


(2022-12-24 06:46:43) 下一个

20221224号星期六,又是一年圣诞夜。 在去年的这个时候,许下心愿,放下所有的不舍,纠结,执意, 将它们交在上帝的手中。


是否做到这样? 不知道,但日子过的却是非常的快。 在二月的高原上,依然覆盖着厚厚积雪的时候,在休斯顿却像是在秋天一样温暖。那个时候,我在想300天,一定会是漫长的过程。


在返回高原的路上, 爆发了乌克兰战争。看到蜂拥而至的信息,我觉得战事很快就会结束了。可它却已经持续300多天了,现在还在继续,将进入2023年。它好像是昨天的故事,远远超过了我们的想象, 许多乌克兰人将在烛光里,度过今夜。


在这即将过去的三年的时间,改变了我们许多,过去一直以来,都认为是理所应当的事情。 无论每个人心怀怎样的生活理念,都不该忘记曾经一直拥有过的那份美好,也许再也无法再来一次。 




圣诞节礼物,不必非要昂贵,也许只是一块巧克力,一袋华夫饼干,一袋绿茶。 打开它们的时候,烧一壶开水,一起分享眼前的收获。 我们的生活方式随之而来的改变,未必不是一件值得纪念的事情。


虽然许多事情,都不在我们的掌控之中,可我们还是可以控制自己的心态。 看世界杯足球赛,让我看到了一些很有意思的东西,没有什么事情是可以任意挥霍,尤其是青春。


许多人熟悉的梅西,我是第一次在半决赛里才开始注意的。 他掌控自己的能力,不是我们许多人都能做到的,当然这一定不是一天时间里练就出来的。 他的成长过程,却是非常的有魅力。


阿根廷的两幅漫画,一幅是梅西的左右领着几位小朋友, 另一幅是已经长大的那几位小朋友,如今的队友。 梅西曾经是他们的偶像,现在的核心人物。未来一定会有其他的灵魂人物从这里产生,一定会的。这是育人最好的课堂,学习担当、配合、忍耐、等待、友谊、忠诚。最重要的是学习如何做一个可以被信赖的人。




Saturday, December 24, 2022 is another Christmas Eve. At this time last year, made a wish, let go of all reluctance, entanglement, and persistence, and put them in the hands of God.


Is this done? I don't know, but the days go by very fast. In February, when the high lands is still covered with thick snow, it is as warm as autumn in Houston. At that time, I was thinking that 300 days must be a long process.


On the way back to the home, the Ukrainian war broke out. Seeing the influx of information, I feel that the war will soon be over. But it has lasted for more than 300 days, and it is still going on now, and it will enter 2023. It seems like yesterday's story, far beyond our imagination, many Ukrainians will spend tonight by candlelight .


In the past three years, we have changed a lot, which has always been taken for granted in the past. No matter what kind of life philosophy everyone has in mind, we should not forget the beauty that we have always had, and maybe we will never be able to do it again.


On Christmas Eve this year, we might learn that there will be more tolerance, appreciation and love.


Christmas gifts don't have to be expensive, maybe just a bar of chocolate, a bag of waffles, a bag of green tea. When opening them, boil a pot of boiling water and share the harvest together. The ensuing change in our way of life is not necessarily a memorable event.


Although many things are out of our control, we can still control our mentality. Watching the World Cup football game, made me see some very interesting things, nothing can be squandered, especially youth.


Many people are familiar with Messi, but I only started to pay attention to him in the semi-finals for the first time. His ability to control himself is not something that many of us can do. Of course, it must not be developed in a day. His growth process is very charming.


There are two cartoons in Argentina, one is Messi leading several children on his left and right, and the other is those children who have grown up and are now teammates. Messi was once their idol and now their central figure. There will definitely be other soul figures born from here in the future, and they will. This is the best classroom for educating people, learning responsibility, cooperation, patience, waiting, friendship, and loyalty. The most important thing is to learn how to be a reliable person.


May our future be filled with peace and joy. This is the eternal blessing from Christmas Eve.




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