
看美剧学英语 – The office S01E06 Hot Girl | 办公室第一季第六集 (上) 精讲解析

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  1. Alan and I have created an incentive program to increase sales.

Incentive - /?n?sen.t??v/ n. (通过奖励的方式给予的)激励,刺激,鼓励

incentive pay- 奖励津贴

incentive program  -奖励计划,激励方案

  1. I usually don’t allow solicitors in the office but today I am going to break some rules..

Solicitor - mainly US (person soliciting for business) ;推销员,招揽生意的人

Solicitor - (英式英语)初级律师

break the rules - 打破规则,违反规则

follow/obey/observe the rules – 遵守规则


  1. Decisiveness. One of the keys to success according to Small Businessman.

Decisiveness – n. the ability to make decisions quickly and confidently:      决断,决断力

He was praised for showing strong leadership and decisiveness in a time of great uncertainty. 他在充满不确定性的时刻表现出的强大领导力和决断力受到了赞扬。

  1.  I know. I made the connection made the connection. make a/the connection - to understand that there is a relationship between two or more things, 把… 和… 联系起来; Oscar the Grouch - 老爱抱怨的奥斯卡, 是 芝麻街 (Sesame Steet)中的人物;

Grouch – (informal) /ɡra?t?/ v. n. complain or a person who often complains; 发牢骚,抱怨;发脾气; 好抱怨的人;好发牢骚的人

Sesame Street - American educational children's television series 美国早期一档儿童教育电视节目;

  1. I live by one rule. No office romances. No way. Very messy. Inappropriate.

live by sth. - 恪守,遵守

Never give up is a good rule to live by if you hope to succeed in life. 如果希望获得成功,永不放弃是一个好的生活准则。


  1. She’s not really my type.

Sb.’s type – (某人) 喜欢的类型,对 (某人) 有吸引力的类型

He’s nice enough but not really my type. 他人很好,但不是我喜欢的类型。


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