

Everybody hurts, REM

(2021-03-06 17:20:57) 下一个

个人认为麦当劳打工是最辛苦的,大家都像永动机一样从来没有空闲!不过同事们每天心情好像都不错!麦当劳的背景音乐是流行歌曲,基本上我都没有听过。他们干活总是随着音乐扭动,不时的还举着刀铲或者可乐吼上几声,让顾客也一起感动。不过每次放这首歌时,大家好像都有点落寞。那时候我的英语很差,听不懂歌词,但是感觉歌声凄楚,以为是歌者感叹曾经在 Downtown 受到的伤害。
多年以后,我不时地想起这首歌,很想知道歌名。家人根据我记忆中的只言片语,例如 everybody heard……downtown,却都无能为力!终于有一天,收音机里传来了熟悉的旋律,我大喊着把全家叫出来一起欣赏!一家人立刻都笑趴了!everybody hurts 听成 everybody heard 可以原谅,你说我怎么可以把sometimes听成Downtown呢汗
Everybody hurts
When your day is long
And the night, the night is yours alone
When you're sure you've had enough
Of this life, well hang on
Don't let yourself go
'Cause everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes
Sometimes everything is wrong
Now it's time to sing along
When your day is night alone (Hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go (Hold on)
If you think you've had too much
Of this life, well hang on
Everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts
Don't throw your hand, oh no
Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone
No, no, no, you are not alone
If you're on your own in this life
The days and nights are long
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on
Well, everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody cries
Everybody hurts sometimes
And everybody hurts sometimes
So hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
Everybody hurts
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