

暗色壁纸的选择,Choice of Dark Wallpaper

(2021-08-18 21:54:41) 下一个


墙纸的花样,我看了很多。我是打算在一个比较小的空间用墙纸。所以,我的目标是有鲜明特色的,而不是那种近乎一种颜色,只是带一些质地的grasscloth。 我去网站上找墙纸,发现墙纸几乎没有标识感很强的关键字来方便我缩小搜索范围。颜色,图形(几何图形,art deco, damasks pattern, chinoiserie), 画的花鸟鱼虫,斑马,豹子老虎,还有现代风格更强的各种图腾,motif, 卡通形象,平面艺术图像(风景,建筑,车,及各种物品。)


非常粗略地归类,我觉得大体有两种。一种是深冷色做背景的。另一种是白色背景暖色调图案的。深冷色调背景的,一般用于洗手间比较封闭的空间。相对于重复的 几何,或者Damask motif,我更喜欢比较梦幻,天马行空的图案的。下面是网络上找到的一些例子:


Gray floor powder room photo in Miami with multicolored walls and a pedestal sink

Example of a classic mosaic tile floor and black floor powder room design in Minneapolis with recessed-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, multicolored walls, an undermount sink and white countertops

Elegant dark wood floor and brown floor powder room photo in Boston with furniture-like cabinets, medium tone wood cabinets, green walls, an undermount sink and gray countertops

Inspiration for a timeless gray floor powder room remodel in Dallas with furniture-like cabinets, distressed cabinets, a two-piece toilet, multicolored walls, an undermount sink and white countertops

Powder room - transitional powder room idea in Austin with multicolored walls, an undermount sink and marble countertops

Example of a mid-sized beach style powder room design in Chicago with open cabinets, white cabinets, blue walls, an undermount sink and marble countertops

Elegant powder room photo in Chicago with furniture-like cabinets, dark wood cabinets, white countertops, a one-piece toilet, multicolored walls and a console sink

Example of a classic dark wood floor powder room design in DC Metro with an undermount sink, green cabinets, onyx countertops and multicolored walls

Small elegant mosaic tile floor powder room photo in Sydney with a console sink and multicolored walls

Inspiration for a transitional powder room remodel in Minneapolis with multicolored walls and a console sink

Hallway - traditional hallway idea in Brisbane with black walls














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