

ChenYN Piano Tuner 陈师傅调音---贝希斯坦顶级立式钢琴调音札记

(2023-02-22 14:02:24) 下一个



应邀前往位于曼哈顿第五大道隔壁的街区调音一架C. Bechstein 在德国制造的立式琴。查阅资料得知贝希斯坦工厂在1920年代恢复了全面生产。当时的新材料和工具的技术创新和发明,以及钢琴设计和构造的改进,使贝希斯坦成为媲美施坦威钢琴暨领先世界的钢琴制造商之一。




维基百科是这样介绍的:性价比在顶级立式钢琴中算是比较高的贝希斯坦还生产另外两个品牌:W.霍夫曼(德语:W. Hoffmann)由贝希斯坦设计,由位于捷克共和国赫拉德茨克拉洛韦的贝希斯坦欧洲工厂制造。另一个品牌是齐默尔曼(德语:Zimmermann)齐默尔曼钢琴由C. Bechstein设计,并由位于中国宁波的海伦钢琴公司工厂制造。







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纽约调音师 回复 悄悄话 Invited to tune an upright piano made in Germany by C. Bechstein in the neighborhood next to Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. According to the information, the Bechstein factory resumed full production in the 1920s. The technological innovation and invention of new materials and tools at that time, as well as the improvement of piano design and construction, made Bechstein one of the world's leading piano manufacturers comparable to Steinway pianos. It is a pity that I have not visited the piano manufacturing base in Europe for many years. It is said that Bechstein pianos have their own quality control system, which strictly controls the quality of each piano. Even the cheapest Bechstein piano uprights have the same quality. Quality of the highest specification. Bechstein's Upright Piano Model-8 and Model-9 These two pianos are considered the best upright pianos. ?

Wikipedia introduces it like this: Bechstein, whose cost performance is relatively high among the top upright pianos, also produces two other brands: W. Hoffmann (German: W. Hoffmann) is designed by Bechstein and is located in the Czech Republic. Manufactured at Bechstein's European factory in Hradec Kralove. Another brand is Zimmermann (German: Zimmermann). Zimmermann pianos were designed by C. Bechstein and manufactured by the Hailun Piano Company factory in Ningbo, China. The moment I opened the cover this time, I was shocked by the convincing quality standards. The combination of various materials and very subtle and beautiful craftsmanship is indeed something I rarely see. Because it is produced in small batches, the craftsmanship and rational design used combine the most modern concepts and comfortable playing feeling. Many piano works such as Liszt's "The Devil" and Wagner's "Wedding March" are related to this living legendary brand Bechstein. ?

As a tuner, the most important thing is still the sound of Bechstein. Among them, I don’t want to mention the noble, colorful, elegant, harmonious sound, highly professional touch and unique warmth, purity, richness, etc... …these regular presentations and selling prices. One thing is that the biggest difference I found during the tuning process this time is that the timbre layering of this upright piano is very good, not inferior to grand pianos and higher than other brands of upright pianos. The upright piano with balanced tone and clear sense of high, middle and low regions that I have dreamed of for many years is this top brand Bechstein I encountered today.