
Make Canada Free again

(2022-03-12 07:04:50) 下一个


Make Canada Free again 


In 2018 I was in parliament hill to speculate the ceremony of Canada’s 150th anniversary and I was hit by an inspiration so I wrote down this poem in Chinese then I translated it into English.



Celebrating the 150 birthday of Canada


By Zuowang 







It’s your birthday today

my dear Canada.


Those brave navigators

With their human beings’ bodies and mindset

Beat Poseidon with trident

resisted the temptations of sexual sirens

conquered the blizzard in the North Pole.

Full of kiviak in their stomachs

Instead of their favorite steak and cheese.


They Reclaimed a paradise

On the sea—From Coast to coast

The plains giving a big hug to the

moose, raccoons and foxes

gallop and play.

On the palette of nature


came those Anglo-Saxons,



Also Vikings,

Africans, Armenians, Asians,

Many people were forced

To leave their native homes

Attributing to wars, different beliefs

or the dreams of elsewhere lives

As if many trees were transplanted.


We have built

A great mosaic country

with a background of

genes, memories and accents

From our motherlands:

Free  the people that live in the  free land!

Here we love labor create and enjoy.

Also look up the sky with blinking stars

Grateful to you

God Bless you

For your peace prosperity generous

Equality freedom and fairness!


English is not my native language but all of you can still hear my voice from the bottom of my heart. As an immigrant I had been nurtured by this free land and I am grateful and pride to be a Canadian.


Is Canada a great country? I am hesitating to answer this question. From my point of view, to some extent greatness means an ambition but Canadians are so kind and humble.We are the nation who say sorry most frequently in the world. There is a joke that when some Americans go abroad they often pretend as Canadians to reduce the hostility. 

Even Canada is 100% a great country we Canadians are shy to admit because it seems a higher pitch would disturb others and we always care about their 


So what is an accurate description to Canada? Canada is a free country. It’s a free land where free people live here!

Do you remind the Canadian Bill of Rights?

One of former prime ministers, John Diefenbaker elaborates his ideas about what is a nation Canadian is:


"I am Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."


But today what is the situation in Canada?

We are forced to jab otherwise we will lose jobs or we are banned to some public places and we are deprived the privilege to take train and plane.

We are forced to wear masks for two years because the powerful government have made a decision that it is surely effective to protect ourselves.

The fear of death in people is the perfect conspiracy of the tyranny. Because of this fear even science has become an idle so many people are lost in the chart and data. There are so many honest and partly honest or distorted documents with terminology to spread on the internet and newspapers. 

As a writer with conscience from the beginning of this epidemic I began to trace  overwhelming new about this global plague because of my curiosity and sympathy.

At least over one year ago one of my friends, an excellent scholar of political science has told me in many countries there is a trend that governments are strengthening their powers by exaggerating the danger of Covid-19.

At that moment I was so naive to politics then this wise prediction is beyond of my understanding.




However,  Freedom Convoy taught me a good lesson. These working class people , they are true Canadians who love freedom as the Canadian Bill of Rights granted.

Born immune from God is better than vaccines still in the process of experiments! Stop stealing best years of our lives tomorrow! My body, My choice!

Let freedom reign! Freedom over fears!


Enough is enough! Some people who have been fooled and restricted for 2 years have woken up with the leadership of truckers!


We people live in a real world through common sense rather than lies from CBC and they got a lot of funding from the government to wash brain people. We live in the street of Ottawa downtown and express our love to freedom,others and God rather than in the shadow of those man made datas! We are free and glorious people who are loyal to God and we are not scared slaves who are manipulated by any government! We elected a government to serve for us not to show arrogance of infinite power to us!


All of Canadians! Open your eyes! Wake up! Observe what happened to us! Speak out what is the arrogance of power!

Till 3 of March, after the revoking of the emergency act there is still a peaceful driver to be arrested and his name is Wayne Narvey. Then this First Nation guy was exiled out of Ottawa, can you give me an explanation, those people who demonize freedom convoy is launched by first-white racists?

Now I will interrupt a poem I wrote for Wayne Narvey, the warrior who was arrested twice by police in the freedom convoy.


To Wayne Narvey 

By Zuowang 



 They unplug those kindlings

 Clamp out the teeth

 cover your mouth

There is a trial in the dark

Which is banned to audience

 You are sentenced into exile


 You are not allowed to step in

 the capital of your mother country

 For which you warrior is defending freedom 


 However, they don't know

 The wicked has incented

other tinders fiercely 

It will flame a wild plain.


Yesterday, 11 March my BMO account was frozen without any notice and I have to waste a lot of time to find the reason. They told me they can’t confirm my ID so they froze me. What the heck is it? I have used this bank for 12 years suddenly they can’t recognize me?


Where and when I am living?

Am I living in some orient country where all of the citizens have to shut up before the only one definite correct opinion of authoritarian ?

Please remember this is Canada not Chinada!



Those Canadians who disagree with me are sure you will always catch up the step of the government ?You will never be beaten by the iron fist of the arrogant power when you disapprove the government?


Woke up! Defend freedom. Please be concerned about politics and election otherwise all of us will lose freedom.


Do you know such a thing happened in Vancouver a Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev was canceled her performance because she was born a Russian incorrect politically in the war of Russian and Ukarian.


The ridiculous things are happening all over the world that the master pieces of Tchaikovsky and Dostoyevsky are banned because they are inappropriate in the war of Russian and Ukraine.


Ordinary people are drown in those biased information spreading out by those high technology online medias. What is the truth of the Russian and Ukraine war?

Do we still have the freedom to read news from all of aspects? Or we are instilled only one opinion some people intend to abet? After the crackdown of the peaceful protest there is no politicians in Western democratic countries to criticize Canada government except Trump.Now all of them have the passion to join the side of Ukraine. Why?


We are grassroots class people and we sustain the common sense as human beings.


When the scientific monster Frankenstein first emerged individually in public every one would be alarmed and scared by him. But today if this scientific extremist return back invisibly as a face of Facebook or YouTube? The big boss knows everything of your private life and it’s easy for them to launch an information war. You are guided by them to the conclusion of what they need.


For example all of the world are concentrated in the Russian and Ukraine war and they all stand on the side of innocent and Justice Ukraine even they knew nothing about the history of them.


Our south neighbor American truckers are circling the Washington capital of US. And they are American people who are opposing the tyranny too. But there is no report in the main stream media there.


This world is so weird and danger because in most western democratic countries there plays a similar story about arrogant powerful government, lying cooperatively mainstream media and restricted people by fear in the era of covid-19.


It’s the third World War in the area of ideology. Those enemies have set up for decades. Canadians have lived in a surroundings of peaceful and love so many years we totally lose the instinct of self-protecting!


Wake up! Canadians! Our freedom is threatened seriously! Lock the power in a cage whatever it is political power ,high technology power or financial empire power. Fight for freedom bestowed by God! Make Canada free again!





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