
A good fight for freedom

(2022-02-13 18:53:52) 下一个

A good fight for freedom




Hello! Everyone ! I am a poet and an  author in Chinese and my pen name is Zuowang. I have lived in Canada for 12 years as an immigrant.


 I came  from the dark and tyrannical Orient with a long long history, full of famines,violence and wars. The great Chinese writer Lu Xun once said  Chinese people were always in an era when they had become slaves or when they failed to be slaves. I think it is a miserable curse of fate which has never been broken by Chinese.


 The atheist insular world of orient agricultural civilization is completely different with the western Christian civilized world originated from marine and trading.

Many Westerners have many of naive illusions about the Orient. I suggest them  dispel these misunderstandings. For example,you can search for the news about the chained abused mother with eight children in Fengxian, Xuzhou, Jiangsu province,china. Now many brave Chinese people are trying to rescue the poor woman. However, I think it will hardly succeed.


 I graduated from Peking University, its predecessor was Yenching University, a Christian university established by an American missionary John Leighton Stuart .Sorry, I forgot the motto of Peking University, maybe I have regarded it as a propaganda.  But I have engraved Yenching University's motto in my heart: Freedom Through Truth For Service . It is quoted from the Bible. Although Yenching University ceased to exist before I was born and was transformed into Peking University, the spirit of Yenching University will live on forever. I still inherit its glorious tradition and once I  wrote a poem in which  I pay tribute to the founder,John Leighton Stuart.


Now I am living my life loyal to the motto of Yenching University, naturally I am devoted to this demonstration defending freedom, together with other Canadians.


 In these days I often go to Parliament Hill to join in the peaceful demonstration and write poetry or prose to describe this great Canadian historical event for spreading the truth.It is my responsibility as a writer, especially when the mainstream media disappears or conspires with the Canadian government.


 As an intellectual who grew up from a working class family, in the Truckers Convoy,I observed that in Canada, just the same as in China, there’s also a split between the elite and the commoner.

The bureaucracy and mainstream media have dominated the public opinions and they have stigmatized the peaceful movement for freedom enshrined in Canada charter as a riot with honking horns and bouncy castles.


 The mainstream media has completely abandoned the objective and neutral position , leaving only one-sided distorted reports, which are lies in disguise.


 Many Canadians believe these lies or part of truth consequently they are scared or reluctant to get to parliament hill where there are many of peaceful Canadian patriots.Moreover, those misled people accuse the peaceful protesters unfairly and don’t know the truckers are making enormous sacrifices to defend freedom for all of us.




 These protesters come from everywhere: Vancouver, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, Quebec, Ontario, locals of Ottawa and Gatineau.  There are not only truckers, farmers, nurses, workers, teachers, veterans, but also lawyers, scientists, doctors. God bless! I am glad to see that a doctoral degree does not imprison everyone in an ivory tower, living a bookworm life and rejecting to hug the real vivid life.

 Now Canada is at the most crucial  and dangerous time in her history. The foundation of our great democratic and free country is threatened,and we are sneaking  into a world of 1984 written by George Orwell.


However, the people of Canada are waking up, and we are arising to prevent the misery. We are fighting for freedom with our  typical Canadian mildness and kindness, with great determination to win.

It is a spiritual war without a gun  to defend freedom for Canada. It is peaceful but agitated. Many elderly people and young children also involve in this great historical issue because Canadian patriots are in all ages!


 People use honking horns,love, laughter, whistle, carnival, and street literature to oppose the government's tyranny of the lockdown.Free mandate is our only single request. I believe that those control freaks will definitely collapse in the burst laugher and the carnival by the people in the Williston  street.


 As a Canadian who was born in China and had lived there for more than 30 years, I know well enough what is communism and what is dictatorship. When the plague first broke out in the end of 2019, I wrote a lot of poems and proses because I am a writer, I have abundant empathy, I can feel concretely pains of those innocent victims.Those people lost their jobs, health,freedom , relatives, lives and even the hope to live.I can’t help crying many times, then wiped my tears and delineated all of the disasters, anguishes and the resilient fighters who are some great Chinese people.  But many of my poems and essays have been removed from the internet because of the strict censorship in China.


 The well known American poet Emily Dickinson wrote,had I not seen the Sun I could have borne the shade. Vice versa ,the people who have experienced darkness cherish the light more and are much more alert to the state of losing their freedom than those who always live in a bright world.You can understand why I love freedom so much.  Free to think, free to speak, free to write!  In this world, not everyone owns this human right. It were a nightmare for me  if in the future my children would have to immigrate out of Canada because there would be no freedom any more.


 After criticizing the dark tyranny of the ancient orient now I am complaining the government led by the Canadian left elite. Two weeks after the Truckers Convoy, Prime Minister Trudeau still refuses to show up for negotiations, and I think he is very arrogant and irresponsible.Additionally, I think the Conservative Party is vague and wavering in this crucial point.


 So now is there anybody to blame me as a white-first racist?  Obviously I know today my dauntless speech is politically incorrect. It challenges the authority and it will cause me troubles and dangers both in Canada and in China, in other words, Chinada?


But as a person who enjoys reflecting and practicing I believe I should do what is right despite fears. I always follow the voice of my heart, which is from God who commands me to do so.


 Courage is contagious among us.  We are truckers,we are those people who carry the most fashionable red jerrycans, we are those street authors  in the fence of parliament hill. Also we are local residents in Ottawa and Gatineau.


 As for courage, I should mention Mr. Tom marazzo, one of the organizers of the movement, is a warrior who impresses me.  He said if they were arrested, they would not resist because it is a peaceful demonstration.  I would also say  if this movement fails, then put me into a jail and it is my honor to stand with these great Canadian patriots.



 I wrote a poem inspired in the night9th February when I was very worried about the probably bad result caused by the tough tone of the Ottawa chief police officer and I was deeply moved by the protesters who shared their views.  Now, I will read it for all of you!



A good fight


I am fighting a good fight



I am from Egypt

I had dates, figs and chickpeas

Only if to be slaves obediently


I had been in the desert

With 12 years of trek

To the place of glory





I am fighting a good fight

With truckers from Alberta 

Farmers  from Nova Scotia 

Young students from Trois Rivieres

And Veterans with military medals

Altogether we unite




We are fighting

For our




Full of love





We should take back

Our freedom 

Which is bestowed by God!





Thank you truckers heroes!  Thank you every one present. We, the North, Strong free!

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