
【看美剧学英语】实际、现实一点吧 | 生活 职场英语 | being realistic

(2020-11-21 14:08:45) 下一个


  1. (Don't)  kid yourself -  not to fool or deceive yourself in believing something that is not true;  别骗你自己了, 我们有时候一厢情愿的相信事情是怎么样的,而不是客观理性考虑这个事情,提醒自己或别人要现实一些,  a warning not to let yourself believe something just because you’d like it to be true.


  • I think we should send a petition to the Director General to show her how strongly we object to the move.  我认为我们应该向总干事发送请愿书,向她表明我们坚决反对这一举动


  • Oh, come on.  Let’s not kid ourselves; a petition’s not going to change her mind. 哦,算了,我们不要自欺欺人了。请愿书不会改变她的主意。


  1. Down-to- earth - practical, reasonable, sensible and friendly; 指某人务实的, 脚踏实地的,


  • I think Amy would be the best person to put in charge of this project. 我认为艾米将是负责该项目的最佳人选。
  • Good idea.  She’s practical and down to earth.  She would certainly keep the team’s feet on the ground and I’m sure she’ll meet the deadline.


  1. have/keep one’s feet on the ground (have both feet on the ground)- to be very practical and see things as they really are; have a sensible and realistic attitude to life:- 脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,形容某人做事踏实、注重实际的,不夸夸其谈的品质。


He is always talking about his big plans to be a great leader. You should tell him to keep his feet on the ground. 他一直在谈论自己成为伟大领导者的宏伟计划。你应该告诉要脚踏实地一点。


Unlike his older brother who lives in a dream world, Mike always has his feet on the ground.




  1. have your cake and eat it (too) - you cannot keep your cake and eat it at the same time; to have or do two good things at the same time that are impossible to have or do at the same time; 两者兼得,


can't have your cake and eat it –不可能两者兼得的,现实一点,


You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax. 你不能二者兼得——想获得更多的地方服务就不能指望少付税金。


  1. beggars can't be choosers -要饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦;别无选择, 没得选;


After I closed my accounting business, I was desperate.Then I got this offer to work in insurance.It wasn’t my first choice, but beggars can't be choosers, so here I am. 关闭会计业务后,我感到绝望。然后我得到了这个保险公司的工作。这不是我的第一选择,可是我不能挑三拣四的,所以我就来这里了。

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