
【看美剧学英语】The office S01E06 Hot Girl | 办公室第一季第六集 (下) 精讲解析

(2020-12-28 10:29:33) 下一个

  1. go-to person (guy) – a person you can go to for help, advice or information; (某方面)精通人士,万事通;后面通常跟介词for,

 He is the team's go-to guy for new ideas.


  1. Plus –  in addition, besides, and also,  (口语) 另外,而且;加上

My new job pays well. Plus, I have 10 paid days off every year. 我新工作薪水不错,而且每年还有10天带薪假期。

Plus – n. (informal) an advantage or a good feature; 优势,好处,长处

Some knowledge of Spanish is a definite plus in this job. 会西班牙语做这个工作是个优势。


  1. hit a stall/plateau –

Stall – stopped progress, 停滞不前,

Plateau- /plæ ’to?/ n. 高原, 平稳期;停滞期

hit a stall/plateau -  To reach a certain level of achievement or success but then stop progressing beyond it. – 先开始是成功顺利的,之后遇到阻碍,停滞不前

Amy felt she'd hit a plateau in her career.


  1. not necessarily – 未必,未见得,

Bigger is not necessarily better.

Expensive restaurants aren’t necessarily the best.


  1. Way (too much) – adv.  (口语) 十分地, 非常地,过度地


She spends way too much money on clothes. 她花太多的钱买衣服。

I spent way too much time on Facebook.


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