basketball hoop - 篮球框
hoops – 用作复数也指,(the game of) basketball;
比如说play hoops – play basketball; 打篮球
be动词 + being + 形容词: 句型是指某人只是在此刻是那样子的(并非常态); (is/am/are) 刚刚或过去的某一刻(was/were); 这样说有强烈的感情色彩;
be动词 + 形容词: 某人是怎么样的(常态)
比如刚刚朋友心情不好而说了些傻话,我们就可以说:You are being silly.
可以说:You are being rude! (你很没礼貌!)
Ideally, your decision should be based upon sound reasoning. 理想情况下,你的决定应基于合理的推理。
Amy has checked the reports and can vouch for the accuracy of the information. Amy已经核实过报告,可以保证信息的准确性。
He was supposed to finish the report by Monday, but he didn't turn it in until Wednesday. 他本应在周一之前完成报告,但直到周三他才上交报告。
Be supposed to / should 的区别
Be supposed to – 是个被动形式,就是被期望,负有…责任;
Should – 更多表示主观上觉得应该做什么什么;
比如I am not feeling well, I should see a doctor.
My computer finally broke.
The performance will start at 7.30 sharp. 演出将于7:30准时开始。
chicken out on sb. – ( Inf.) to decide not to do sth. for or with sb.. 怂了,因为害怕,决定不为谁做什么事情, 或者不和别人一起干什么
Jason chickened out on us and won't be going with us.
She bailed on me after all we had been through together. 我们在一起经历了所有这些事后, 她竟然抛弃了我。