israeli citizenship are sent their first draft notice at age 17. During the year preceding their induction, they are classified and processed. The initial selection process includes the

preparation of a medical profile, a psycho technical examination, and verification of formal education and personal background. A large percentage of female candidates for military service are assigned postings before their actual conscription. A considerable number of women volunteer for pre-­military courses, taken on their own time (as civilians) before their induction. These courses prepare candidates for military service in specific military occupational specialties. These options are important to both the needs of the IDF, which is interested in making maximum use of the ability of its recruits, and to the recruit, who is personally involved in establishing the course that her military service will take.


Historical developments

1997, Alice Miller, to be allowed to apply for Flight School.

2001, the first female fighter pilot, Roni Zuckerman, graduated from the Israel Air Force flight school.

2003, the first female combat helicopter finished the required course.

2010, 935 Modern-Orthodox Israeli women joined the IDF.

2017, Approximately 2,500 Modern-Orthodox Israeli women joined the IDF.

2012, 600 women joined co-ed combat battalions.


2013, 1,365 women joined co-ed combat battalions.

2016, 2,100 women were recruited to mixed-gender IDF battalions.


2017, more than 2,700 women were recruited to mixed-gender IDF battalions.

2011, Orna Barbivai was promoted to Major-General.

2014, Lieutenant Colonel, Oshrat Bacher, was assigned to be a combat Brigade Commander.

2018, a female pilot was named commander of a flight squadron.

2020, the creation of an all-female Merkava MK 4 tank crew.


Today, women make up 34% of all soldiers, and 57% of all officers. 92% of all positions within the IDF are open to women. According to the IDF,535 female Israeli soldiers had been killed in combat operations between 1962 and 2016. Helicopter engineer Sgt.-Maj. Keren Tendler was the first female IDF combat soldier to be killed in action.


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