

ChenYN PianoTuner-施坦威钢琴整音调律有感(2024年春节)

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2024-02-02 与美国纽约


Steinway Piano Voicing and Tuning Experience (Spring Festival 2024)


This 1929 Steinway (M) piano, after more than three hours of Voicing and tuning, feels that the tone has become softer and more ethereal, especially the adjustment of the touch is suitable for playing Chopin's works... Improvising Chopin's works to soothe the soul that has been appreciating and practicing Chopin for many years!


Just saw a recommended book on Chopin's playing style, in a book where "Gide" expresses his love for Chopin, it mentions... Chopin's music carries a sense of "improvisation," he constantly explores, slowly uncovering his own thoughts. This "hesitation," "surprise," and "suddenness" would lose its charm in overly perfect, precise, and objective performances, as if everything were prearranged. The performance should not be too fast, it should carry uncertainty. The musical phrases gradually take shape at the fingertips, as if walking on a path that no one has walked before... Chopin's music will never produce bright "full voice," but is played in "half voice," just like his own playing style. He always hints, speculates, penetrates, entices, persuades but never asserts. Confident and open performances are completely unsuitable for his music... Chopin's commonality with the poet Baudelaire is their fear of "rhetoric," "recitation," and "oratory," he likes to use "surprise," manifested in a sudden change in the musical atmosphere on a certain note... Playing Chopin to please oneself is also a kind of happiness.


February 2, 2024, New York, USA.

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