
following the wave and trading happy


(2020-09-24 18:35:18) 下一个

市场今天下跌的凶猛, 但量却不大. 并且CPC出现反常, 在暴跌后明天市场如何走呢? 反弹还是深跌?
来看看market breadth indictors.

1. VIX between 200 and 50MA, pop up above 200MA, then go to 38, beat down to 50MA then rebounce is expected.

2. NYMO goes to Bear market region

3. CPCI down a lot today, really strange. not hedge when the market is down, which demostrates no panic at all. CPCE down a bit as well.

4. $SPXA50R down to 25, we could 摆地铺(short term) when it is below 10.
   $SPX200R not down a little, which demonstrates this may not be a long-term bottom, but short-term bounce is expected.

5. 10-year US treasury yield is not up a lot; however US Dollar up 4 days and 涨过颈线了, 按理论目标96
   美元和10年利率市场重要风向标, 它是投资的成本, 美元大幅上扬对市场是有杀伤力的, 特别是能源,材料和高科技板块. 为什么会有高科技板块, 以后有时间详细分析

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