


(2006-02-01 13:02:03) 下一个




才从泳池上跳上来,坐在一杯ESPRESSO,想把昨夜经历的一场SEMINAR记录下来.因为我觉得它很有意思.同时我越来越不相信日久弥新这一说.它发生在昨晚自己的系里.5点整屋子里人就座满了.我只得偏居前排一隅.新系主任坐在我左后方,老系主任RICHARD在我前面开始主持SEMINAR.主讲人来自SHEFFIELDUNIVERSITY也是搞教育的,而且或许搞到了相当的位置和规模.也曾经做过教育系的头.据老系主任RICHARD 介绍,此人的著作也是传播广泛很有影响.


观众们在这位矮胖的小老头轻咳两声后停止了寒喧.他们抬起了有所期待的头.是的,有什么能像今天的SEMIANR 题目更能激发出人的兴趣呢?教育不需要理论.EDUCATION WITHOUT THEORY.你可要知道,听着这题目就够吓人的.好像是来到我们系宣布所有的教授和讲师们你们都被解雇了,现在可以回家含饴弄孙了.牛津100 多年的教育研究历史难道要被这小老头的几口唾沫淹掉不成.虽来者不善,但底下这些来参加的人没准也是磨刀霍霍.


原子弹终于被不紧不慢地引着了.小老头开始了20分钟围绕他的那篇登在我们系网站上的文章的陈述(可惜到现在我也没找到).他侃侃而谈语调没有太多特殊的地方,话题涉及教育研究的历史,教育理论的起源,教育研究哲学,为什么我们不需要教育理论,以及现在我们应该给教育理论一个dignified end.20分钟很快在他单调的陈述中过去.听众在幽默的老系主任的主持下开始提问.与其说是提问不如说是炮弹,刺刀和匕首.第一个炮弹由我们系里素以谈话犀利著称的研究数学教育的女副教授发问.她首先从科学的理论的必要性和重要性讲起,人们之间,人与自然之间都需要一种够解释之间联系的理论.如果什么都不要了我们没必要在这个系搞教育研究,我们都去酒吧里去得了.接下来一个文问题比一个尖锐,尤其是新系主任的问题问完后,整个会场有点演变成大批斗的性质了,但还好,那个小胖教授老头还在负隅顽抗但感觉他确实对有些问题不耐烦和沉不住气了.后来会场达到了讥讽的地步,新系主任甚至小声地喊出了,你的主张只存在于你们的SHEFFILD UNIVERSITY,大有滚出牛津滚回SHEFFIELD 的意味.一个半小时的论战似乎还是硝烟未散.经过颇有外交家风度的老主任的调停.论辩停止于HIGH(老系主任语).原子弹最终成了哑弹.我急忙从精神晚宴冲回物质晚宴.撤离中听到一女子向一男子表达谢意说这个SEMINAR 太有意思了,谢谢他的推荐.


英国人喜欢辩论,上到政治家下到参与电视和广播节目的平民百姓,辩论在大学里更是无处不在,尤其是在有800年历史的牛津.昨晚他们辩得我嗓子也刺挠了卡了几个问题.但我最终没有将自己的问题吐出来.究其原因有一下几点,第一点,我的语言和我的思维游离,第二点我怯场.第三点我有中华民族紧张眼慢张嘴的优良传统 第三点我扮演大智慧不屑于他们谈的鸡毛蒜皮.




附活动宣传: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain


(Oxford Branch)


Education without Theory


Professor Wilf Carr

University of Sheffield


5 P.M. TUESDAY 31st  JANUARY 2006


Teaching Room I, top floor, No. 15 Norham Gardens, Oxford, OX2 6PY



Professor Carr will be giving a trenchant critique of educational theory.  He concludes that such theory has run its course and should now be brought to a dignified end.   This is disturbing news for all those whose research relies on educational theory! 


His paper is to be found on the website of the Department of Educational Studies (www.edstud.ox.ac.uk).  It would be useful, but not necessary, if those attending the seminar were to read the paper beforehand.  But Professor Carr will introduce the paper, and I shall give a brief response prior to questions.


Wilf Carr is the Professor of Philosophy of Education, Head of the School of Education, and formerly Dean of the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Sheffield.  He is ex-chairman of the Philosophy of Education Society, and editor of Pedagogy, Culture and Society.  His 1986 book with Steve Kemmis Becoming Critical (reprinted ten times) and his 1996 book, For Education, make him the most widely read philosopher of education in the UK.


In March (date to be decided) there will be a further seminar on philosophy of education from an Islamic point of view, led by Farid Panjwami from the Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations in London.


The Philosophy of Education Society was founded over 25 years ago to ensure that philosophical questions remain central to educational thinking.  The Society’s Annual Conference is held at New College, Oxford – 31st March to 2nd April.  Anyone wishing to attend part or all the Conference should contact me.  There are special sessions for student researchers – and special rates.



Richard Pring


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