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Wikepedia: Kimberly J. Ng (born November 17, 1968) is an American executive in Major League Baseball. She is currently the general manager of the Miami Marlins and the highest-ranking female baseball executive. She is the first woman to serve as general manager of a team in the Big Four leagues in North America and the first person of East Asian descent to serve as general manager of an MLB team. Ng was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, the first of five daughters, to Jin Ng and Virginia Fong. Her father, an American of Chinese descent, was a financial analyst, and her mother, Thailand-born of Chinese descent, was a banker.


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  • Kim (Kimberly) Ng broke into baseball as an intern.

    • enter or open a place, vehicle, or container forcibly, especially for the purposes of theft. (强力)闯入(i.e., 房间、空间进行偷窃)。

    • interrupt a conversation. "Phil broke into the discussion". 打断对话。

    • suddenly start doing something. 突然开始做某件事情、从事某项工作或职业。

  • This challenge is one Ng does not take lightly.

    • deal/handle/treat something, i.e. task, work or job, with casual, without much seriousness. 不严肃地、不认真地、不重视地的对待(工作、任务等)。

  • Bg is dogged in the pursuit of her goals.

    • 释义:(sometimes overly) having or showing tenacity(执着) and grim (毅力)persistence(坚持). (极为、甚至过份)有恒心、有毅力的、执着的,甚至偏执的。

    • 用例:

      • success requires dogged determination.

      • Someone who's dogged is stubbornly persistent. 

      • An example of a dogged person is someone who will never even listen to the other side of the story in a debate.

  • The Marlins reached the playoffs for the first time since 2003 and swept the Chicago Cubs in the wild-card round. They were swept by the Atlanta Braves in the National League Division Series.

    • Playoff:

      • an additional game or period of play that decides the outcome of a tied contest. 比赛平局后的附加赛。

      • a series of contests played to determine the winner of a championship, as between the leading teams in different divisions or leagues. (不同区域联盟内的)常规赛季后决定(所有区域、全国范围内的)总冠军的“季后赛"。Chandler was credited with taking his team to the playoffs.

    • Sweep: 

      • 字面意思:verb, an act of sweeping something with a brush 清扫. Noun, a long, swift curving movement.

      • 特定意思:commonly used in North American sports such as baseball, basketball and ice hockey which have playoff or regular-season series, to describe a situation where one team wins ALL the games in a series, for example, with a 4–0 victory in a best-of-seven series. (体育比赛中的)全胜、大胜,相当于横扫...获胜。

  • The Marlins have never made the playoffs in back-to-back  (背靠背的,coming one after the other(至少两次)连续的)seasons, and they did so in 2020 with the worst run differential (-41) of any team in the postseason.

    • A team's run differential is determined by subtracting the total number of runs (both earned and unearned) it has allowed from the number of runs it has scored.

  • Shortstop (SS) :(in baseball) the position of the player on the inner field and close to and on the left side of the 2nd base. It is between 2nd and 3rd base (= a position on a square that a player must touch), or the player at that position. 游击手,(棒球)内场二垒与三垒之间的位置/球员。

    • Shortstop is often considered the most important and demanding defensive position aside from pitcher and catcher.

  • In the ensuing years, she has ceaselessly (tirelessly) added to her skill set to maximize her talent.

    • ensuing: refers to the actions, consequences, and repercussions which result from some prior stimulus or event. 随后的-强调事件或行为发生的因果关系。

    • following: coming next, either in sequence or in time. 随后的-强调时间或次序上的先后。

  • A calm demeanor (outward behavior and appearance), 外在的行为和表现即风度(中性名词)。a quiet, somber demeanor.

    • Charisma: compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. 吸引人的魅力、气质。A divinely conferred power or talent. 超凡的才能、智慧。

  • Gender-blind talents.

    • not discriminating or distinguishing, ignoring (不考虑、忽视性别差异的) the different roles, responsibilities, capabilities, needs and priorities of between different genders (women and men).

    • Gender-neutral: not specifically aiming at either men or women, affecting both sexes equally (平等对待不同性别).











  1. Kick rocks, 踢石头?靠边站,(礼貌地让)滚一边去,靠边站、安静的走开!

  2. 第20篇:都点灯-印度教“排灯节”迪瓦里Diwali v.s. 犹太教的“光明节”汉努卡Hanukkah

  3. 第18期: 踩别人的脚趾 Step on your toes, 穿别人的鞋子 Step into someone's shoes


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